509 research outputs found

    "Abitudini e processo educativo." Uno studio su "Natura e condotta dell'uomo" di John Dewey (1921)

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    Questa tesi si intende di ripercorrere i temi principali delll'opera di John Dewey passando per la teoria dell'esperienza, per la questione politica fino ad arrivare alla pedagogia. Attraverso questo percorso arriveremo ad analizzare approfonditamente i temi di abitudine, impulso e intelligenza racchiusi nell'opera "Natura e condotta dell'uomo" del 1921,soffermandosi soprattutto sul concetto di "abitudine" e sul suo possibile ruolo nella riforma sociale

    Riti femminili a Meknes. Il ṭaifūr di Lalla Malika: tre atti con intermezzo

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    Lalla Malika is a female spirit present throughout Morocco, but has a special place in Meknes where she is the “lady queen” of the pantheon of female spirits. In this city the cult devoted to her is particularly important, and special rituals are celebrated in her honor in which women and effeminate men play and dance. For female devotees, Malika represents an ideal model of femininity to which they can aspire. The main rite in which Malika is evoked is ṭaifūr. It involves, in succession, decorating hands and feet with henna and being possessed by Lalla Malika. Ṭaifūr rite constitute an ideal place where restrictions regarding gender roles and appropriate behaviors are temporarily suspended. All participants can express themselves freely, in keeping with their own attitudes and desires.Lalla Malika è uno spirito femminile presente in tutto il Marocco, ma ha uno speciale radicamento a Meknes, ove è la “regina” del pantheon degli spiriti femminili. In questa città il culto a lei dedicato ha una speciale importanza, e vengono officiati per lei dei riti specifici, nel corso dei quali suonano e danzano donne e uomini effeminati. Per le devote Malika è un modello ideale di donna a cui aspirare. Il rito principale in cui si evoca Malika è il ṭaifūr, che prevede, in successione, la decorazione di mani e piedi con l’hennae la possessione da parte di Lalla Malika. Il rito del ṭaifūrsi presenta come un luogo ideale in cui le restrizioni di ruoli di genere e di comportamenti appropriati sono temporaneamente sospesi. Chiunque vi partecipi può infatti esprimersi liberamente, secondo le proprie attitudini e desideri

    Riti femminili a Meknes. Le figlie e i "figli" di Lalla Malika

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    In Morocco the term m'allmat means “female craft masters”, but in Meknes it has come to indicate more specifically musical groups of women and sometimes effeminate men as well. They main role provide musical performances for the various rites practiced by women, and especially in the rites of female spirit evocation and possession. The main spirit is Lalla Malika (“lady queen”). In Meknes the cult devoted to her is particularly important, and special rituals are celebrated in her honor in which women and effeminate men play and dance. The m'allmat officiate these rituals. The inquiry draws on my fieldwork in the ritual context in Meknes, on musical practices, possession cults and daily life of both musicians and devotees. By first investigating the interaction between religious brotherhood and female practices, then analyzing in detail the musical and ritual tradition of m'allmat groups, I demonstrate how m'allmat are characterized by a complex relationship between marginality and centrality. They live and work as musicians – alongside the more famous religious confraternities – in the city of Meknes, where they have put down roots and share rites, repertoires, and musical instruments of their own. Lalla Malika, and her cult, play a central role both for women and effeminate men in Meknes and offer them a way to actively reshape gender and social relations. For female devotees, she represents an ideal model of femininity to which they can aspire; they also conceptualize and experience this relationship as a fundamental element of their identity, a way of thinking and positioning themselves in the world. Effeminate men possessed by Malika, find an organic place within in the system of female practices, often as an officiant of cults or musician in a m'allmat group

    Ḥalqa, musicisti e danzatori a Marrakesh

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    This article focuses on male dancers and comedians in women’s clothing who perform alongside musical groups in Jāmaʿ l-Fnāʾ square in Marrakech, Morocco, which was declared a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2001. Despite being present in this space for a long time, the groups of musicians and dancers have received little attention in the literature on street performances. The article is divided into two parts. Firstly, it explores the ḥalqa, which is the main performance space for male dancers in women’s clothing and musicians. The ḥalqa is a public gathering in the shape of a circle surrounding the performers. Secondly, the article examines the two main musical groups collaborating with male dancers, analysing their musical practices, dances, short comedy skits with other costumed characters

    A New Fast Silicon Photomultiplier Photometer

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    The realization of low-cost instruments with high technical performance is a goal which deserves some efforts in an epoch of fast technological developments: indeed such instruments can be easily reproduced and therefore allow to open new research programs in several Observatories. We realized a fast optical photometer based on the SiPM technology, using commercially available modules. Using low-cost components we have developed a custom electronic chain to extract the signal produced by a commercial MPPC module produced by Hamamatsu, in order to obtain sub millisecond sampling of the light curve of astronomical sources, typically pulsars. In the early February 2011 we observed the Crab Pulsar at the Cassini telescope with our prototype photometer, deriving its period, power spectrum and shape of its light curve in very good agreement with the results obtained in the past with other instruments.Comment: Accepted for Publications of the Astronomical Society of Pacific (PASP), 8 pages, 8 figure


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    The shell of Thecospira tyrolensis (Loretz) is characterized by three distinct layers consisting of low Mg-calcite. The primary layer consists of microcrystalline calcite and it is often diagenetically altered. The secondary layer is composed of imbricate fibres subparallel to the valve surface. The tertiary layer (prismatic) is made of calcite prisms perpendicular to the outer epithelium of the mantle and was formed by ephitelial cells that reverted to inorganic secretion. For this reason, as well as its morphology, the prismatic layer can be com­pared to some pore-filling low Mg-calcites, therefore we would expect it to follow inorganic nucleation and growth theory. Transmission electron microscopy allowed to recognize crystal defects (sets of microtwins and dislocations) which, by creating abutting surfaces and kinks, represent favourable sites where new "calcite seeds" attach themselves to the crystal surface. Stacking of (hkil) planes where growth is faster (in particular the basal piane), favoured by twinning, accounts for the prismatic habit

    Doppia possessione, doppia inversione: breve storia di una coppia in Marocco

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    In Meknes over the last decade a couple consisting of a man possessed by a female spirit and a woman possessed by a male spirit has established themselves in the context of spirit possession. The events comprising their individual life stories and marital relationship are extraordinarily closely integrated with their experiences with the world of the invisible. The alliance with the spirits provides a picture of their personal drama, which unfolds around their daily lives and ritual activities, and is also proposed to the wider community of adepts in possession cults as proof of their expertise as rites officiants. Hamid is possessed by a female spirit, Lalla Malika, which makes him a specially qualified officiant of female possession rites. Iman is possessed by David, a Jewish spirit, which gives her a double otherness, of both gender and religious affiliationA Meknes nel corso dell’ultimo decennio una coppia composta da un uomo posseduto da uno spirito femminile e da una donna posseduta da uno spirito maschile si è affermata nell’ambiente della possessione spiritica. Gli eventi di cui si compongono le loro storie individuali – e, con essi, la storia della loro relazione coniugale – sono inestricabilmente integrati con le loro esperienze con il mondo dell’invisibile. L’alleanza con gli spiriti fornisce un quadro del loro dramma personale, che si dispiega intorno al loro vissuto quotidiano e alle loro attività rituali, ed è anche proposta all’ampia comunità degli adepti ai culti spiritici come garanzia della loro competenza di officianti dei riti. Hamid è posseduto da uno spirito femminile, Lalla Malika: il che fa di lui un officiante specialmente qualificato dei riti di possessione delle donne. Iman è posseduta da David, uno spirito ebraico, che le conferisce una doppia alterità, sia di genere che di appartenenza religiosa

    Chapter A structural equation model to measure logical competences

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    Logical abilities are a ubiquitous ingredient in all those contexts that take into account soft skills, argumentative skills or critical thinking. However, the relationship between logical models and the enhancement of these abilities is rarely explicitly considered. Two aspects of the issue are particularly critical in our opinion, namely: (i) the lack of statistically relevant data concerning these competences; (ii) the absence of reliable indices that might be used to detect and measure the possession of abilities underlying the aforementioned skills. This paper addresses both aspects of this topic by presenting the results of a research that we conducted between October and December 2020 on students enrolled in various degree courses at the University of Florence. The dataset has been collected by a three-stage initiative. We started from an entrance examination to assess the students' initial abilities. This test included ten questions, each regarding a specific aspect of logical reasoning. Then, students underwent a short training course to strengthen their knowledge of logic. At the end of the short course, students underwent a final examination to evaluate the effectiveness of the training. To verify the effectiveness of the training program we used students’ characteristics into a Structural Equation Model comparing the distribution of abilities before and after the training

    4-(3-Methyl­anilino)-N-[N-(1-methyl­ethyl)carbamo­yl]pyridinium-3-sulfon­amidate (torasemide) methanol 0.25-solvate 0.25-hydrate

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    The title compound, C16H20N4O3S·0.25CH4O·0.25H2O, is a hydrate/methanol solvate of torasemide, a diuretic drug used in the treatment of hypertension. The asymmetric unit contains two torasemide mol­ecules and half-occupied methanol and water mol­ecules. It is isomorphous with the previously reported nonsolvated T–II form of torasemide. The water mol­ecules contribute to the stability of the structure by participating in an extensive system of O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds; N—H⋯N and N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds are also present. Both asymmetric mol­ecules of torasemide form inversion dimers in the crystal