65 research outputs found

    Probing weak dipole-dipole interaction using phase-modulated non-linear spectroscopy

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    Phase-modulated non-linear spectroscopy with higher harmonic demodulation has recently been suggested to provide information on many-body excitations. In the present work we theoretically investigate the application of this method to infer the interaction strength between two particles that interact via weak dipole-dipole interaction. To this end we use full numerical solution of the Schr\"odinger equation with time-dependent pulses. For interpretation purpose we also derive analytical expressions in perturbation theory. We find one can detect dipole-dipole interaction via peak intensities (in contrast to line-shifts which typically are used in conventional spectroscopy). We provide a detailed study on the dependence of these intensities on the parameters of the laser pulse and the dipole-dipole interaction strength. Interestingly, we find that there is a phase between the first and second harmonic demodulated signal, whose value depends on the sign of the dipole-dipole interaction.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, Supporting information provided with the source file

    Coherent multidimensional spectroscopy in the gas phase

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    Recent work applying multidimentional coherent electronic spectroscopy at dilute samples in the gas phase is reviewed. The development of refined phase-cycling approaches with improved sensitivity has opened-up new opportunities to probe even dilute gas-phase samples. In this context, first results of 2-dimensional spectroscopy performed at doped helium droplets reveal the femtosecond dynamics upon electronic excitation of cold, weakly-bound molecules, and even the induced dynamics from the interaction with the helium environment. Such experiments, offering well-defined conditions at low temperatures, are potentially enabling the isolation of fundamental processes in the excitation and charge transfer dynamics of molecular structures which so far have been masked in complex bulk environments.Comment: Invited Review Articl

    Beurteilung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen aus der Sicht älterer Fahrer

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    Anhand einer Befragung wurden ältere und jüngere Autofahrer zu informierenden, warnenden und eingreifenden Fahrerassistenzsystemen befragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine generell positivere Einstellung der Fahrer gegenüber informierenden und warnenden Unterstützungssystemen als gegenüber eingreifenden Systemen. Ältere und jüngere Fahrer beurteilen unterschiedliche Arten der Informationsdarstellung als unterschiedlich hilfreich

    Phase cycling of extreme ultraviolet pulse sequences generated in rare gases

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    The development of schemes for coherent nonlinear time-domain spectroscopy in the extreme-ultraviolet regime (XUV) has so far been impeded by experimental difficulties that arise at these short wavelengths. In this work we present a novel experimental approach, which facilitates the timing control and phase cycling of XUV pulse sequences produced by harmonic generation in rare gases. The method is demonstrated for the generation and high spectral resolution characterization of narrow-bandwidth harmonics (≈14  eV) in argon and krypton. Our technique simultaneously provides high phase stability and a pathway-selective detection scheme for nonlinear signals—both necessary prerequisites for all types of coherent nonlinear spectroscopy

    Coherent multidimensional spectroscopy of dilute gas-phase nanosystems

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    Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES) is one of the most powerful spectroscopic techniques, capable of attaining a nearly complete picture of a quantum system including its couplings, quantum coherence properties and its real-time dynamics. While successfully applied to a variety of condensed phase samples, high precision experiments on isolated quantum systems in the gas phase have been so far precluded by insufficient sensitivity. However, such experiments are essential for a precise understanding of fundamental mechanisms and to avoid misinterpretations, e.g. as for the nature of quantum coherences in energy trans-port. Here, we solve this issue by extending 2DES to isolated nanosystems in the gas phase prepared by helium nanodroplet isolation in a molecular beam-type experiment. This approach uniquely provides high flexibility in synthesizing tailored, quantum state-selected model systems of single and many-body properties. For demonstration, we deduce a precise and conclusive picture of the ultrafast coherent dynamics in isolated high-spin Rb2 molecules and present for the first time a dynamics study of the system-bath interaction between a single molecule (here Rb3) and a superfluid helium environment. The results demonstrate the unique capacity to elucidate prototypical interactions and dynamics in tailored quantum systems and bridges the gap to experiments in ultracold quantum science
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