90 research outputs found

    "Oídos en el alma": Un programa de voluntariado basado en los principios del aprendizaje-servicio como alternativa a la formación práctica de estudiantes de Trabajo Social durante la pandemia

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    The aim of the paper is to present an example of professional practice in the form of a programme based on the principles of service-learning in the period of crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in social work education at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. The practical training of social work students is an integral part of their education and is focused on the development of those competencies that can only be developed through direct work with target groups. As it was not possible to complete the placement in the field at the time of the pandemic, it was necessary to look for new opportunities to meet the objectives of the placement. The ‘Ears to the Soul’ volunteer programme was created in response to the pandemic situation and its main goal was to help overcome people's feelings of loneliness by creating student-client contacts and providing regular telephone support. The programme was built on the principles of service-learning. The evaluation of the programme has shown that it can meaningfully meet the needs of target groups and has considerable potential as a form of education in social work.El objetivo del documento es presentar la formación práctica basada en los principios del aprendizaje-servicio, desarrollada en el grado de Trabajo Social en la Universidad Matej Bel de Banská Bystrica, Eslovaquia, durante la crisis causada por la pandemia COVID-19. La formación práctica de los estudiantes de Trabajo Social es una parte integral de su educación y se centra en aquellas competencias que sólo pueden desarrollarse mediante el trabajo directo con los grupos destinatarios. Dado que en el momento de la pandemia no fue posible completar la formación práctica, se buscaron nuevas oportunidades formativas. El programa de voluntariado ‘Ears to the Soul’ (“Oídos en el Alma”) se creó en respuesta a la situación de la pandemia y su principal objetivo fue ayudar a superar los sentimientos de soledad de las personas mediante la creación de contactos entre estudiantes y usuarios y la prestación de apoyo telefónico regular. El programa se basó en los principios del aprendizaje-servicio. La evaluación del programa ha demostrado que puede satisfacer de manera significativa las necesidades de los grupos destinatarios y tiene un potencial formativo considerable en el ámbito del Trabajo Social

    The Impact of Service-Learning on Students’ Key Competences

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    Service-learning as a teaching and learning strategy, which combines meaningful service in the community with education, has spread not only in the United States but also in South America, Asia, and Europe in recent years, with the pedagogy being applied at all levels of formal and informal education. In 2005, Matej Bel University, located in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, developed a service-learning strategy, and by 2013 its usage had become widespread. This article presents the findings of a study that investigated the development of key competences of two student groups enrolled in courses that incorporated service-learning strategies during academic years 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 at Matej Bel University. The findings of the study suggest that service-learning strategies have positive impacts on the development of students’ key competences. The limitations of our study were conducted with a small research (experimental) group of students who passed service-learning course. Based on our research findings we can recommend service-learning as a suitable strategy for students’ key competencies development

    Desarrollo de competencias claves a través del aprendizaje-servicio

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    The contribution answers the question as to what the benefits of service-learning in the development of key competences of Slovak university students of caring professions are. We used a combination of research methods to answer the research question. The survey sample was made up of students of social work, social pedagogy and teaching who graduated in the subjects with service-learning strategy in the academic years 2014/2015 to 2017/2018. The results of the research showed the benefits of service-learning in the development of selected key competences of students of caring professions.La contribución responde a la pregunta de cuáles son los beneficios del aprendizaje-servicio en el desarrollo de las competencias clave de los estudiantes de profesiones solidarias. Utilizamos una combinación de métodos de investigación para responder a la pregunta de investigación. La muestra de la encuesta estuvo formada por estudiantes de trabajo social, pedagogía social y educación que se graduaron en las materias con estrategia de servicio-aprendizaje en los años académicos 2014/2015 a 2017/2018. Los resultados de la investigación mostraron los beneficios del aprendizaje a través del servicio en el desarrollo de competencias clave seleccionadas de estudiantes de profesiones solidarias

    Selenium nanoparticles trigger alterations in ovarian cancer cell biomechanics

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    High dose selenium acts as a cytotoxic agent, with potential applications in cancer treatment. However, clinical trials have failed to show any chemotherapeutic value of selenium at safe and tolerated doses (<90 μg/day). To enable the successful exploitation of selenium for cancer treatment, we evaluated inorganic selenium nanoparticles (SeNP), and found them effective in inhibiting ovarian cancer cell growth. In both SKOV-3 and OVCAR-3 ovarian cancer cell types SeNP treatment resulted in significant cytotoxicity. The two cell types displayed contrasting nanomechanical responses to SeNPs, with decreased surface roughness and membrane stiffness, characteristics of OVCAR-3 cell death. In SKOV-3, cell membrane surface roughness and stiffness increased, both properties associated with decreased metastatic potential. The beneficial effects of SeNPs on ovarian cancer cell death appear cell type dependent, and due to their low in vivo toxicity offer an exciting opportunity for future cancer treatment

    Sodium Selenide Toxicity Is Mediated by O2-Dependent DNA Breaks

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    Hydrogen selenide is a recurrent metabolite of selenium compounds. However, few experiments studied the direct link between this toxic agent and cell death. To address this question, we first screened a systematic collection of Saccharomyces cerevisiae haploid knockout strains for sensitivity to sodium selenide, a donor for hydrogen selenide (H2Se/HSe−/Se2−). Among the genes whose deletion caused hypresensitivity, homologous recombination and DNA damage checkpoint genes were over-represented, suggesting that DNA double-strand breaks are a dominant cause of hydrogen selenide toxicity. Consistent with this hypothesis, treatment of S. cerevisiae cells with sodium selenide triggered G2/M checkpoint activation and induced in vivo chromosome fragmentation. In vitro, sodium selenide directly induced DNA phosphodiester-bond breaks via an O2-dependent reaction. The reaction was inhibited by mannitol, a hydroxyl radical quencher, but not by superoxide dismutase or catalase, strongly suggesting the involvement of hydroxyl radicals and ruling out participations of superoxide anions or hydrogen peroxide. The •OH signature could indeed be detected by electron spin resonance upon exposure of a solution of sodium selenide to O2. Finally we showed that, in vivo, toxicity strictly depended on the presence of O2. Therefore, by combining genome-wide and biochemical approaches, we demonstrated that, in yeast cells, hydrogen selenide induces toxic DNA breaks through an O2-dependent radical-based mechanism

    Biological functions of selenium and its potential influence on Parkinson's disease

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    Methods for construction and production with decreased impact on freely living animals

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    Tato práce je metodickým zpracováním možných nástrah, které se vyskytují v přírodě, a kterým by se dalo za použití různých opatření předejít. Cílem práce bylo uvědomit lidi, co je v přírodě vystaveno špatně a jakým způsobem mohou zaopatřit stavby, pozemní komunikace, ploty a jiné veřejné prostory, které mohou být nebezpečné pro všechny volně žijící živočichy, nebo určité skupiny živočichů. Práce by mohla sloužit jako metodický návod pro architekty designéry nových staveb, popřípadě soukromníky, kteří chtějí minimalizovat dopady svých plánů.Katedra elektroenergetiky a ekologieObhájenoThis bachelor thesis deals with possible snares in the environment, which can be dangerous for many animals and birds. It is a guideline that can help to prevent injuries or even death of animals, to show people how they can ensure their buildings, fences, roads or other public areas against them. Thesis could serve as a manual for architects, designers or constructors, who want to minimize their impact on animal's environment, as well as ordinary people, who solve problems on their existing buildings