8,394 research outputs found

    Deep sea mega-geomorphology: Progress and problems

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    Historically, marine geologists have always worked with mega-scale morphology. This is a consequence both of the scale of the ocean basins and of the low resolution of the observational remote sensing tools available until very recently. In fact, studies of deep sea morphology have suffered from a serious gap in observational scale. Traditional wide-beam echo sounding gave images on a scale of miles, while deep sea photography has been limited to scales of a few tens of meters. Recent development of modern narrow-beam echo sounding coupled with computer-controlled swath mapping systems, and development of high-resolution deep-towed side-scan sonar, are rapidly filling in the scale gap. These technologies also can resolve morphologic detail on a scale of a few meters or less. As has also been true in planetary imaging projects, the ability to observe phenomena over a range of scales has proved very effective in both defining processes and in placing them in proper context

    Volcanology and morphology

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    Apollo 15 photographs of the southern parts of Serenitatis and Imbrium were used for a study of the morphology and distribution of wrinkle ridges. Volcanic and structural features along the south margin of Serenitatis were also studied, including the Dawes basalt cinder cones. Volcanic and structural features in crater Aitken were investigated as well. Study of crater Goclenius showed a close relationship between morphology of the impact crater and grabens which tend to parallel directions of the lunar grid. Similar trends were observed in the walls of crater Tsiolkovsky and other linear structures. Small craters of possible volcanic origin were also studied. Possible cinder cones were found associated with the Dawes basalt and in the floor of craters Aitken and Goclenius. Small pit craters were observed in the floors of these craters. Attempts were made to obtain contour maps of specific small features and to compare Orbiter and Apollo photographs to determine short term changes associated with other processes

    Water Quality Trends across Select 319 Monitoring Sites in Northwest Arkansas

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    Northwest Arkansas contains two 319 priority watersheds that the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission has identified as being impacted by point source and nonpoint source pollution (i.e., phosphorus, nitrogen, and sediment). This project specifically focused on determining water quality trends at select sites within the Illinois River (HUC# 11110103) and Beaver Reservoir (HUC# 11010001) priority watersheds, including Ballard Creek, Osage Creek, Illinois River, White River, West Fork White River and the Kings River where sufficient constituent data were available. Water quality trends were analyzed using flow‐adjusted constituent concentrations of phosphorus, nitrogen, sediment, sulfate and chloride, and parametric and non‐parametric statistical techniques to determine if constituent concentrations were increasing, decreasing or not significantly changing over time. Overall, flow‐adjusted concentrations of phosphorus and sediment have been decreasing across these watersheds based upon both statistical approaches. The decrease in phosphorus was likely the most important observation, because most water quality concerns in this region have focused on elevated phosphorus concentrations in these transboundary watersheds. These trends can be used along with other watershed information to improve the knowledge of how past, current, and future management decisions have influenced the watershed

    Questions and Answers about Tolbutamide, the Oral Hypoglycemic Agent

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    Contributions to the Science of Environmental Impact Assessment: Three Papers on the Arctic Cisco (Coregonus autumnalis) of Northern Alaska

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    Editor's Introduction -- D. W. Norton; An Assessment of the Colville River Delta Stock of Arctic Cisco--Migrants from Canada? -- B. J. Gallaway, W. B. Griffiths, P. C. Craig, W. J. Gazey, and J. W. Helmericks; Temperature Preference of Juvenile Arctic Cisco (Coregonus autumnalis) From the Alaskan Beaufort Sea -- R. G. Fechhelm, W. H. Neill, and B. J. Gallaway; Modeling Movements and Distribution of Arctic Cisco (Coregonus autumnalis) Relative to Temperature-Salinity Regimes of the Beaufort Sea Near the Waterflood Causeway, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. -- W. H. Neill, R. G. Fechhelm, B. J. Gallaway, J. D. Bryan, and S. W. Anderson; Notice to Author

    Broad Spectrum Microwave Systems for Remotely Measuring Soil Moisture Content

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    A theoretical and experimental study of the microwave reflectivity of soils with varying moisture content was conducted. A system was developed to measure reflectivity over a continuous frequency range of 4 to 26.5 GHz, at incidence angles from 10° to 70°, and with both horizontal and vertical polarization. The measurements were found to be extremely accurate for smooth homogeneous surfaces, however, the effects of surface roughness were found to be more severe than predicted due to the discontinuous nature of naturally occurring rough surfaces. An algorithm was developed which used the frequency dependence of the reflectivity to estimate the effective roughness of the surface and permit correction to an equivalent smooth surface reflectivity which in turn could be related to dielectric constant or percent moisture content. For the frequency range of investigation the maximum mean square height deviation that could be accomodated was approximately one inch. From this it may be concluded that operational airborne or spacecraft sensors must operate in the 500 MHz to 1 GHz range. Even at this reduced frequency it will be impossible to neglect the effects of roughness and a diversity technique such as developed here is essential if an absolute measure of soil moisture is to be made

    Green and blue water accounting in the Limpopo and Nile Basins: Implications for food and agricultural policy

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    Green water, Blue water, Irrigation, Rainfed, Agriculture, technology, Investment, Impact, Climate change, Water resources,

    A Nonlinear Coupling Network to Simulate the Development of the r-mode Instablility in Neutron Stars II. Dynamics

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    Two mechanisms for nonlinear mode saturation of the r-mode in neutron stars have been suggested: the parametric instability mechanism involving a small number of modes and the formation of a nearly continuous Kolmogorov-type cascade. Using a network of oscillators constructed from the eigenmodes of a perfect fluid incompressible star, we investigate the transition between the two regimes numerically. Our network includes the 4995 inertial modes up to n<= 30 with 146,998 direct couplings to the r-mode and 1,306,999 couplings with detuning< 0.002 (out of a total of approximately 10^9 possible couplings). The lowest parametric instability thresholds for a range of temperatures are calculated and it is found that the r-mode becomes unstable to modes with 13<n<15. In the undriven, undamped, Hamiltonian version of the network the rate to achieve equipartition is found to be amplitude dependent, reminiscent of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem. More realistic models driven unstable by gravitational radiation and damped by shear viscosity are explored next. A range of damping rates, corresponding to temperatures 10^6K to 10^9K, is considered. Exponential growth of the r-mode is found to cease at small amplitudes, approximately 10^-4. For strongly damped, low temperature models, a few modes dominate the dynamics. The behavior of the r-mode is complicated, but its amplitude is still no larger than about 10^-4 on average. For high temperature, weakly damped models the r-mode feeds energy into a sea of oscillators that achieve approximate equipartition. In this case the r-mode amplitude settles to a value for which the rate to achieve equipartition is approximately the linear instability growth rate.Comment: 18 Pages 14 Figure