158 research outputs found

    Revealing the spectral state transition of the Clocked Burster, GS 1826-238 with NuSTAR StrayCats

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    We present the long term analysis of GS 1826-238, a neutron star X-ray binary known as the "Clocked Burster", using data from NuSTAR StrayCats. StrayCats, a catalogue of NuSTAR stray light data, contains data from bright, off-axis X-ray sources that have not been focused by the NuSTAR optics. We obtained stray light observations of the source from 2014-2021, reduced and analyzed the data using nustar-gen-utils Python tools, demonstrating the transition of source from the "island" atoll state to a "banana" branch. We also present the lightcurve analysis of Type I X-Ray bursts from the Clocked Burster and show that the bursts from the banana/soft state are systematically shorter in durations than those from the island/hard state and have a higher burst fluence. From our analysis, we note an increase in mass accretion rate of the source, and a decrease in burst frequency with the transition

    Infant lung function tests as endpoints in the ISIS multicenter clinical trial in cystic fibrosis

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    BACKGROUND: The Infant Study of Inhaled Saline (ISIS) in CF was the first multicenter clinical trial to utilize infant pulmonary function tests (iPFTs) as an endpoint. METHODS: Secondary analysis of ISIS data was conducted in order to assess feasibility of iPFT measures and their associations with respiratory symptoms. Standard deviations were calculated to aid in power calculations for future clinical trials. RESULTS: Seventy-three participants enrolled, 70 returned for the final visit; 62 (89%) and 45 (64%) had acceptable paired functional residual capacity (FRC) and raised volume measurements, respectively. Mean baseline FEV0.5, FEF75 and FRC z-scores were 0.3 (SD: 1.2), -0.2 (SD: 2.0), and 1.8 (SD: 2.0). CONCLUSIONS: iPFTs are not appropriate primary endpoints for multicenter clinical trials due to challenges of obtaining acceptable data and near-normal average raised volume measurements. Raised volume measures have potential to serve as secondary endpoints in future clinical CF trials

    Theoretical Properties of Projection Based Multilayer Perceptrons with Functional Inputs

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    Many real world data are sampled functions. As shown by Functional Data Analysis (FDA) methods, spectra, time series, images, gesture recognition data, etc. can be processed more efficiently if their functional nature is taken into account during the data analysis process. This is done by extending standard data analysis methods so that they can apply to functional inputs. A general way to achieve this goal is to compute projections of the functional data onto a finite dimensional sub-space of the functional space. The coordinates of the data on a basis of this sub-space provide standard vector representations of the functions. The obtained vectors can be processed by any standard method. In our previous work, this general approach has been used to define projection based Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) with functional inputs. We study in this paper important theoretical properties of the proposed model. We show in particular that MLPs with functional inputs are universal approximators: they can approximate to arbitrary accuracy any continuous mapping from a compact sub-space of a functional space to R. Moreover, we provide a consistency result that shows that any mapping from a functional space to R can be learned thanks to examples by a projection based MLP: the generalization mean square error of the MLP decreases to the smallest possible mean square error on the data when the number of examples goes to infinity

    Excretion and folding of plasmalemma function to accommodate alterations in guard cell volume during stomatal closure in Vicia faba L.

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    Stomatal movement results in large and repetitive changes in cell volume and consequently surface area. While endocytosis has been extensively studied and is thought to be a major mechanism for accommodating the volume changes as evidenced mainly by fluorescent labelling and confocal imaging, studies at the ultrastructural level in intact guard cells of stomata regulated by natural factors have never been reported. Here, it is reported that excretion and folding of the plasmalemma are critical for accommodating the volume alterations in intact guard cells in Vicia faba L. Using transmission electron microscopy in combination with laser confocal microscopy, it was observed that in fully opened stomata the plasmalemma was smooth and tightly adhered to the cell walls while a whole large vacuole appeared in the cell. In the closed stomata, besides vacuole fragmentation, endocytosis of the tonoplast rather than the plasmalemma commonly occurred. Importantly, in stomata where pore closure was induced by circadian rhythm or CO2, numerous tiny vesicles were found outside the plasmalemma and, moreover, extensive folding of the plasmalemma could also be found in some regions of the cells. Additionally, an unknown structure was found at the interface between the plasmalemma and cell walls, especially in those areas of the cell where extensive folding occurred, suggesting that plasmalemma turnover is possibly associated with an interaction between the plasmalemma and cell walls. Collectively, the results strongly indicate that excretion and folding of the plasmalemma are critical for the accommodation of the cell volume alterations during stomatal movement

    Prognostic value of NT-proBNP levels in the acute phase of sepsis on lower long-term physical function and muscle strength in sepsis survivors

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    Background: Sepsis survivors often develop chronic critical illness (CCI) and demonstrate the persistent inflammation, immunosuppression, and catabolism syndrome predisposing them to long-term functional limitations and higher mortality. There is a need to identify biomarkers that can predict long-term worsening of physical function to be able to act early and prevent mobility loss. N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) is a well-accepted biomarker of cardiac overload, but it has also been shown to be associated with long-term physical function decline. We explored whether NT-proBNP blood levels in the acute phase of sepsis are associated with physical function and muscle strength impairment at 6 and 12 months after sepsis onset. Methods: This is a retrospective analysis conducted in 196 sepsis patients (aged 18-86 years old) as part of the University of Florida (UF) Sepsis and Critical Illness Research Center (SCIRC) who consented to participate in the 12-month follow-up study. NT-proBNP was measured at 24 h after sepsis onset. Patients were followed to determine physical function by short physical performance battery (SPPB) test score (scale 0 to12-higher score corresponds with better physical function) and upper limb muscle strength by hand grip strength test (kilograms) at 6 and 12 months. We used a multivariate linear regression model to test an association between NT-proBNP levels, SPPB, and hand grip strength scores. Missing follow-up data or absence due to death was accounted for by using inverse probability weighting based on concurrent health performance status scores. Statistical significance was set at p ≤ 0.05. Results: After adjusting for covariates (age, gender, race, Charlson comorbidity index, APACHE II score, and presence of CCI condition), higher levels of NT-proBNP at 24 h after sepsis onset were associated with lower SPPB scores at 12 months (p < 0.05) and lower hand grip strength at 6-month (p < 0.001) and 12-month follow-up (p < 0.05). Conclusions: NT-proBNP levels during the acute phase of sepsis may be a useful indicator of higher risk of long-term impairments in physical function and muscle strength in sepsis survivors

    Impact Factor: outdated artefact or stepping-stone to journal certification?

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    A review of Garfield's journal impact factor and its specific implementation as the Thomson Reuters Impact Factor reveals several weaknesses in this commonly-used indicator of journal standing. Key limitations include the mismatch between citing and cited documents, the deceptive display of three decimals that belies the real precision, and the absence of confidence intervals. These are minor issues that are easily amended and should be corrected, but more substantive improvements are needed. There are indications that the scientific community seeks and needs better certification of journal procedures to improve the quality of published science. Comprehensive certification of editorial and review procedures could help ensure adequate procedures to detect duplicate and fraudulent submissions.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    Calcium-dependent release of adenosine and uridine nucleotides from A549 cells

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    Extracellular nucleotides play an important role in lung defense, but the release mechanism and relative abundance of different nucleotide species secreted by lung epithelia are not well defined. In this study, to minimize cell surface hydrolysis, we used a low-volume, flow-through chamber and examined adenosine and uridine nucleotide concentrations in perfusate aliquots of human lung A549 cells challenged by 50% hypotonic shock. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), adenosine diphosphate (ADP), adenosine monophosphate (AMP), and adenosine (Ado) were quantified in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of fluorescent etheno derivatives, and uridine triphosphate (UTP) and uridine diphosphate (UDP) were measured using HPLC-coupled radioenzymatic assays. After the onset of hypotonic shock, ATP, ADP, UTP, and UDP in the perfusates increased markedly and peaked at approximately 2.5 min, followed by a gradual decay in the next 15–20 min; peak changes in Ado and AMP were relatively minor. The peak concentrations and fold increment (in parentheses) were: 34 ± 13 nM ATP (5.6), 11 ± 5 nM ADP (3.7), 3.3 ± 1.2 nM AMP (1.4), 23 ± 7 nM Ado (2.1), 21 nM UTP (>7), and 11 nM UDP (27). Nucleotide release was almost completely abolished from cells loaded with the calcium chelator 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA). Under isotonic conditions, elevation of intracellular calcium with the calcium ionophore ionomycin (5 μM, 3 min) also released nucleotides with kinetics and relative abundance as above, albeit less robust. ADP:ATP (1:3) and UDP:UTP (1:2) ratios in perfusates from stimulated cells were markedly higher than the cytosolic ratios of these species, suggesting that a nucleotide diphosphate (NDP)-rich compartment, e.g., the secretory pathway, contributed to nucleotide release. Laser confocal microscopy experiments illustrated increased FM1-43 uptake into the plasma membrane upon hypotonic shock or ionomycin treatment, consistent with enhanced vesicular exocytosis under these conditions. In summary, our results strongly suggest that calcium-dependent exocytosis is responsible, at least in most part, for adenosine and uridine nucleotide release from A549 cells

    Air pollution and mortality in the Canary Islands: a time-series analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The island factor of the cities of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife, along with their proximity to Africa and their meteorology, create a particular setting that influences the air quality of these cities and provides researchers an opportunity to analyze the acute effects of air-pollutants on daily mortality.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From 2000 to 2004, the relationship between daily changes in PM<sub>10</sub>, PM<sub>2.5</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, NO<sub>2</sub>, CO, and ozone levels and daily total mortality and mortality due to respiratory and heart diseases were assessed using Generalized Additive Poisson models controlled for potential confounders. The lag effect (up to five days) as well as the concurrent and previous day averages and distributed lag models were all estimated. Single and two pollutant models were also constructed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Daily levels of PM<sub>10</sub>, PM<sub>2.5</sub>, NO<sub>2</sub>, and SO<sub>2 </sub>were found to be associated with an increase in respiratory mortality in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and with increased heart disease mortality in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, thus indicating an association between daily ozone levels and mortality from heart diseases. The effects spread over five successive days. SO<sub>2 </sub>was the only air pollutant significantly related with total mortality (lag 0).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>There is a short-term association between current exposure levels to air pollution and mortality (total as well as that due specifically to heart and respiratory diseases) in both cities. Risk coefficients were higher for respiratory and cardiovascular mortality, showing a delayed effect over several days.</p

    The Role of Climate Variability in the Spread of Malaria in Bangladeshi Highlands

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    Malaria is a major public health problem in Bangladesh, frequently occurring as epidemics since the 1990s. Many factors affect increases in malaria cases, including changes in land use, drug resistance, malaria control programs, socioeconomic issues, and climatic factors. No study has examined the relationship between malaria epidemics and climatic factors in Bangladesh. Here, we investigate the relationship between climatic parameters [rainfall, temperature, humidity, sea surface temperature (SST), El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)], and malaria cases over the last 20 years in the malaria endemic district of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT)