866 research outputs found
Compulsory Liability Insurance for Commercial Motor Vehicles
With its core in adaptability and change responsiveness, the Agile methodology has become a popular application of the project process within the often volatile environment of today’s software development projects. The Agile methodology emphasizes interaction between project roles over documentation and formal processes. This higher interaction increases the need for functioning information dissemination throughout the entire project process. The study was carried out at a small sized Swedish IT consultancy firm. The company wished to acquire a project management and planning software tool to support the entire project process and all involved project roles. However, awareness of areas in the project process in need of support was not entirely clear. Therefore, the objective of the study was to investigate the company’s application of the Agile project process and identify potential challenges. Furthermore, the objective was to investigate how a project management and planning software tool can support the Agile project process within software development. The thesis was carried out as an abductive case study, where qualitative data collection methods and literature studies were combined. As a result from the study, two main conclusions have been drawn. Firstly: requirements engineering, the customer role, communication, and knowledge transfer were concluded as prominent challenges in the project process in need of increased support. Secondly, a project management and planning software tool can support the project process by: increasing the communication and collaboration abilities, providing holistic and historical project overview, providing a single storage location, and providing structure. Furthermore, the study has also shown that the project management and planning software tool needs to interact with the Agile project process in order to provide successful support. As final contribution, the Interaction model was created. The model visualizes the main areas in which a project management and planning software tool must interact with the Agile process, in order to support the entire project process successfully.Genom dess anpassningsförmåga och förändringsmottaglighet har den Agila metodiken blivit en populär tillämpning för projektprocessen inom mjukvaruutveckling, en miljö där snabba förändringar tillhör vardagen. Den Agila metodiken framhäver interaktion mellan projektroller framför dokumentation och formella processer, vilket ökar behovet av fungerande informationsspridning genom hela projektprocessen. Studien har utförts hos ett mindre svenskt IT-konsultföretag, vilket önskade att införskaffa en programvara för ett projektlednings- och planeringsverktyg som kan stötta hela projektprocessen och alla involverade projektroller. Medvetenheten kring de områden i projektprocessen som är i behov av stöd var däremot inte helt tydlig. Målet med studien var därför att undersöka företagets tillämpning av den Agila projektprocessen och identifiera eventuella utmaningar. Vidare var målet också att undersöka hur en programvara för ett projektlednings- och planeringsverktyg kan stödja den Agila projektprocessen inom mjukvaruutveckling. Examensarbetet utfördes som en abduktiv fallstudie där flera kvalitativa datainsamlingsmetoder användes tillsammans med litteraturstudier. Som resultat av studien har två huvudslutsatser dragits. För det första; kravhantering, kundrollen, kommunikation och kunskapsöverföring identifierades som framträdande utmaningar i projektprocessen i behov av ökat stöd. För det andra, att en programvara för ett projektlednings- och planeringsverktyg kan stödja projektprocessen genom att; förbättra kommunikations- och samarbetsmöjligheterna, ge en övergripande och historisk projektöverblick, fungera som en gemensam lagringsplats och tillhandahålla struktur. Vidare har studien visat att en programvara för ett projektlednings- och planeringsverktyg måste interagera med den Agila projektprocessen för att ge ett effektivt stöd. Som ett slutligt bidrag skapades "the Interaction model", vilken visualiserar huvudområdena inom vilka en programvara för ett projektlednings- och planeringsverktyg måste interagera med projektprocessen för att ge ett fullt stöd till processen
A Quantitative Study of the Relationships Among Psychological Safety, Collaborative Capacity, and School Climate in Middle-Level Schools
This quantitative study was conducted to investigate possible relationships between psychological safety, collaborative capacity, and school climate in middle level schools in order to identify specific leadership behaviors to increase collective efficacy. School leaders’ knowledge of the positive effect collective efficacy has on student learning is not enough (Donohoo & Katz, 2019; Parrett & Budge, 2020). Leaders must also be aware of functional behaviors to foster collective efficacy, thus increasing student learning (Donohoo & Katz, 2019). Based on the theoretical work of Bandura (2000, 2012), as well as DeWitt (2017), Garmston and Wellman (2013), Hattie (2017, 2019), and Rock (2013), the variables of psychological safety, collaborative capacity, and school climate were investigated. The sample for this study included certified faculty members in middle-level schools containing fifth through eighth grades. A survey was created by the researcher, and data were collected from the sample by Qualtrics. Statistically significant relationships were found among all variables, with the exception of autonomy and both collaborative capacity and school climate, indicating specific leadership behaviors to foster collective efficacy among faculty members
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