470 research outputs found

    Notes on the flora of Malta : Juncus Subulatus Forskal

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    Large populations of Juncus subula~us Forsk3l have been observed In several localities in Malta, notabLy at Gnadira, Salini, Gnajn Rinana, Gnejna, Wied iL-~mar; Gnajn ~adld, Mistra and Wied Gerzuma (fig.1). The first two stations are sa L t-marshes whi Le in the other stations this species grows along freshwater courses.peer-reviewe

    Plant adaptation to drought: evidence and morpho-anatomical diversity in Kali species (Amaranthaceae) from inland and coastal sites.

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    This study was performed on 6 species of Kali from different habitats and bioclimatic conditions in order to determine the structural differences and variability rate between plant populations from maritime and inland areas, particularly morpho-anatomic functional traits of stem and leaf which allow them to survive under specific environmental conditions

    Taxonomic investigation on Allium hirtovaginum group (Amaryllidaceae) from East Mediterranean area

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    Within taxonomic studies on Allium sect. Codonoprasum from Mediterranean flora, populations belonging to A. hirtovaginum Candargy group were examined. Based on field investigation and herbarium surveyes, this group is represented by very critical and not well known taxa, distributed in the East Mediterranean, showing a marked morphological variability. Currently, the species referable to this group in addition to A. hirtovaginum are also A. pilosum Sibth. & Sm., A. aeginiense Brullo, Giusso & Terrasi and A. nerimaniae Koçyiğit & Kaya. Besides, other 13 species are here described as new to science, they are A. pythagoricum, A. pignattii, A. hippocraticum, A. abanticum, A. velutinum, A. carium, A. papillosum, A. adenanthum, A. smyrnaeum, A. pavonianum, A. denticulatum and A. compactatum. A detailed morphological description together with a careful illustration, as well as remarks on their karyology, phenology, ecology, geographic distribution, and taxonomic relationships are provided for each investigated species. An analytical key regarding all the species attributable to this group was processed too

    Dianthus borbonicus (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from Sicily

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    Dianthus borbonicus a new species occurring in North-Western Sicily is described and illustrated. It is a rare chasmophyte belonging to the D. sylvestris group, which is exclusive of a rupestrian stand near Rocca Busambra (Ficuzza). Its macro- and micromorphological features (seed testa sculptures, and leaf anatomy), ecology, conservation status and a comparison with the related species are provided too

    A cytological study of four Sicilian Serapias (Orchidaceae)

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    Cytological analysis of four Serapias L. (Orchidaceae), of which two are Sicilian endemics, is carried out. In particular, the endemic S. intermedia subsp. hyblaea shows a triploid chromosome complement with 2n = 3x = 54, representing natural nothotaxa arising from a hybridization process between supposed parental S. vomeracea (2n = 2x = 36) and Serapias lingua (2n = 4x = 72). For each of them the C-heterochromatin distribution, using Giemsa C-banding and karyotypes, was examined. The other endemic taxon (S. orientalis subsp. siciliensis) is characterized by a diploid chromosome number 2n = 2x = 36, of which the C-heterochromatin distribution is examined as well. The taxonomical relationships among these taxa are discussed in relation to the literature data

    Variabilit\ue0 morfologica e ultrastrutturale delle cipsele delle specie siciliane di Helichrysum (Asteraceae)

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    Si riportano i risultati di uno studio sui caratteri morfologici e ultrastrutturali delle cipsele dei taxa siciliani di Helichrysum e sulla variabilit\ue0 esistente con lo scopo di valutarne l'uso a fini tassonomici. Campioni di diaspore, relativi a 23 accessioni di 12 diversi taxa, sono stati sottoposti a esame macro-micromorfologico e ultrastrutturale al SEM. I dati sono stati elaborati statisticamente mediante ANOVA e varie analisi multivariate (AFD, ACP, CAG)

    Biosystematic researches on Allium cupani group (Amaryllidaceae) in the Mediterranean area

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    Allium cupani Raf. is a species complex of the subgenus Allium L., which is taxonomically quite critical mainly for its marked karyological and morphological variability. In the present study, karyo-taxonomic characterization of some peculiar populations of this group from Italian, N African, Balcan and Aegean territories has been performed, using both living plants collected in the field and herbarium material. As a result, ten new species have been recognized and described within the A. cupani complex. They are A. panormitanum from N Sicily, A. samniticum from C Italy, A. mauritanicum from N Morocco and NW Algeria, A. balcanicum from mountains of Balkan Peninsula, A. tzanoudakisanum from Aegean area, A. cephalonicum from Cephalonia island, A. meikleanum from Cyprus, A. pelagicum from Lampedusa island, A. maghrebinum from Tunisia and NE Algeria, and A. tingitanum from N Morocco and NW Algeria. A comprehensive description and detailed illustration, together with significant notes on karyology, phenology, ecology, geographic distribution, and taxonomic relationships are provided for each species

    Multivariate karyomorphometric analysis and taxonomic implications in Allium sect. Cupanioscordum (Amaryllidaceae)

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    Significant karyological variation occurs amongst different taxa/populations in the A. cupani group. The ancestral diploid chromosome complement is 2n = 16 (x = 8), but populations of A. cupani s.l. also exhibit dysploidy (2n = 14), polyploidy (2n = 4x = 32, 2n = 4x = 30). These different chromosome assets are associated to specific diagnostic morphological characters and well-defined eco-geographical patterns, which cluster different taxa and populations in 5 series (Brullo&al. 1995, 2008). In order to test the impact of inter-and intra-specific variation in chromosome structure on the systematic treatment of the A. cupani group and its contribution to allow comparing and understanding affinities and relationships among taxa, multivariate statistics was applied to 34 karyomorphometric parameters from 34 samples belonging to 22 taxa which represent the main variability with respect to morphological, cytological and ecological patterns within A. cupani s. l

    Seed morphology and seed coat structure in Mediterranean plants: implication for evolution, taxonomy and germinative performance

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    A better understanding of morphological, ultra-structural and anatomical seed coat characteristics can contribute to explain and predict seed performance under certain environmental conditions and select the most suitable treatments promoting seed germination. The Seed Banks at the Botanic Gardens of Catania and Palermo (Sicily) are particularly involved in research studies aimed to detect and describe macro- and micro-morphological features of seeds from different plant families and genera, using both light and scanning electron microscopy. These studies mainly aim to 1) recognize and compare inter- and intra-specific variation of seed coat traits, with particular attention on rare and threatened species; 2) evaluate the usefulness of these traits in taxonomic and phylogenetic studies; 3) establish correlations between seed coat structures and seed germination; 4) understand the seed coat adaptive potential and sensitivity to particular ecological conditions and changing environments