31 research outputs found

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    Earliest Pragian (Early Devonian) corals and stromatoporoids from reefal settings in the Cantabrian Zone (N Spain)

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    p. 301-323The oldest reefal episode in the Cantabrian Zone (earliest Pragian) consists of small biostromal patch reefs, mainly built by corals and stromatoporoids, and developed on a storm-dominated ramp. Four outcrops provide the stratigraphic framework in which these reef facies developed, and these permitted an interpretation of their depositional setting in terms of a relatively distal or protected shelf. We systematically describe three species of rugose corals, five species of tabulate corals, and six species of stromatoporoids. This fauna is allocated to three Pragian fossil associations. Association 1 is mainly composed of massive tabulate corals and stromatoporoids. Association 2 contains dominant branching rugose and tabulate corals. Finally, association 3 is represented by tiny massive tabulate corals. Each association occurs at a specific location within a framework of high-frequency deepening upward cycles, being related to a specific depositional setting. This mode of occurrence suggests that their development was tuned by relative base-level oscillations, forming during rises that took the sea-bottom to relatively deep or sheltered conditions, with rare reworking by storm-related currents. Finally, a comparison of this reefal fauna with examples of similar age from elsewhere is presented in order to explore their affinities.S

    Hospital discharge planning and continuity of care for aged people in an Italian local health unit: does the care-home model reduce hospital readmission and mortality rates?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hospital discharge planning is aimed to decrease length of stay in hospitals as well as to ensure continuity of health care after being discharged. Hospitalized patients in Turin, Italy, who are in need of medical, social and rehabilitative care are proposed as candidates to either discharge planning relying on a care-home model (DPCH) for a period of about 30 days, or routine discharge care. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether a hospital DPCH that was compared with routine care, improved patients' outcomes in terms of reduced hospital readmission and mortality rates in patients aged 64 years and older.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a retrospective observational cohort study a sample of 380 subjects aged 64 years and over was examined. Participants were discharged from the hospital S.Giovanni Bosco in Turin, Italy from March 1<sup>st</sup>, 2005 to February 28<sup>th</sup>, 2006. Of these subjects, 107 received routine discharge care while 273 patients were referred to care-home (among them, 99 received a long-term care intervention (LTCI) afterwards while 174 did not). Data was gathered from various administrative and electronic databases. Cox regression models were used to evaluate factors associated with mortality and hospital readmission.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>When socio-demographic factors, underlying disease and disability were taken into account, DPCH decreased mortality rates only if it was followed by a LTCI: compared to routine care, the Hazard Ratio (HR) of death was 0.36 (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 0.20 – 0.66) and 1.15 (95%CI: 0.77 – 1.74) for DPCH followed by LTCI and DPCH not followed by LTCI, respectively. On the other hand, readmission rates did not significantly differ among DPCH and routine care, irrespective of the implementation of a LTCI: HRs of hospital readmission were 1.01 (95%CI: 0.48 – 2.24) and 1.18 (95%CI: 0.71 – 1.96), respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The use of DPCH after hospital discharge reduced mortality rates, but only when it was followed by a long-term health care plan, thus ensuring continuity of care for elderly participants.</p

    Alveolítidos y estromatopóridos del Devónico de Irán: consideraciones paleobiogeográficas

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    Alveolitid tabulate corals and stromatoporoids coming from diferent Devonian outcrops of Irán are analysed. Some preliminary results relative to the stromatoporoids have been previously published and a systematic study on the alveolitids is currently in preparation. Preliminary data on alveolitids are accordiing with the paleographical considerations specially stated by stromatoporoid faunas

    Alveolites parvus, tabulate Coral from Upper Devonian of Iran

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    p. 261-273Corales tabulados de la familia Alvelitidae, procedentes de diversos yacimientos del Frasniense de Irán, y que con anterioridad sólo habían sido citados, son descritos por primera vez en esta trabajo. El estudio cualitativo y cuantitativo de sus rasgos morfológicos ha permitido asignar ese material a Alveolites parvus Lecompte. El análisis de la forma externa de las colonias ha permitido realizar diversas inferencias paleoecológicas. La presencia de esta taxón en el Frasniense de Irán está de acuerdo con datos paleogeobiográficos aportados por diversas faunas.S

    Coraux tabulés givétiens d'Ardenne méridionale (paléobiodiversité et implications paléoécologiques)

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    Les coraux tabulés connaissent leur apogée au Dévonien moyen. A cette époque et plus particulièrement au Givétien, la présence de plates-formes carbonatées peu profondes et un climat chaud favorisent leur installation et leur développement sur le bord sud du synclinorium de Dinant. L objectif de ce travail est d étudier l influence du milieu sur les faunes de coraux tabulés et notamment sur la biodiversité, la morphologie des organismes et sur les interactions avec des endobiontes. Pour se faire, cette étude a nécessité l analyse de 1670 spécimens de tabulés (répartis en 57 espèces) récoltés dans trois coupes : le Cul d Houille, le Mont d Haurs et les Monts de Baileux. Les analyses de biodiversité montrent que l abondance et la richesse spécifique sont largement contrôlées par l environnement. Les coraux tabulés bien que présents dans tous les environnements de la plate-forme récifale sont fortement représentés dans le récif stricto sensu. L étude a mis en évidence des adaptations des faunes aux contraintes du milieu telles que le développement de l appareil septal et/ou un épaississement de la paroi en zone très agitée. Il est également à noter la mise en place de morphologies différentes en fonction de l intensité de la houle. Des endobiontes (Helicosalpinx, Phragmosalpinx, Torquaysalpinx et Trypanopora) ont été repérés dans 86 colonies d Alveolitidae. L étude montre que l endobionte choisit préférentiellement son hôte et induit des modifications du squelette. Leur présence est corrélée à l abondance et à la biodiversité des coraux dans le milieu. Enfin, les faunes ardennaises présentent une affinité forte avec le Bergischen Land et les Monts Sainte-Croix.Tabulate corals know their apogee during the Middle Devonian. At this time and especially during the Givetian, the presence on the southern part of Dinant synclinorium of shallow carbonated platforms and the tropical climate support their installation and their development. This study focuses on the influence of the environment on tabulate faunas and particularly on the biodiversity, morphology of these corals and on the interactions with endobionts. The analysis were performed on 1670 specimens of tabulates (57 species) collected in three outcrops: the Cul d Houille, the Mont d Haurs and the Monts de Baileux sections. The analyses of biodiversity show that abundance and specific richness are strongly controlled by the environment. Tabulate corals are present in all environments of reefal platform but they are strongly represented in the reef strict sensu. The study highlights adaptations of faunas to the constraints of the environment like great development of septal apparatus and/or a thickening of the wall in strongly agitated zone. The study shows also the variation of external morphology according to the intensity of the swell. Endobionts (Helicosalpinx, Phragmosalpinx, Torquaysalpinx and Trypanopora) were located in 86 colonies of Alveolitidae. The study shows that the endobionts preferentially choose its host and induced modifications of the skeleton. Their presence is correlated with the abundance and the biodiversity of tabulate corals in environment. Finally, tabulate corals of Ardenne have a strong affinity with faunas of Bergischen Land (Germany) and Holy Cross Mountains (Poland).LILLE1-Bib. Electronique (590099901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Recherches et richesses paléontologiques : le patrimoine géologique de l'Université Catholique de Lille

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    Inventaire du patrimoine géologique (collections) conservé au laboratoire de paléontologie stratigraphique de l'Université catholique de Lille, précédé d'un historique du laboratoire et introduction au catalogue scientifique où seront présentés, par région et par période, les différentes collection