17 research outputs found

    An Elemental Characterization of Orthogonal Ideals in Lie Algebras

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    Producción CientíficaWe prove that the ideals generated by two elements x,y in a nondegenerate Lie algebra L over a ring of scalars Φ with 1/2, 1/3 are orthogonal if and only if [x,[y,L]] = 0.Este trabajo forma parte de los proyectos de investigación: MEC-FEDER MTM2010-16153, MEC-FEDER MTM2010-19482 y regionales FQM264 y FQM3737 de la Junta de Andalucí

    Local Statistic Based Region Segmentation with Automatic Scale Selection

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    Abstract. Recently, new segmentation models based on local information have emerged. They combine local statistics of the regions along the contour (inside and outside) to drive the segmentation procedure. Since they are based on local decisions, these models are more robust to local variations of the regions of interest (contrast, noise, blur,...). They nonetheless also introduce some new difficulties which are inherent to the fact of basing a global property (the segmentation) on pure local decisions. This papers explores some of those difficulties and proposes some possible corrections. Results on both 2D and 3D data are compared to those obtained without these corrections.