2,648 research outputs found

    Chemistry on the inside: green chemistry in mesoporous materials

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    An overview of the rapidly expanding area of tailored mesoporous solids is presented. The synthesis of a wide range of the materials is covered, both inorganically and organically modified. Their applications, in particular those relating to green chemistry, are also highlighted. Finally, potential future directions for these materials are discussed

    Scanning Electron Microscopy Observation of the Voltage Contrast Image of the Ferroelectric Domain Structure in the LiNbO3 Crystal

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    This paper reports a scanning electron microscopy study of the formation of the voltage contrast image of the ferroelectric domain structure in the LiNbO3 crystal. We investigated the formation of the pyroelectric voltage contrast image of the regular domain structure. For our experiment, we used ZY cut of a LiNbO3 crystal which had a regular domain structure with a domain width of -55 μm. The regular domain structure in the LiNbO3 crystal was formed by the method of thermo-electrical treatment after growth. The pyroelectric voltage contrast image of the regular domain structure in the scanning electron microscope was formed by applying the pyroelectric effect along polar axis Z. The difference in the voltage contrast in the neighboring domains connect with opposite directions of polar axis Z in the neighboring domains. It is shown that the voltage contrast of the ferroelectric domain structures is defined by the physical properties and orientation of the ferroelectric crystals

    Multiple forms of working memory emerge from synapse-astrocyte interactions in a neuron-glia network model

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    Persistent activity in populations of neurons, time-varying activity across a neural population, or activity-silent mechanisms carried out by hidden internal states of the neural population have been proposed as different mechanisms of working memory (WM). Whether these mechanisms could be mutually exclusive or occur in the same neuronal circuit remains, however, elusive, and so do their biophysical underpinnings. While WM is traditionally regarded to depend purely on neuronal mechanisms, cortical networks also include astrocytes that can modulate neural activity. We propose and investigate a network model that includes both neurons and glia and show that glia-synapse interactions can lead to multiple stable states of synaptic transmission. Depending on parameters, these interactions can lead in turn to distinct patterns of network activity that can serve as substrates for WM

    Syntectonic crustal melting and high-grade metamorphism in a transpressional regime, Variscan Massif Central, France

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    Hot collisional orogens are characterized by abundant syn-kinematic granitic magmatism that profoundly affects their tectono-thermal evolutions. Voluminous granitic magmas, emplaced between 360 and 270 Ma, played a visibly important role in the evolution of the Variscan Orogen. In the Limousin region (western Massif Central, France), syntectonic granite plutons are spatially associated with major strike-slip shear zones that merge to the northwest with the South Armorican Shear Zone. This region allowed us to assess the role of magmatism in a hot transpressional orogen. Microstructural data and U/Pb zircon and monazite ages from a mylonitic leucogranite indicate synkinematic emplacement in a dextral transpressional shear zone at 313 ± 4 Ma. Leucogranites are coeval with cordierite-bearing migmatitic gneisses and vertical lenses of leucosome in strike-slip shear zones. We interpret U/Pb monazite ages of 315 ± 4 Ma for the gneisses and 316 ± 2 Ma for the leucosomes as the minimum age of high-grade metamorphism and migmatization respectively. These data suggest a spatial and temporal relationship between transpression, crustal melting, rapid exhumation and magma ascent, and cooling of high-grade metamorphic rocks. Some granites emplaced in the strike-slip shear zone are bounded at their roof by low dip normal faults that strike N-S, perpendicular to the E-W trend of the belt. The abundant crustal magmatism provided a low-viscosity zone that enhanced Variscan orogenic collapse during continued transpression, inducing the development of normal faults in the transpression zone and thrust faults at the front of the collapsed orogen. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Astrocytes: Orchestrating synaptic plasticity?

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    Synaptic plasticity is the capacity of a preexisting connection between two neurons to change in strength as a function of neural activity. Because synaptic plasticity is the major candidate mechanism for learning and memory, the elucidation of its constituting mechanisms is of crucial importance in many aspects of normal and pathological brain function. In particular, a prominent aspect that remains debated is how the plasticity mechanisms, that encompass a broad spectrum of temporal and spatial scales, come to play together in a concerted fashion. Here we review and discuss evidence that pinpoints to a possible non-neuronal, glial candidate for such orchestration: the regulation of synaptic plasticity by astrocytes

    Correlation between glove use practices and compliance with hand hygiene in a multicenter study with elderly patients

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    In a study conducted in 11 health care settings for elderly patients, we demonstrated a significant negative correlation between the proportion of glove use outside any risk of exposure to body fluids and compliance with hand hygiene (P < .02). This result underscores a major limitation of strategies for controlling the spread of multidrug-resistant bacteria that recommend systematic glove use for each contact with carriers or their environment

    ESR Study of (C_5H_{12}N)_2CuBr_4

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    ESR studies at 9.27, 95.4, and 289.7 GHz have been performed on (C5_5H12_{12}N)2_2CuBr4_4 down to 3.7 K. The 9.27 GHz data were acquired with a single crystal and do not indicate the presence of any structural transitions. The high frequency data were collected with a polycrystalline sample and resolved two absorbances, consistent with two crystallographic orientations of the magnetic sites and with earlier ESR studies performed at 300 K. Below BC1=6.6B_{C1}=6.6 T, our data confirm the presence of a spin singlet ground state.Comment: 2 pages, 4 figs., submitted 23rd International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT-23), Aug. 200

    Fermionic field theory for directed percolation in (1+1) dimensions

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    We formulate directed percolation in (1+1) dimensions in the language of a reaction-diffusion process with exclusion taking place in one space dimension. We map the master equation that describes the dynamics of the system onto a quantum spin chain problem. From there we build an interacting fermionic field theory of a new type. We study the resulting theory using renormalization group techniques. This yields numerical estimates for the critical exponents and provides a new alternative analytic systematic procedure to study low-dimensional directed percolation.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure