12 research outputs found

    Purification and characterization of peptides present in the Tityus serrulatus scorpion venom

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    A cada dia os relatos sobre acidentes por escorpiões vêm aumentando no Brasil, com frequentes casos fatais. Dentre os escorpiões que compõem a fauna brasileira temos o Tityus serrulatus, considerado o mais perigoso por conta de sua facilidade adaptativa em centros urbanos e das manifestações clínicas severas em vítimas acidentadas, como febre, agitação psicomotora, hipertensão arterial seguida de hipotensão e edema pulmonar agudo. Dentre os componentes da peçonha se destacam os peptídeos estruturados por ligações dissulfeto, que são abundantemente relatados na literatura e atuam em canais de Na+ e K+. Ao contrário, os peptídeos lineares são pouco caracterizados. A partir desta premissa, nosso grupo identificou peptídeos lineares do veneno através de um screening empregando a enzima elastase. Esta enzima foi escolhida por estar envolvida em processos inflamatórios exacerbados, como em casos de edema pulmonar agudo, que é um dos principais sintomas do escorpionismo. Encontramos mais de 700 sequências peptídicas onde, através de um criterioso processo com o uso de bancos de dados de sequências depositadas e a literatura, selecionamos nove moléculas inéditas (TsP1 a TsP9) e duas já estudadas (hipotensinas I e II) para a síntese. Dentre estas moléculas, identificamos possíveis criptídeos advindos da Ts19 e moléculas com processamento diferenciado envolvendo a combinação de sequências peptídicas diferentes (peptídeos quiméricos), primeiramente relatadas e investigadas na peçonha do T. serrulatus neste trabalho. Além da elastase, utilizamos as enzimas de importância médica tripsina, ECA e NEP e os peptídeos sintéticos em nossos estudos, visando aumentar o conhecimento dos mecanismos moleculares envolvidos no escorpionismo e, também, com base no potencial biotecnológico de moléculas capazes de exercerem modulações das atividades destas peptidases. Destacaram-se peptídeos que podem ter ação em processos inflamatórios, uma vez que foram capazes de aumentar a atividade da elastase e tripsina, com destaque para o TsP5, que também apresentou citotoxidade intermediária. Alguns peptídeos aumentaram a atividade da ECA, sendo o peptídeo TsP2 capaz de potencializar a ação da bradicinina in vivo. A hipotensina I foi caracterizada como um inibidor não competitivo da NEP (Ki = 4,35 µM), podendo indicar a possível inibição desta metalopeptidase nos casos de hipotensão, onde a hipotensina I pode agir de forma sinérgica com o [des-Arg1]-Proctolin (Ki = 0,94 µM para a NEP), outro peptídeo linear do veneno caracterizado por nosso grupo. Os peptídeos não foram reconhecidos pelos soros antiescorpiônico e antiaracnídico produzidos pelo Instituto Butantan podendo indicar limitações na imunoterapia utilizada no tratamento das vítimas. Por fim, além dos novos peptídeos identificados, finalizamos a caracterização do FTR, um tripeptídeo que apresentou em nossos trabalhos anteriores propriedades antinociceptivas. No presente trabalho, demonstramos que este peptídeo é capaz de agir na via opioide, atuando em receptores delta de forma direta. Assim, com a identificação e caracterização destas moléculas conseguimos novos dados referentes a possíveis origens e processamento, ações tóxicas no envenenamento e potencial biotecnológico de alguns peptídeos lineares do T. serrulatus.Reports of scorpions accidents with humans are increasing in Brazil, with some of the cases resulting in death. Among the scorpions from the Brazilian fauna, Tityus serrulatus is considered the most dangerous species, due to its easy adaptation in urban centers, and because it brings severe clinical manifestations in the victims, such as fever, psychomotor agitation, arterial hypertension followed by hypotension and acute pulmonary edema. Among the venom components that stand out are the peptides structured by disulfide bonds, which are richly reported in the literature and act on Na+ and K+ channels. In contrast, linear peptides are poorly characterized. From this evidence, our group identified linear peptides of the venom using the serine protease elastase screening. This enzyme was chosen because it is involved in inflammatory processes, such as cases of acute pulmonary edema, one of the main symptoms of scorpionism caused by T. serrulatus. More than 700 peptide sequences where found and, through a careful process using protein databases and the literature, from these all, we selected nine novel (TsP1 to TsP9) and two already characterized (hypotensins I and II) sequences for synthesis. Among these molecules, we identified possible cryptides derived from Ts19 and others molecules, with different processing involving combination of different peptide sequences (chimeric peptides), which are here firstly reported and investigated in the venom of T. serrulatus. In addition to elastase, we tested other enzymes of medical importance - trypsin, ACE and NEP - with the synthetic peptides, aiming to increase the knowledge of molecular mechanisms involved in scorpionism and also based on the biotechnological potential of peptidase-modulator molecules. Peptides that may have an action in inflammatory processes were highlighted, since they were able to increase the activity of elastase and trypsin, especially the TsP5, which also showed intermediate cytotoxicity. Some peptides increased the ACE activity, with the peptide TsP2 capable of potentializing the action of bradykinin in vivo. Hypotensin I was characterized as a noncompetitive inhibitor of NEP (Ki = 4.35 µM) and may indicate the possible inhibition of this metallopeptidase in cases of hypotension, where hypotensin I may act synergistically with [des-Arg1] - Proctolin (Kµ = 0.94 µM for NEP), a linear peptide present in the venom already characterized by our group. The peptides were not recognized by the antiscorpion and antiarachinid sera produced by the Butantan Institute and may indicate limitations in the immunotherapy. Finally, in addition to the new identified peptides, we concluded the in vivo characterization of FTR, a tripeptide that presented antinociceptive properties in our previous studies. In the present work, we demonstrate that this peptide is able to act in the opioid pathway, acting directly on delta receptors. Thus, with the identification and characterization of these molecules we obtained new data regarding possible origins and processing, toxic actions in the envenomation and biotechnological potential of some linear peptides of T. serrulatus venom

    Search for new substrates and/or inhibitors of thimet oligopeptidase (EC3.4.24.15) and neurolysin (EC3.4.24.16) enzymes in low molecular weight fractions of Tityus serrulatus scorpion venom.

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    O escorpião Tityus serrulatus é o responsável pelos acidentes mais graves no Brasil. Dentre os componentes já estudados de sua peçonha estão neurotoxinas capazes de interagir com canais iônicos, além de peptídeos biologicamente ativos também estarem presentes. Neste estudo foram isolados peptídeos da fração de baixa massa molecular da peçonha que interagiram com as oligopeptidases timet oligopeptidase (EP24.15) e neurolisina (EP24.16) através do emprego de substratos fluorescentes específicos como ferramentas. Usando espectrometria de massas, as sequências KEILG, FTR, YLPT e do análogo KELLG foram determinadas e posteriormente sintetizadas. In vitro, os peptídeos não foram substratos para enzimas já citadas, além de testes com a neprelisina e ECA. Em relação à inibição, os destaques ficam por conta de KELLG e KEILG, capazes de inibirem a EP 24.15 e de não inibirem a EP 24.16. Outro destaque foi o YLPT, apresentando um Ki de 0,94 mM perante a neprilisina. In vivo os peptídeos foram testados em relação à nocicepção, rolamento de leucócitos e reatividade vascular, onde se destacou o FTR, apresentando efeito antinociceptivo e o KEILG, capaz de aumentar o número de leucócitos, ressaltando a importância de pequenas moléculas na composição da peçonha.The scorpion Tityus serrulatus is responsible for the most serious accidents in Brazil. Among the components already studied in its venom, neurotoxins are able to interact with ion channels, and peptides with biological activity are also present. In this study, peptides from low molecular weight fraction of the venom that interacted with the oligopeptidases thimet oligopeptidase (EP24.15) and neurolysin (EP24.16) were isolated using specific fluorescent substrates as a tool. Sequences from the peptides KEILG, FTR, YLPT and the analogue KELLG were determined by mass spectrometry and subsequently synthesized. In vitro, the peptides were not substrates for those enzymes, neither for neprilysin and ACE enzymes. Concerning inhibition, the highlights are the KELLG and KEILG, which were able to inhibit EP 24.15 but not EP 24.16. Another peptide thats worth to mention is YLPT, with a Ki of 0.94 mM for neprilysin. In vivo, the peptides were tested for nociception, rolling of leukocytes and vascular reactivity, being the FTR distinguished to be able to cause antinociceptive effect and KEILG to increase the number of leukocytes. These results emphasize the importance of small molecules in the scorpion venom constitution

    New Insights into the Hypotensins from Tityus serrulatus Venom: Pro-Inflammatory and Vasopeptidases Modulation Activities

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    The Tityus serrulatus scorpion is considered the most dangerous of the Brazilian fauna due to the severe clinical manifestations in injured victims. Despite being abundant components of the venom, few linear peptides have been characterized so far, such as hypotensins. In vivo studies have demonstrated that hypotensin I (TsHpt-I) exerts hypotensive activity, with an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-independent mechanism of action. Since experiments have not yet been carried out to analyze the direct interaction of hypotensins with ACE, and to deepen the knowledge about these peptides, hypotensins I and II (TsHpt-II) were studied regarding their modulatory action over the activities of ACE and neprilysin (NEP), which are the peptidases involved in blood pressure control. Aiming to search for indications of possible pro-inflammatory action, hypotensins were also analyzed for their role in murine macrophage viability, the release of interleukins and phagocytic activity. TsHpt-I and -II were used in kinetic studies with the metallopeptidases ACE and NEP, and both hypotensins were able to increase the activity of ACE. TsHpt-I presented itself as an inhibitor of NEP, whereas TsHpt-II showed weak inhibition of the enzyme. The mechanism of inhibition of TsHpt-I in relation to NEP was defined as non-competitive, with an inhibition constant (Ki) of 4.35 μM. Concerning the analysis of cell viability and modulation of interleukin levels and phagocytic activity, BALB/c mice’s naïve macrophages were used, and an increase in TNF production in the presence of TsHpt-I and -II was observed, as well as an increase in IL-6 production in the presence of TsHpt-II only. Both hypotensins were able to increase the phagocytic activity of murine macrophages in vitro. The difference between TsHpt-I and -II is the residue at position 15, with a glutamine in TsHpt-I and a glutamic acid in TsHpt-II. Despite this, kinetic analyzes and cell assays indicated different actions of TsHpt-I and -II. Taken together, these results suggest a new mechanism for the hypotensive effects of TsHpt-I and -II. Furthermore, the release of some interleukins also suggests a role for these peptides in the venom inflammatory response. Even though these molecules have been well studied, the present results suggest a new mechanism for the hypotensive effects of TsHpt-

    Modelagem e simulação para técnica experimental slim tube para medição da pressão mínima de miscibilidade

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    A otimização da produção de petróleo é um dos principais aspectos a ser levado em consideração durante a exploração. Por isso, os métodos de recuperação de óleo, que são mecanismos que visam injetar fluidos nos reservatórios para aumentar a produção de hidrocarbonetos, são objetos de estudos na indústria petrolífera. Dentro desse contexto, a injeção de gás miscível como método de recuperação avançada é uma das técnicas utilizadas para melhorar o deslocamento de óleo no reservatório e aumentar a sua produção. Por isso, entender quais parâmetros são importantes na aplicação do método e necessários para evitar gastos de dinheiro e energia. Nesse sentido, estudos de miscibilidade entre os fluidos de reservatórios e os gases de injeção são recorrentes na indústria de petróleo. A pressão mínima de miscibilidade (PMM) definida como a menor pressão que ocorre a miscibilidade entre o óleo e o gás é o objeto de estudo desse trabalho. Criou-se um modelo de simulação baseado em testes Slim Tube, um dos métodos experimentais disponíveis para estimar a PMM. Este método determina a PMM a primeiro contato e a múltiplos contatos e será detalhado melhor ao longo do trabalho.The optimization of oil production is one of the main aspects to be taken into account during exploration. Therefore, oil recovery methods, which are mechanisms that aim to inject fluids into reservoirs to increase the production of hydrocarbons, are objects of in-depth studies in the oil industry. Within this context, miscible gas injection as an advanced recovery method is one of the techniques used to improve oil displacement in the reservoir and increase its production. Therefore, understanding which parameters are important in the application of the method is necessary to avoid unnecessary expenditure of money and energy. In this sense, miscibility studies between reservoir fluids and injection gases are recurrent in the oil industry. The minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) that is defined as the lowest pressure that miscibility occurs between oil and gas is the object of study of this work. A simulation model was created based on Slim Tube tests, one of the experimental methods available to calculate the MMP, capable of estimating the MMP at first contact and at multiple contacts, which will be further detailed throughout the thesis.67 p

    [des-arg(1)]-proctolin: A Novel Nep-like Enzyme Inhibitor Identified In Tityus Serrulatus Venom

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)The scorpion Tityus serrulatus venom comprises a complex mixture of molecules that paralyzes and kills preys, especially insects. However, venom components also interact with molecules in humans, causing clinic envenomation. This cross-interaction may result from homologous molecular targets in mammalians and insects, such as (NEP)-like enzymes. In face of these similarities, we searched for peptides in Tityus serrulatus venom using human NEP as a screening tool. We found a NEP-inhibiting peptide with the primary sequence YLPT, which is very similar to that of the insect neuropeptide proctolin (RYLPT). Thus, we named the new peptide [des-Arg(1)]-proctolin. Comparative NEP activity assays using natural substrates demonstrated that [des-Arg(1)]-proctolin has high specificity for NEP and better inhibitory activity than proctolin. To test the initial hypothesis that molecular homologies allow Tityus serrulatus venom to act on both mammal and insect targets, we investigated the presence of a NEP-like in cockroaches, the main scorpion prey, that could be likewise inhibited by [des-Arg(1)]-proctolin. Indeed, we detected a possible NEP-like in a homogenate of cockroach heads whose activity was blocked by thiorphan and also by [des-Arg(1)]-proctolin. Western blot analysis using a human NEP monoclonal antibody suggested a NEP-like enzyme in the homogenate of cockroach heads. Our study describes for the first time a proctolin-like peptide, named [des-Arg(1)]-proctolin, isolated from Tityus serrulatus venom. The tetrapeptide inhibits human NEP activity and a NEP-like activity in a cockroach head homogenate, thus it may play a role in human envenomation as well as in the paralysis and death of scorpion preys. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.801824Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo [2014/12976-5, 2012/06677-0, 2013/15343-0]Instituto Nacional de Ciencia e Tecnologia em Toxinas-Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnologicoConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Invertebrate Neuropeptide Conference 2015 (INC2015).2015Bagan, MYANMA

    New Insights into the Hypotensins from <i>Tityus serrulatus</i> Venom: Pro-Inflammatory and Vasopeptidases Modulation Activities

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    The Tityus serrulatus scorpion is considered the most dangerous of the Brazilian fauna due to the severe clinical manifestations in injured victims. Despite being abundant components of the venom, few linear peptides have been characterized so far, such as hypotensins. In vivo studies have demonstrated that hypotensin I (TsHpt-I) exerts hypotensive activity, with an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-independent mechanism of action. Since experiments have not yet been carried out to analyze the direct interaction of hypotensins with ACE, and to deepen the knowledge about these peptides, hypotensins I and II (TsHpt-II) were studied regarding their modulatory action over the activities of ACE and neprilysin (NEP), which are the peptidases involved in blood pressure control. Aiming to search for indications of possible pro-inflammatory action, hypotensins were also analyzed for their role in murine macrophage viability, the release of interleukins and phagocytic activity. TsHpt-I and -II were used in kinetic studies with the metallopeptidases ACE and NEP, and both hypotensins were able to increase the activity of ACE. TsHpt-I presented itself as an inhibitor of NEP, whereas TsHpt-II showed weak inhibition of the enzyme. The mechanism of inhibition of TsHpt-I in relation to NEP was defined as non-competitive, with an inhibition constant (Ki) of 4.35 μM. Concerning the analysis of cell viability and modulation of interleukin levels and phagocytic activity, BALB/c mice’s naïve macrophages were used, and an increase in TNF production in the presence of TsHpt-I and -II was observed, as well as an increase in IL-6 production in the presence of TsHpt-II only. Both hypotensins were able to increase the phagocytic activity of murine macrophages in vitro. The difference between TsHpt-I and -II is the residue at position 15, with a glutamine in TsHpt-I and a glutamic acid in TsHpt-II. Despite this, kinetic analyzes and cell assays indicated different actions of TsHpt-I and -II. Taken together, these results suggest a new mechanism for the hypotensive effects of TsHpt-I and -II. Furthermore, the release of some interleukins also suggests a role for these peptides in the venom inflammatory response. Even though these molecules have been well studied, the present results suggest a new mechanism for the hypotensive effects of TsHpt-

    [des-arg(1)]-proctolin: a novel nep-like enzyme inhibitor identified in tityus serrulatus venom

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    The scorpion Tityus serrulatus venom comprises a complex mixture of molecules that paralyzes and kills preys, especially insects. However, venom components also interact with molecules in humans, causing clinic envenomation. This cross-interaction may result from homologous molecular targets in mammalians and insects, such as (NEP)-like enzymes. In face of these similarities, we searched for peptides in Tityus serrulatus venom using human NEP as a screening tool. We found a NEP-inhibiting peptide with the primary sequence YLPT, which is very similar to that of the insect neuropeptide proctolin (RYLPT). Thus, we named the new peptide [des-Arg(1)]-proctolin. Comparative NEP activity assays using natural substrates demonstrated that [des-Arg(1)]-proctolin has high specificity for NEP and better inhibitory activity than proctolin. To test the initial hypothesis that molecular homologies allow Tityus serrulatus venom to act on both mammal and insect targets, we investigated the presence of a NEP-like in cockroaches, the main scorpion prey, that could be likewise inhibited by [des-Arg(1)]-proctolin. Indeed, we detected a possible NEP-like in a homogenate of cockroach heads whose activity was blocked by thiorphan and also by [des-Arg(1)]-proctolin. Western blot analysis using a human NEP monoclonal antibody suggested a NEP-like enzyme in the homogenate of cockroach heads. Our study describes for the first time a proctolin-like peptide, named [des-Arg(1)]-proctolin, isolated from Tityus serrulatus venom. The tetrapeptide inhibits human NEP activity and a NEP-like activity in a cockroach head homogenate, thus it may play a role in human envenomation as well as in the paralysis and death of scorpion preys801824CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPsem informação2014/12976-5; 2012/06677-0; 2013/15343-0Invertebrate Neuropeptide Conference 2015 (INC2015)2015MyanmarBaganInstituto Nacional de Ciencia e Tecnologia em Toxinas-Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologic

    Purification and Biochemical Characterization of TsMS 3 and TsMS 4: Neuropeptide-Degrading Metallopeptidases in the <i>Tityus serrulatus</i> Venom

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    Although omics studies have indicated presence of proteases on the Tityus serrulatus venom (TsV), little is known about the function of these molecules. The TsV contains metalloproteases that cleave a series of human neuropeptides, including the dynorphin A (1-13) and the members of neuropeptide Y family. Aiming to isolate the proteases responsible for this activity, the metalloserrulase 3 and 4 (TsMS 3 and TsMS 4) were purified after two chromatographic steps and identified by mass spectrometry analysis. The biochemical parameters (pH, temperature and cation effects) were determined for both proteases, and the catalytic parameters (Km, kcat, cleavage sites) of TsMS 4 over fluorescent substrate were obtained. The metalloserrulases have a high preference for cleaving neuropeptides but presented different primary specificities. For example, the Leu-enkephalin released from dynorphin A (1-13) hydrolysis was exclusively performed by TsMS 3. Neutralization assays using Butantan Institute antivenoms show that both metalloserrulases were well blocked. Although TsMS 3 and TsMS 4 were previously described through cDNA library studies using the venom gland, this is the first time that both these toxins were purified. Thus, this study represents a step further in understanding the mechanism of scorpion venom metalloproteases, which may act as possible neuropeptidases in the envenomation process

    Insights into the Hypertensive Effects of Tityus serrulatus Scorpion Venom: Purification of an Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme-Like Peptidase

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    The number of cases of envenomation by scorpions has grown significantly in Brazil since 2007, with the most severe cases being caused by the Tityus serrulatus scorpion. Although envenomed patients mostly suffer neurotoxic manifestations, other symptoms, such as hypertension, cannot be exclusively attributed to neurotoxins. Omics analyses have detected plentiful amounts of metalloproteases in T. serrulatus venom. However, the roles played by these enzymes in envenomation are still unclear. Endeavoring to investigate the functions of scorpion venom proteases, we describe here for the first time an Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme-like peptidase (ACE-like) purified from T. serrulatus venom. The crude venom cleaved natural and fluorescent substrates and these activities were inhibited by captopril. Regarding the serum neutralization, the scorpion antivenom was more effective at blocking the ACE-like activity than arachnid antivenom, although neither completely inhibited the venom cleavage action, even at higher doses. ACE-like was purified from the venom after three chromatographic steps and its identity was confirmed by mass spectrometric and transcriptomic analyses. Bioinformatics analysis showed homology between the ACE-like transcript sequences from Tityus spp. and human testis ACE. These findings advance our understanding of T. serrulatus venom components and may improve treatment of envenomation victims, as ACE-like may contribute to envenomation symptoms, especially the resulting hypertension