38 research outputs found

    Continuity of Optimal Control Costs and its application to Weak KAM Theory

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    We prove continuity of certain cost functions arising from optimal control of affine control systems. We give sharp sufficient conditions for this continuity. As an application, we prove a version of weak KAM theorem and consider the Aubry-Mather problems corresponding to these systems.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figures, added explanations in the proofs of the main theorem and the exampl

    Adaptation of the generic PDE's results to the notion of prevalence

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    Many generic results have been proved, especially concerning the qualitative behaviour of solutions of partial differential equations. Recently, a new notion of "almost always", the prevalence, has been developped for vectorial spaces. This notion is interesting since, for example, prevalence sets are equivalent to the full Lebesgue measure sets in finite dimensional spaces. The purpose of this article is to adapt the generic PDE's results to the notion of prevalence. In particular, we consider the cases where Sard-Smale theorems or arguments of analytic perturbations of the parameters are used

    A striking correspondence between the dynamics generated by the vector fields and by the scalar parabolic equations

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    The purpose of this paper is to enhance a correspondence between the dynamics of the differential equations y˙(t)=g(y(t))\dot y(t)=g(y(t)) on Rd\mathbb{R}^d and those of the parabolic equations u˙=Δu+f(x,u,u)\dot u=\Delta u +f(x,u,\nabla u) on a bounded domain Ω\Omega. We give details on the similarities of these dynamics in the cases d=1d=1, d=2d=2 and d3d\geq 3 and in the corresponding cases Ω=(0,1)\Omega=(0,1), Ω=T1\Omega=\mathbb{T}^1 and dim(Ω\Omega)2\geq 2 respectively. In addition to the beauty of such a correspondence, this could serve as a guideline for future research on the dynamics of parabolic equations

    Selfsimilar solutions in a sector for a quasilinear parabolic equation

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    We study a two-point free boundary problem in a sector for a quasilinear parabolic equation. The boundary conditions are assumed to be spatially and temporally "self-similar" in a special way. We prove the existence, uniqueness and asymptotic stability of an expanding solution which is self-similar at discrete times. We also study the existence and uniqueness of a shrinking solution which is self-similar at discrete times.Comment: 23 page

    On local linearization of control systems

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    We consider the problem of topological linearization of smooth (C infinity or real analytic) control systems, i.e. of their local equivalence to a linear controllable system via point-wise transformations on the state and the control (static feedback transformations) that are topological but not necessarily differentiable. We prove that local topological linearization implies local smooth linearization, at generic points. At arbitrary points, it implies local conjugation to a linear system via a homeomorphism that induces a smooth diffeomorphism on the state variables, and, except at "strongly" singular points, this homeomorphism can be chosen to be a smooth mapping (the inverse map needs not be smooth). Deciding whether the same is true at "strongly" singular points is tantamount to solve an intriguing open question in differential topology

    Systematic Review of Economic Evaluations of Preparedness Strategies and Interventions against Influenza Pandemics

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    BACKGROUND: Although public health guidelines have implications for resource allocation, these issues were not explicitly considered in previous WHO pandemic preparedness and response guidance. In order to ensure a thorough and informed revision of this guidance following the H1N1 2009 pandemic, a systematic review of published and unpublished economic evaluations of preparedness strategies and interventions against influenza pandemics was conducted. METHODS: The search was performed in September 2011 using 10 electronic databases, 2 internet search engines, reference list screening, cited reference searching, and direct communication with relevant authors. Full and partial economic evaluations considering both costs and outcomes were included. Conversely, reviews, editorials, and studies on economic impact or complications were excluded. Studies were selected by 2 independent reviewers. RESULTS: 44 studies were included. Although most complied with the cost effectiveness guidelines, the quality of evidence was limited. However, the data sources used were of higher quality in economic evaluations conducted after the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. Vaccination and drug regimens were varied. Pharmaceutical plus non-pharmaceutical interventions are relatively cost effective in comparison to vaccines and/or antivirals alone. Pharmaceutical interventions vary from cost saving to high cost effectiveness ratios. According to ceiling thresholds (Gross National Income per capita), the reduction of non-essential contacts and the use of pharmaceutical prophylaxis plus the closure of schools are amongst the cost effective strategies for all countries. However, quarantine for household contacts is not cost effective even for low and middle income countries. CONCLUSION: The available evidence is generally inconclusive regarding the cost effectiveness of preparedness strategies and interventions against influenza pandemics. Studies on their effectiveness and cost effectiveness should be readily implemented in forthcoming events that also involve the developing world. Guidelines for assessing the impact of disease and interventions should be drawn up to facilitate these studies

    Robust Nonlinear Tracking Control Based on Differential Flatness

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