2,553 research outputs found

    South-west Medlfy study highlights improved control strategies

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    Mediterranean fruit fly has become an extremely important pest of commercial orchards in recent years, with there being numerous reports of control problems from fruit growing districts in the South-west of Western Australia. To assist in finding a solution to the problem of effective Medfly control, a study commenced in July 1995 to develop further understanding of Medfly ecology and to evaluate control strategies under varying climatic and management conditions in the South-west region. Sonya Broughton and Francis De Lima report on the outcomes of the three-year study

    Control of Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) in backyards

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    The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Medfly) is thought to originate from tropical Africa. It is a pest in many areas of the world including Western Australia. It was first detected at Claremont in 1895 and is now found as far south as Esperance and as far north as Derby. The main area of infestation extends from Carnarvon to Bunbury.https://researchlibrary.agric.wa.gov.au/bulletins/1069/thumbnail.jp

    Packing and Covering Triangles in Bilaterally-Complete Tripartite Graphs

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    We use Menger's Theorem and K\"onig's Line Colouring Theorem to show that in any tripartite graph with two complete (bipartite) sides the maximum number of pairwise edge-disjoint triangles equals the minimum number of edges that meet all triangles. This generalizes the corresponding result for complete tripartite graphs given by Lakshmanan, et al.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Brexit and the UK Automotive Industry

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    The UK's automotive industry has been one of the ‘star performers’ of the UK economy in recent years – unlike most other manufacturing sectors. Output has increased by over 60 per cent since 2010 and there has been over £8 billion worth of investment in the industry in the past five years. The industry supports some 800,000 jobs in the UK. It is seen as having benefitted from EU membership. So what might Brexit mean for the UK automotive sector, and its workers? This paper considers short-run impacts, before turning to the impact of uncertainty on foreign direct investment inflows and then the nature of a possible trading relationship. Some brief reflections on policy implications round off the paper

    The fight against fruit flies in Western Australia

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    Western Australia’s horticulture industry is one of the State’s growing success stories, from mangoes at Kununurra to cherries at Mt Barker. The prospects are bright, especially in export markets where ‘clean and green’ produce from Western Australia is truly valued. One blight on this ‘clean and green’ image has been Mediterranean fruit fly or Medfly, the ‘world’s worst fruit pest’. First introduced over 100 years ago, the battle against this devastating pest has involved Government, growers and the general public. This book is designed to provide an accurate but readable account of the fight against fruit fly, incorporating all the weapons used in this battle from early chemical and biological control to the futuristic sterile insect technique.https://researchlibrary.agric.wa.gov.au/bulletins/1110/thumbnail.jp

    Influence of Amino Acid Substitutions in the Nisin Leader Peptide on Biosynthesis and Secretion of Nisin by Lactococcus lactis

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    Structural genes for small lanthionine-containing antimicrobial peptides, known as lantibiotics, encode N-terminal leader sequences which are not present in the mature peptide, but are cleaved off at some stage in the maturation process. Leader sequences of the different lantibiotics share a number of identical amino acid residues, but they are clearly different from sec-dependent protein export signal sequences. We studied the role of the leader sequence of the lantibiotic nisin, which is produced and secreted by Lactococcus lactis, by creating site-directed mutations at various positions in the leader peptide sequence. Mutations at Arg-1 and Ala-4, but not at the conserved Pro-2, strongly affected the processing of the leader sequence and resulted in the extracellular accumulation of a biologically inactive precursor peptide. Amino acid analysis and 1H NMR studies indicated that the precursor peptide with an Ala-4 → Asp mutation contained a modified nisin structural part with the (mutated) unmodified leader sequence still attached to it. The Ala-4 → Asp precursor peptide could be activated in vitro by enzymatic cleavage with trypsin, liberating nisin. These results confirmed that cleavage of the leader peptide is the last step in nisin maturation and is necessary to generate a biologically active peptide. Several mutations, i.e. Pro-2 → Gly, Pro-2 → Val, Asp-7 → Ala, Lys-9 → Leu, Ser-10 → Ala/Ser-12 → Ala and Val-11 → Asp/Val-13 → Glu in the leader peptide did not have any detectable effect on nisin production and secretion, although some of them affected highly conserved residues. When mutations were created in the -18 to -15 region of the nisin leader peptide (i.e. Phe-18 → Leu, Leu-16 → Lys, Asp-15 → Ala), no secretion or intracellular accumulation could be detected of nisin or its precursors. This suggested that these conserved residues are involved in the maturation process and may interact with lantibiotic-specific modifying enzymes.

    Transcriptional changes in trichothiodystrophy cells

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    Mutations in three of the genes encoding the XPB, XPD and TTDA components of transcription factor TFIIH can result in the clinical phenotype of trichothiodystrophy (TTD). Different mutations in XPB and XPD can instead cause xeroderma pigmentosum (XP). The completely different features of these disorders have been attributed to TTD being a transcription syndrome. In order to detect transcriptional differences between TTD and XP cells from the XP-D complementation group, we have compared gene expression profiles in cultured fibroblasts from normal, XP and TTD donors. Although we detected transcriptional differences between individual cell strains, using an algorithm of moderate stringency, we did not identify any genes whose expression was reproducibly different in proliferating fibroblasts from each type of donor. Following UV-irradiation, many genes were up- and down-regulated in all three cell types. The microarray analysis indicated some apparent differences between the different donor types, but on more detailed inspection, these turned out to be false positives. We conclude that there are minimal differences in gene expression in proliferating fibroblasts from TTD, XP-D and normal donors

    Maternal Dexamethasone Treatment Alters Tissue and Circulating Components of the Renin-Angiotensin System in the Pregnant Ewe and Fetus.

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    Antenatal synthetic glucocorticoids promote fetal maturation in pregnant women at risk of preterm delivery and their mechanism of action may involve other endocrine systems. This study investigated the effect of maternal dexamethasone treatment, at clinically relevant doses, on components of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in the pregnant ewe and fetus. From 125 days of gestation (term, 145 ± 2 d), 10 ewes carrying single fetuses of mixed sex (3 female, 7 male) were injected twice im, at 10-11 pm, with dexamethasone (2 × 12 mg, n = 5) or saline (n = 5) at 24-hour intervals. At 10 hours after the second injection, maternal dexamethasone treatment increased angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) mRNA levels in the fetal lungs, kidneys, and heart and ACE concentration in the circulation and lungs, but not kidneys, of the fetuses. Fetal cardiac mRNA abundance of angiotensin II (AII) type 2 receptor decreased after maternal dexamethasone treatment. Between the two groups of fetuses, there were no significant differences in plasma angiotensinogen or renin concentrations; in transcript levels of renal renin, or AII type 1 or 2 receptors in the lungs and kidneys; or in pulmonary, renal or cardiac protein content of the AII receptors. In the pregnant ewes, dexamethasone administration increased pulmonary ACE and plasma angiotensinogen, and decreased plasma renin, concentrations. Some of the effects of dexamethasone treatment on the maternal and fetal RAS were associated with altered insulin and thyroid hormone activity. Changes in the local and circulating RAS induced by dexamethasone exposure in utero may contribute to the maturational and tissue-specific actions of antenatal glucocorticoid treatment.The study was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and Tommy’s, the baby charity.This is the final version. It was first published by the Endocrine Society at http://press.endocrine.org/doi/abs/10.1210/en.2015-119

    Forget How We Got Here? Newspaper Coverage of the Royal Charter Deal

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    When Leveson published his Report at the end of November our research showed that the press presented the story as one mainly about freedom of the press and the struggle by hacking victims for vindication and protection in the future. Slightly less prominent but also present was a narrative of the politico-media complex or ties between big media and politicians. Our latest study of newspaper coverage before and after the Royal Charter agreement for implementing Leveson’s recommendations showed that the struggle of the victims of press wrongdoings has all but disappeared from the story
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