80 research outputs found

    Co-variation between stressful events and rumination predicts depressive symptoms : an eighteen months prospective design in undergraduates

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    Rumination is a maladaptive form of emotion regulation and seems to be the cognitive mechanism linking stress to depressive symptoms. However, it remains to be investigated whether individuals' variation in rumination in relation to the occurrence of stressful events (e.g., phasic co-variation between stressful events and rumination) prospectively predict the experience of depressive symptoms in lengthy follow-up moments. In this eighteen months prospective design, a large unselected sample of undergraduates was tested before, during, and after a period with prominent naturally occurring stressful events. The multilevel results show that the co-variation of stressful events and ruminative thinking predicts the experience of depressive symptoms at 3 and 15 months follow up moments, also when statistically controlling for baseline depressive symptoms. Moreover, the data demonstrate that the phasic elevations of rumination in relation to the occurrence of stressful events are more predictive of depressive symptoms compared with the stable aspects of rumination measured at one occasion. At the clinical level, the current findings seem to suggest a process-oriented intervention to target the phasic ruminative cognitions where individuals need to learn to control rumination exactly at moments of stress. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Do higher educated people feel better in everyday life? Insights from a day reconstruction method study

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    Past research has shown a positive association between education and well-being. Much of this research has focused on the cognitive component of well-being (i.e., life satisfaction) as outcome. On the other hand, the affective component, that is, how often and intensively people experience positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA) in their everyday lives, has received far less attention. Therefore, we examined the association between education and PA and NA in everyday life, with a particular focus on affective experiences at the sub-facet level (based on a structure of NA with multiple factors). We used data from a nationally representative sample (N = 1647) of the German Socioeconomic Panel Innovation Sample (SOEP-IS), employing the Day Reconstruction Method (DRM) to capture affective experiences of everyday activities. Multilevel structural equation models revealed that (1) education was not related to PA, but (2) was positively associated with two sub-facets of NA (mourning/worries and loneliness/boredom); (3) income might in part explain the association between education and NA; (4) education does not particularly seem to serve as a resource in times of unemployment or retirement (i.e., there were no interactions between education and unemployment/retirement regarding well-being) In essence, higher educated people reported fewer negative emotions in everyday life than their lower educated counterparts, but not more positive emotions. The findings underline that different facets of NA, in addition to life satisfaction, are relevant variables related to education and should receive more attention in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of non-monetary correlates of education. (DIPF/Orig.

    Integrating state dynamics and trait change

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    Recent theoretical accounts on the causes of trait change emphasize the potential relevance of states. In the same vein, reactions to daily stress have been shown to prospectively predict change in well-being, speaking for the proposition that state dynamics can be a precursor to long-term change in more stable individual-differences characteristics. A common analysis approach towards linking state dynamics such as stress reactivity and change in some more stable individual differences characteristic has been a two-step approach, modeling state dynamics and trait change separately. In this paper, we elaborate on one-step procedures to simultaneously model state dynamics and trait change, realized in the multilevel structural equation modeling framework. We highlight three distinct advantages over the two-step approach which pre-exists in the methodological literature, and we disseminate these advantages to a larger audience. We target a readership of substantive researchers interested in the relationships between state dynamics and traits or trait change, and we provide them with a tutorial style paper on state-of-the-art methods on these topics.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschafthttps://doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Peer Reviewe

    Eight items of the ruminative response scale are sufficient to measure weekly within-person variation in rumination

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    The Ruminative Response Scale (RRS) is commonly used to measure people's general tendency to ruminate. In this study, we explored whether only few items from the RRS can be used to capture within-person variation in rumination in intensive longitudinal studies. Such a short RRS version would allow, for example, monitoring the development of rumination during clinical interventions. We measured rumination on five occasions, with at least one week in between. We used multilevel analyses to analyze the data at the within- and between-person level. Using only eight RRS items, we successfully modeled a reflective self-regulation and depressive brooding factor, similar to the two subfacets of rumination as distinguished by Treynor et al. (2003). We also established convergent validity of depressive brooding at the within- and between-person level of analysis and convergent validity of reflection at the between-person level. We thus introduced a short form of the RRS that captures within-person variation in depressive brooding and reflection well. The short RRS is readily applicable in studies on within-person variation or change in rumination

    Eight items of the ruminative response scale are sufficient tomeasure weekly within-person variation in rumination

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    The Ruminative Response Scale (RRS) is commonly used to measure people’s general tendency to ruminate. In this study, we explored whether only few items from the RRS can be used to capture within-person variation in rumination in intensive longitudinal studies. Such a short RRS version would allow, for example, monitoring the development of rumination during clinical interventions. We measured rumination on five occasions, with at least one week in between. We used multilevel analyses to analyze the data at the within- and between-person level. Using only eight RRS items, we successfully modeled a reflective self-regulation and depressive brooding factor, similar to the two subfacets of rumination as distinguished by Treynor et al. (2003). We also established convergent validity of depressive brooding at the within- and between-person level of analysis and convergent validity of reflection at the between-person level. We thus introduced a short form of the RRS that captures within-person variation in depressive brooding and reflection well. The short RRS is readily applicable in studies on withinperson variation or change in rumination.Peer Reviewe

    Older adults’ affective experiences across 100 days are less variable and less complex than younger adults’.

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    Older adults are often described as being more emotionally competent than younger adults, and higher levels of affect complexity are seen as an indicator of this competence. We argue, however, that once age differences in affect variability are taken into account, older adults' everyday affective experiences will be characterized by lower affect complexity when compared with younger adults'. In addition, reduced affect complexity seems more likely from a theoretical point of view. We tested this hypothesis with a study in which younger and older adults reported their momentary affect on 100 days. Affect complexity was examined using clusterwise simultaneous component analysis based on covariance matrices to take into account differences in affect variability. We found that in the majority of older adults (55%), structures of affect were comparatively simpler than those of younger adults because they were reduced to a positive affect component. Most remaining older adults (35%) were characterized by differentiated rather than undifferentiated affective responding, as were a considerable number of younger adults (43%). When affect variability was made comparable across age groups, affect complexity also became comparable across age groups. It is interesting that individuals with the least complex structures had the highest levels of well-being. We conclude that affective experiences are not only less variable in the majority of older adults, but also less complex. Implications for understanding emotions across the life span are discussed

    When and How to Regulate: Everyday Emotion-Regulation Strategy Use and Stressor Intensity

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    Contextual factors shape emotion regulation (ER). The intensity of emotional stimuli may be such a contextual factor that influences the selection and moderates the effectiveness of ER strategies in reducing negative affect (NA). Prior research has shown that, on average, when emotional stimuli were more intense, distraction was selected over reappraisal (and vice versa). This pattern was previously shown to be adaptive as the preferred strategies were more efficient in the respective contexts. Here, we investigated whether stressor intensity predicted strategy use and effectiveness in similar ways in daily life. We examined five ER strategies (reappraisal, reflection, acceptance, distraction, and rumination) in relation to the intensity of everyday stressors, using two waves of experience-sampling data (N = 156). In accordance with our hypotheses, reappraisal, reflection, and acceptance were used less, and rumination was used more, when stressors were more intense. Moreover, results suggested that distraction was more effective, and rumination more detrimental the higher the stressor intensity. Against our hypotheses, distraction did not covary with stressor intensity, and there was no evidence that reappraisal, reflection, and acceptance were more effective at lower levels of stressor intensity. Instead, when examined individually, reflection and reappraisal (like distraction) were more effective at higher levels of stressor intensity. In sum, stressor intensity predicted ER selection and moderated strategy effectiveness, but the results also point to a more complex ER strategy use in daily life than in the laboratory

    Stress buffering after physical activity engagement: An experience sampling study

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    Objectives While encountering daily hassles is a normative experience, it poses a threat to individuals' daily affective well-being. However, physical activity engagement may help to reduce the current stress-related impact on affective well-being (i.e. stress buffering), which we investigate in this study. Furthermore, we examined the possible moderating role of people's global stress context (i.e. exposure to major life events and chronic stress) on this within-person stress-buffering effect. Design We approached these ideas using six-times-a-day experience sampling assessments over a period of 22 days. Methods Drawing on a broad national sample of 156 middle-aged adults from the EE-SOEP-IS study, we aimed to elucidate the naturally occurring within-person dynamics of current stress, physical activity engagement, and momentary affect within individuals' everyday lives. Major life events and chronic stress were measured as between-person variables. Results Multilevel analyses revealed significant within-person associations of current stress and physical activity engagement with momentary affect. Stress-related negative affect was lower when individuals engaged in physical activity, in accordance with the idea of a within-person stress-buffering effect of physical activity engagement. For individuals exposed to more severe major life events, the stress-buffering effect of physical activity engagement for negative affect was lower. Chronic stress did not moderate the within-person stress-buffering effect. Conclusions Overall, results add to the existing literature that links physical activity to increased stress resilience and emphasizes the need for taking the global between-person stress context into account

    Distance learning, parent-child interactions, and affective well-being of parents and children during the COVID-19 pandemic. A diary study

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    To slow down the spread of the COVID-19 virus, schools around the world were closed in early 2020, transferring children\u27s scholastic activities to the homes and imposing a massive burden on parents and school-age children. Using data of a 21-day diary study conducted between March and April 2020 in Germany, this work examined whether (a) distance learning and (b) parents\u27 involvement therein were associated with negative parent-child interactions and affective well-being of parents and children, over and above the effect of daily stressors. Participants were 562 parents (489 mothers, Mage = 42.79, SDage = 6.12, range = 25-63) most of whom were married (n = 382, 68.0%). They responded to the daily items with respect to the youngest child living in their household (Mage = 9.74, SDage = 2.81, range = 6-19). On days when children were working on school tasks, parents reported more negative parent-child interactions as well as lower parental and child positive affect and higher child negative affect, but not higher parental negative affect. Moreover, days when parents were more heavily involved in learning (i.e., when children worked less independently) were days with more negative parent-child interactions, lower parental and child positive affect, and higher parental and child negative affect. Negative parent-child interactions were linked to lower affective well-being of parents and children, and partially accounted for the relation among daily stressors and affective well-being. The present work highlights the need for measures to better support school-age children and their parents during distance learning. (DIPF/Orig.

    Ambulatory assessment of rumination and worry. Capturing perseverative cognitions in children\u27s daily life

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    Rumination and worry are common forms of perseverative cognition in children. Research has started to target perseverative cognitions in the everyday life of children, however, valid measurement instruments reliably capturing rumination and worry in children\u27s daily life are still missing. We conducted two ambulatory assessment studies validating short scales suitable for the measurement of rumination and worry in children\u27s daily life. Results of the first study (N = 110, 8-11 year-olds, 31 days, up to 4 daily measurements) supported a unidimensional structure of the rumination scale. Rumination was associated with negative affect (but not positive affect) on the within- and on the between-person level. On the between-person level, children who ruminated more showed poorer working memory performance. In the second study (N = 84, 8-10 year-olds, 21 days, up to 3 daily measurements), findings of Study 1 were largely replicated. Moreover, we established a unidimensional worry scale in Study 2 reliably capturing worry in children\u27s daily life. Importantly, Study 2 showed that worry and rumination share common variance but can be differentiated in children. On the within-person level, higher levels of worry were associated with higher levels of negative affect and lower levels of positive affect. On the between-person level, worry was associated with higher levels of negative affect and lower working memory performance. Altogether, findings of both studies demonstrated that the short scales had excellent psychometric properties suggesting that they are helpful tools for the assessment of rumination and worry in children\u27s daily life.person level, worry was associated with higher levels of negative affect and lower working memory performance. Altogether, findings of both studies demonstrated that the short scales had excellent psychometric properties suggesting that they are helpful tools for the assessment of rumination and worry in children\u27s daily life. (DIPF/Orig.
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