3,420 research outputs found

    Portable, High-Bandwidth Frequency-Domain Photon Migration Instrument for Tissue Spectroscopy

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    We describe a novel frequency-domain photon migration instrument employing direct diode laser modulation and avalanche photodiode detection, which is capable of noninvasively determinating the optical properties of biological tissues in near real time. An infinite medium diffusion model was used to extract absorption and transport scattering coefficients from 300-kHz to 800-MHz photon-density wave phase data. Optical properties measured in tissue-simulating solutions at 670 nm agreed to within 10% of those expected

    Comparative population structure of <i>Plasmodium malariae</i> and <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i> under different transmission settings in Malawi

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    &lt;b&gt;Background:&lt;/b&gt; Described here is the first population genetic study of Plasmodium malariae, the causative agent of quartan malaria. Although not as deadly as Plasmodium falciparum, P. malariae is more common than previously thought, and is frequently in sympatry and co-infection with P. falciparum, making its study increasingly important. This study compares the population parameters of the two species in two districts of Malawi with different malaria transmission patterns - one seasonal, one perennial - to explore the effects of transmission on population structures. &lt;BR/&gt; &lt;b&gt;Methods:&lt;/b&gt; Six species-specific microsatellite markers were used to analyse 257 P. malariae samples and 257 P. falciparum samples matched for age, gender and village of residence. Allele sizes were scored to within 2 bp for each locus and haplotypes were constructed from dominant alleles in multiple infections. Analysis of multiplicity of infection (MOI), population differentiation, clustering of haplotypes and linkage disequilibrium was performed for both species. Regression analyses were used to determine association of MOI measurements with clinical malaria parameters. &lt;BR/&gt; &lt;b&gt;Results:&lt;/b&gt; Multiple-genotype infections within each species were common in both districts, accounting for 86.0% of P. falciparum and 73.2% of P. malariae infections and did not differ significantly with transmission setting. Mean MOI of P. falciparum was increased under perennial transmission compared with seasonal (3.14 vs 2.59, p = 0.008) and was greater in children compared with adults. In contrast, P. malariae mean MOI was similar between transmission settings (2.12 vs 2.11) and there was no difference between children and adults. Population differentiation showed no significant differences between villages or districts for either species. There was no evidence of geographical clustering of haplotypes. Linkage disequilibrium amongst loci was found only for P. falciparum samples from the seasonal transmission setting. &lt;BR/&gt; &lt;b&gt;Conclusions:&lt;/b&gt; The extent of similarity between P. falciparum and P. malariae population structure described by the high level of multiple infection, the lack of significant population differentiation or haplotype clustering and lack of linkage disequilibrium is surprising given the differences in the biological features of these species that suggest a reduced potential for out-crossing and transmission in P. malariae. The absence of a rise in P. malariae MOI with increased transmission or a reduction in MOI with age could be explained by differences in the duration of infection or degree of immunity compared to P. falciparum

    The nature and extent of trace element contamination associated with fly-ash disposal sites in the Chisman Creek Watershed

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    This study was conducted by the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) and the Virginia Associated Research Campus (VARC), both branches of the College of William and Mary, to document the nature, extent, and severity of environmental contamination by trace elements from the landfill disposal of fly-ash within the Chisman Creek watershed. Previous work in the area demonstrated that some metals were apparently mobile in the groundwater, and that two nearby household wells were contaminated (Va. SWCB, 1981). These short term studies were limited to the testing of only a few selected contaminants in wells near the fly-ash pits. The goal of our study was to provide a more comprehensive sampling of the basin to delineate the geographical extent of trace element contamination, and to assess whether the levels found there pose a hazard to man or to the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem. An important aspect of the program is the use of an analytical technique which provides simultaneous measurement of a large number of elements, thereby obviating the need to speculate which elements would be found before the field work was begun. Proton Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) is such a technique and provided data on 70 elements from each sample collected during this study

    A High-Bandwidth Frequency-Domain Photon Migration Instrument for Clinical Use

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    We have developed a high-bandwidth frequency-domain photon migration (FDPM) instrument which is capable of noninvasively determining the optical properties of biological tissues in near-real-time. This portable, inexpensive, diode-based instrument is unique in the sense that we employ direct diode laser modulation and avalanche photodiode detection. Diffusion models were used to extract the optical properties (absorption and transport scattering coefficients)of tissue-simulating solutions.from the 300 kHz to I GHz photon density wave data

    Scientific Rationale and Requirements for a Global Seismic Network on Mars

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    Following a brief overview of the mission concepts for a Mars Global Network Mission as of the time of the workshop, we present the principal scientific objectives to be achieved by a Mars seismic network. We review the lessons for extraterrestrial seismology gained from experience to date on the Moon and on Mars. An important unknown on Mars is the expected rate of seismicity, but theoretical expectations and extrapolation from lunar experience both support the view that seismicity rates, wave propagation characteristics, and signal-to-noise ratios are favorable to the collection of a scientifically rich dataset during the multiyear operation of a global seismic experiment. We discuss how particular types of seismic waves will provide the most useful information to address each of the scientific objectives, and this discussion provides the basis for a strategy for station siting. Finally, we define the necessary technical requirements for the seismic stations

    Cataclysmic Variables and Other Compact Binaries in the Globular Cluster NGC 362: Candidates from Chandra and HST

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    Highly sensitive and precise X-ray imaging from Chandra, combined with the superb spatial resolution of HST optical images, dramatically enhances our empirical understanding of compact binaries such as cataclysmic variables and low mass X-ray binaries, their progeny, and other stellar X-ray source populations deep into the cores of globular clusters. Our Chandra X-ray images of the globular cluster NGC 362 reveal 100 X-ray sources, the bulk of which are likely cluster members. Using HST color-magnitude and color-color diagrams, we quantitatively consider the optical content of the NGC 362 Chandra X-ray error circles, especially to assess and identify the compact binary population in this condensed-core globular cluster. Despite residual significant crowding in both X-rays and optical, we identify an excess population of H{\alpha}-emitting objects that is statistically associated with the Chandra X-ray sources. The X-ray and optical characteristics suggest that these are mainly cataclysmic variables, but we also identify a candidate quiescent low mass X-ray binary. A potentially interesting and largely unanticipated use of observations such as these may be to help constrain the macroscopic dynamic state of globular clusters.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the conference "Binary Star Evolution: Mass Loss, Accretion, and Mergers," Mykonos, Greece, June 22-25, 201

    Forest inventory using sparsely sampled LIDAR and NFI: A case study using G-LiHT LiDAR and FIA across Tanana, Alaska

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    A two-stage hierarchical Bayesian model is proposed to estimate forest biomass density and total given sparsely sampled LiDAR and georeferenced forest inventory plot measurements. The model is motivated by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) objective to provide biomass estimates for the remote Tanana Inventory Unit (TIU) in interior Alaska. The proposed model yields stratum-level biomass estimates for arbitrarily sized areas of interest. Model-based estimates are compared with the TIU FIA design-based post-stratified estimates. Model-based small area estimates (SAEs) for two experimental forests within the TIU are compared with each forest's design-based estimates generated using a dense network of independent inventory plots. Model parameter estimates and biomass predictions are informed using FIA plot measurements, LiDAR data that is spatially aligned with a subset of the FIA plots, and wall-to-wall remotely sensed data used to define landuse/landcover stratum and percent forest canopy cover. Results support a model-based approach to estimating forest variables when inventory data are sparse or resources limit collection of enough data to achieve desired accuracy and precision using design-based methods

    Bioluminescence, photophysical, computational and molecular docking studies of fully conformationally restricted enamine infraluciferin

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    A new rationally designed fully rotationally restricted luciferin has been synthesised. This synthetic luciferin, based upon the structure of infraluciferin, has two intramolecular H-bonds to reduce degrees of freedom, an amine group to enhance ICT process, and an alkenyl group to increase π-conjugation. In the spectroscopic measurements and computational calculations, enamine luciferin showed more red-shifted absorption and fluorescence emission than LH2 and iLH2. With PpyWT luciferase enamine luciferin gave bioluminescence at 564 nm which is similar to LH2 at 561 nm. Further investigation by docking studies revealed that the emission wavelength of enamine luciferin might be attributed to the unwanted twisted structure caused by Asp531 within the enzyme. With mutant luciferase FlucRed, the major emission peak was shifted to 606 nm, a distinct shoulder above 700 nm, and 21% of its spectrum located in the nIR range

    Recent Developments in the Design, Capabilities and Autonomous Operations of a Lightweight Surface Manipulation System and Test-bed

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    The first generation of a versatile high performance device for performing payload handling and assembly operations on planetary surfaces, the Lightweight Surface Manipulation System (LSMS), has been designed and built. Over the course of its development, conventional crane type payload handling configurations and operations have been successfully demonstrated and the range of motion, types of operations and the versatility greatly expanded. This enhanced set of 1st generation LSMS hardware is now serving as a laboratory test-bed allowing the continuing development of end effectors, operational techniques and remotely controlled and automated operations. This paper describes the most recent LSMS and test-bed development activities, that have focused on two major efforts. The first effort was to complete a preliminary design of the 2nd generation LSMS that has the capability for limited mobility and can reposition itself between lander decks, mobility chassis, and fixed base locations. A major portion of this effort involved conducting a study to establish the feasibility of, and define, the specifications for a lightweight cable-drive waist joint. The second effort was to continue expanding the versatility and autonomy of large planetary surface manipulators using the 1st generation LSMS as a test-bed. This has been accomplished by increasing manipulator capabilities and efficiencies through both design changes and tool and end effector development. A software development effort has expanded the operational capabilities of the LSMS test-bed to include; autonomous operations based on stored paths, use of a vision system for target acquisition and tracking, and remote command and control over a communications bridge