126 research outputs found

    Phase 1b/2a trial of the superoxide dismutase mimetic GC4419 to reduce chemoradiotherapy-induced oral mucositis in patients with oral cavity or oropharyngeal carcinoma

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    PURPOSE: To assess the safety of the superoxide dismutase mimetic GC4419 in combination with radiation and concurrent cisplatin for patients with oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer (OCC) and to assess the potential of GC4419 to reduce severe oral mucositis (OM). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with locally advanced OCC treated with definitive or postoperative intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) plus cisplatin received GC4419 by 60-minute intravenous infusion, ending \u3c60 minutes before IMRT, Monday through Friday for 3 to 7 weeks, in a dose and duration escalation study. Oral mucositis was assessed twice weekly during and weekly after IMRT. RESULTS: A total of 46 patients received GC4419 in 11 separate dosing and duration cohorts: dose escalation occurred in 5 cohorts receiving 15 to 112 mg/d over 3 weeks (n=20), duration escalation in 3 cohorts receiving 112 mg/d over 4 to 6 weeks (n=12), and then 3 additional cohorts receiving 30 or 90 mg/d over 6 to 7 weeks (n=14). A maximum tolerated dose was not reached. One dose-limiting toxicity (grade 3 gastroenteritis and vomiting with hyponatremia) occurred in each of 2 separate cohorts at 112 mg. Nausea/vomiting and facial paresthesia during infusion seemed to be GC4419 dose-related. Severe OM occurred through 60 Gy in 4 of 14 patients (29%) dosed for 6 to 7 weeks, with median duration of only 2.5 days. CONCLUSIONS: The safety of GC4419 concurrently with chemoradiation for OCC was acceptable. Toxicities included nausea/vomiting and paresthesia. Doses of 30 and 90 mg/d administered for 7 weeks were selected for further study. In an exploratory analysis, severe OM seemed less frequent and briefer than expected

    Classical skyrmions in SU(N)/SO(N) cosets

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    We construct the skyrmion solutions appearing in the coset spaces SU(N)/SO(N) for N > 2 and compute their classical mass. For N = 3, the third homotopy group pi_3(SU(3)/SO(3)) = Z_4 implies the existence of two distinct solutions: the skyrmion of winding number two has spherical symmetry and is found to be the lightest non-trivial field configuration; the skyrmion and antiskyrmion of winding number plus and minus one are slightly heavier and of toroidal shape. For N >= 4, there is only one skyrmion since the third homotopy group is Z_2. It is found to have spherical symmetry and is significantly lighter than the N = 3 solutions.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures; v2: discussion improve

    A Strategy for Electronic Dissemination of NASA Langley Technical Publications

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    To demonstrate NASA Langley Research Center\u27s relevance and to transfer technology to external customers in a timely and efficient manner, Langley has formed a working group to study and recommend a course of action for the electronic dissemination of technical reports (EDTR). The working group identified electronic report requirements (e.g., accessibility, file format, search requirements) of customers in U.S. industry through numerous site visits and personal contacts. Internal surveys were also used to determine commonalities in document preparation methods. From these surveys, a set of requirements for an electronic dissemination system was developed. Two candidate systems were identified and evaluated against the set of requirements: the Full-Text Electronic Documents System (FEDS), which is a full-text retrieval system based on the commercial document management package Interleaf, and the Langley Technical Report Server (LTRS), which is a Langley-developed system based on the publicly available World Wide Web (WWW) software system. Factors that led to the selection of LTRS as the vehicle for electronic dissemination included searching and viewing capability, current system operability, and client software availability for multiple platforms at no cost to industry. This report includes the survey results, evaluations, a description of the LTRS architecture, recommended policy statement, and suggestions for future implementations

    Design and synthesis of dual 5-HT1A and 5-HT7 receptor ligands

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    5-HT and 5-HT receptors have been at the center of discussions recently due in part to their major role in the etiology of major central nervous system diseases such as depression, sleep disorders, and schizophrenia. As part of our search to identify dual targeting ligands for these receptors, we have carried out a systematic modification of a selective 5HT receptor ligand culminating in the identification of several dual 5-HT and 5-HT receptor ligands. Compound , a butyrophenone derivative of tetrahydroisoquinoline (THIQ), was identified as the most potent agent with low nanomolar binding affinities to both receptors. Interestingly, compound also displayed moderate affinity to other clinically relevant dopamine receptors. Thus, it is anticipated that compound may serve as a lead for further exploitation in our quest to identify new ligands with the potential to treat diseases of CNS origin

    Dangerous Skyrmions in Little Higgs Models

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    Skyrmions are present in many models of electroweak symmetry breaking where the Higgs is a pseudo-Goldstone boson of some strongly interacting sector. They are stable, composite objects whose mass lies in the range 10-100 TeV and can be naturally abundant in the universe due to their small annihilation cross-section. They represent therefore good dark matter candidates. We show however in this work that the lightest skyrmion states are electrically charged in most of the popular little Higgs models, and hence should have been directly or indirectly observed in nature already. The charge of the skyrmion under the electroweak gauge group is computed in a model-independent way and is related to the presence of anomalies in the underlying theory via the Wess-Zumino-Witten term.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures; v2: minor changes, one reference added, version to appear in JHEP; v3: erratum added, conclusions unchange

    Concert recording 2019-10-27

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    [Track 1]. Now sleeps the crimson petal / Roger Quilter -- [Track 2]. Ideale / Paolo Tosti -- [Track 3]. Intorno all\u27idol mio / Anthony Cesti -- [Track 4]. Chanson triste / Henri Duparc -- [Track 5]. Son tutta duolol / Alessandro Scarlatti -- [Track 6]. Aprile / P. Tosti -- [Track 7]. Ah, love, but a day! / Amy Beach -- [Track 8]. So shall the lute and harp awake from An Oratorio-Judas Maccebaeus / George Frideric Handel -- [Track 9]. Come again / John Dowland -- [Track 10]. Der kuss / Ludwig van Beethoven -- [Track 11]. An Chloe / W. A. Mozart -- [Track 12]. Auf dem Wasser zu singen / Franz Schubert --[Track 13]. Allerseelen / Richard Strauss -- [Track 14]. I never saw another butterfly. II. Yes, that\u27s the way things are ; [Track 15]. III. Birdsong / Lori Laitman -- [Track 16]. Je dis que rien m\u27epouvante from Carmen / Georges Bizet -- [Track 17]. Che gelinda manina from La Boheme / Giacomo Puccini -- [Track 18]. Kristine Mezines, piano Granada / Agustin Lara -- [Track 19]. My name from Eve-Song / Jake Heggie -- [Track 20]. Do not go, my love / Richard Hageman

    Environmental and biological controls on Mg and Li in deep-sea scleractinian corals

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters 300 (2010): 215-225, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.09.029.Deep-sea scleractinian corals precipitate aragonite skeletons that provide valuable archives of past ocean conditions. During calcification biological mediation causes variability in trace metal incorporation and isotopic ratios of the aragonite such that signals caused by environmental controls can be overwhelmed. This complicates the interpretation of geochemical proxies used for paleo-reconstructions. In this study we examine the environmental controls on the Mg/Li ratio of 34 individuals from seven genera of deep-sea scleractinian corals: Desmophyllum, Balanophyllia, Caryophyllia, Enallopsammia, Flabellum, Trochocyanthus, and Lophelia. In addition we examine the distributions of Mg and Li in Desmophyllum and Balanophyllia using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Both Mg/Ca and Li/Ca ratios increased by more than a factor of 2 in the center of calcification regions compared to the outer, fibrous regions of the coral skeleton. As a result, replicate ~10 mg subsamples of coral show less variability in the Mg/Li ratio than Mg/Ca. Microscale Mg and Li results are consistent with Rayleigh-type incorporation of trace metals with additional processes dominating composition within centers of calcification. Comparison of Mg/Li to seawater properties near the site of collection shows that the ratio is not controlled by either carbonate ion or salinity. It appears that temperature is the major control on the Mg/Li ratio. For all 34 samples the temperature correlation (R2=0.62) is significantly better than for Mg/Ca (R2=0.06). For corals of the family Caryophyllidae the R2 value increases to 0.82 with the exclusion of one sample that was observed to have an altered, chalky texture. Despite this excellent correlation the scatter in the data suggests that the Mg/Li ratio of deep-sea corals cannot be used to reconstruct temperature to better than approximately ±1.6°C without better temperature control and additional calibration points on modern coral samples.Financial Support was provided by the USGS WHOI Co-operative agreement, NSF-ANT grant numbers 0636787 and 80295700 and the WHOI Ocean Life Institute. David Case was supported by the WHOI Summer Student Fellowship

    Evangelical Christianity and Women’s Changing Lives

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    Women have outnumbered men as followers of Christianity at least since the transition to industrial capitalist modernity in the West. Yet developments in women's lives in relation to employment, family and feminist values are challenging their Christian religiosity. Building on a new strand of gender analysis in the sociology of religion, this article argues that gender is central to patterns of religiosity and secularization in the West. It then offers a case study of evangelical Christianity in England to illustrate how changes in women's lives are affecting their religiosity. Specifically, it argues that evangelical Christianity continues to be important among women occupying more traditional social positions (as wives and mothers), but adherence is declining among the growing number whose lives do not fit this older model
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