360 research outputs found

    ā€œItā€™s Been a Hard Dayā€™s Nightā€ for Songwriters: Why the ASCAP and BMI Consent Decrees Must Undergo Reform

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    In order to guarantee reasonable fees for songwriters, composers, and publishers, the consent decrees must undergo critical reform to account for how music is licensed in new media. Part I of this Note will provide background on the mechanics of music licensing, both traditional and through modern mediums, in order to explain why the two largest PROs initially entered into governmental consent decrees. Part II will discuss recent judicial determinations of ā€œreasonableā€ licensing rates for public performances in new media and demonstrate the discrepancy in compensation between songwriters and their sound recording counterparts, namely record companies and recording artists. Finally, Part III will argue that the solution to this problem is through consent decree reform. The decrees should be modified to allow songwriters to withdraw their digital rights in order to separately license songs in new media. A new PRO should then emerge in the market place to account solely for public performance rights in new media, leaving traditional licensing to the existing PROs. Additionally, the current judicial process for setting rates, known as the ā€œrate courtā€ system, should be replaced with expedited, binding arbitration. Making these important changes to the music-licensing system will work towards bridging the gap in compensation inequality between songwriters and recording artists

    Jane Eyre

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    Join Jane on her journey from poor orphan child to independent woman.https://griffinshare.fontbonne.edu/mst-programs/1021/thumbnail.jp

    Justice Might be Blind but Many Jurors are Not: Exploring the Mechanisms of Aversive Racism and Normative Decision Making in Juridical Decisions

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    Although juries exist within the American justice system to guard against ā€œthe corrupt or overzealous prosecutor and against the compliant, biased, or eccentric judgeā€ (United States, 1968), psychological researchers have been divided over whether mock jurors do indeed demonstrate biased decision making due to the mixed results of past meta-analyses (Devine & Caughlin, 2014; Mazzella et al., 1994; Mitchell et al., 2005). In order to address what has caused these variable results, researchers must begin to explore complex paradigms for juror decision making. As such, these present studies sought to test the theoretical mechanisms of one of these possible paradigms, the aversive racism paradigm, which proposes that mock jurors feel better able to act in biased ways when their defendant has a negative secondary characteristic (Dovidio & Gaertner, 2004; Pearson, 2007; Minero & Espinoza, 2016). If the mechanisms of this paradigm could be experimentally related to a defendantā€™s secondary characteristics, then the aversive racism paradigm could be used to explain the variable results of past meta-analyses. In result, Study 1 supported the mechanistic validity of aversive racism paradigms. Further, it clarified that certain theoretical mechanisms of aversive racism, including mock jurorsā€™ preferencing of normative decision making modes and increased willingness to communicate explicit biases, actually preceded any influence of a defendantā€™s race, suggesting that this paradigm might even begin to explain the biases of mock jurors in studies that are unrelated to race. However, mock jurors in Study 2 failed to operate under an aversive racism paradigm, instead reflecting the decision making processes of an incredibly unusual population. Overall, both of these studies provide a unique mechanistic exploration into possible reasons why different juror decision making studies might arrive at incredibly variable results. In turn, the findings of these studies provide information about the biased decision making processes of a variety of mock jurors that should be considered for future research or for future juridical reforms

    Intervention for School Anxiety and Absenteeism in Children (ISAAC):Co-designing a brief parent-focused intervention for emotionally-based school avoidance

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    Emotionally-based school avoidance (EBSA) is an important driver of persistent school absenteeism and may have worsened in the context of COVID-19. This paper describes the development of a brief parent-focused psychosocial intervention with the goal to address the lack of accessible early interventions for EBSA. The developmental process used a person-centred approach (Yardley, 2015) with two phases. In Phase 1, qualitative data were collected about intervention preferences and priorities from N=10 parents and N=7 practitioners in a series of co-design workshops. Phase 2 refined an intervention blueprint based on iterative consultations with N=4 parents and N=3 practitioners. Framework analysis was used to organise findings around key intervention parameters, including relevant mechanisms, content, and delivery methods needed to provide effective, acceptable and feasible support for families affected by EBSA. The resulting blueprint incorporates three online modules to be delivered over three weeks with each module consisting of psychoeducational videos, self-completed learning tasks and a corresponding coaching session. Respective module content includes: (i) self-care strategies to increase parent wellbeing and self-efficacy; (ii) parenting strategies to change behavioural patterns that maintain child distress and avoidance of school; and (iii) strategic communication strategies to increase the quality of home-school relationships. The blueprint has been developed into a full prototype for a forthcoming feasibility study

    Jane Eyre

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    LocalitzaciĆ³: Universitat AutĆ²noma de Barcelona, Arb 239.Text mecanoscrit amb anotacions manuscrites.Enquadernat amb tapes de cartr

    What It Takes To Fly: Exploring The Effect Of Variant Propeller Pitches And Lengths On The Efficiency Of Propeller-Powered Hover Boards

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    This paper details the modeling of a propeller-powered hover board and provides an investigation into how the pitch and diameter of the propellers impacts the efficiency of the device. Hover boards are a potentially valuable technology, and the most accessible means of producing lift on hover boards is with propellers. It is important to understand how the pitch and diameter of a propeller impact the amount of weight a hover board can lift, but due to the overwhelming range of propellers that exist, it is difficult to choose the most efficient variation. Thus, we determine a propellerā€™s maximum upward force at a given current and the effect of pitch and diameter on its performance to ultimately forward the development of this technology. A testing apparatus was constructed to investigate each propeller and measure both the maximum mass the propeller could lift, as well as the current that was drawn at this maximum point. Our results found that the propellers with a greater pitch were more efficient when their diameter was greater and the propellers with a smaller pitch were more efficient when their diameter was smaller. Through extrapolating using the trend line, it is possible to calculate how many 3.8-pitch or 6-pitch propellers of any diameter would be needed to lift a human being. Through these equations, if the diameter of a 3.8-inch pitch or 6-inch pitch propeller is known, then the maximum lift and the current drawn to achieve said lift can be found. Future investigation into these trends over a greater range of propeller diameters and pitches is recommended in order to gather more conclusive results. Cet article discute de la modeĢlisation dā€™un aeĢroglisseur propulseĢ par une heĢlice, et fournit une enqueĢ‚te de lā€™effet du pas et du diameĢ€tre des heĢlices sur lā€™efficaciteĢ de lā€™appareil. Les aeĢroglisseurs sont une technologie potentiellement valable, et la facĢ§on la plus accessible aĢ€ produire de la portance sur les aeĢroglisseurs est lā€™utilisation dā€™heĢlices. Il est important de comprendre lā€™impact du pas et du diameĢ€tre sur la quantiteĢ de poids que lā€™aeĢroglisseur peut soulever, mais aĢ€ cause de la gamme eĢcrasante dā€™heĢlices qui existe, il est difficile de choisir la variation la plus efficace. Donc, une expeĢrience fut creĢeĢe pour deĢterminer la portance maximale dā€™une heĢlice avec un certain courant et lā€™effet du pas et du diameĢ€tre sur sa performance, menant en fin de compte au progreĢ€s dans le deĢveloppement de cette technologie. Un model dā€™expeĢrimentation a eĢteĢ construit pour eĢvaluer chaque heĢlice et mesurer le poids maximale quā€™il peut supporter, ainsi que le courant maximale aĢ€ ce point. Nos reĢsultats montrent que les heĢlices avec un pas plus grand eĢtaient plus efficaces lorsque leur diameĢ€tre eĢtait plus grand, alors que les heĢlices avec un pas plus petit eĢtaient plus efficaces lorsque leur diameĢ€tre eĢtait plus petit. En extrapolant les donneĢes en utilisant la ligne de tendance, il est possible de deĢterminer combien dā€™heĢlices dā€™un pas de 3,8 pouces ou de 6 pouces, de nā€™importe quel diameĢ€tre, seraient requises pour soulever un eĢ‚tre humain. Avec ces calculs, si le diameĢ€tre dā€™une heĢlice dā€™un pas de 3,8 pouces ou dā€™une heĢlice dā€™un pas de 6 pouces est connu, la portance maximale et le courant requis pour atteindre cette porteĢe peuvent eĢ‚tre deĢtermineĢs. Une investigation future dans ces tendances aĢ€ travers une gamme plus large de diameĢ€tres et de pas dā€™heĢlices est recommandeĢe afin de recueillir des reĢsultats plus concluants.

    What it Takes To Get Off The Ground

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    This coop experience has opened my eyes to the role that scientic research plays in the development of new inventions and technology. I have learned that in order to ensure your idea will work, you have to first test the science on a smaller scale (especially if you are new to the nature of the science you plan to explore). I went into this program intending to build a hover board, but I quickly realized that I was enteringĀ a foreign field of engineering and I had oversimplied the development process.


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