49 research outputs found

    Dynamics of drug sustainability Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the Belgorod region for the period of 2008-2017

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    To assess and compare the structure and dynamics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug resistance to anti-tuberculosis drugs, including multiple and broad, in the Belgorod region in newly diagnosed patients and patients with relapses of tuberculosi

    Connection of Social Policy Implementation with the Dynamics of Social Orphanhood in Russian Regions

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    The problem of social orphanhood is one of the most important fmong the social problems of modern Russia, it is acute for a society. In the study of the problems of social orphanage, we used the author’s methods of ranking the regions of Russia according to the dynamics of indicators, an integrated index of “favorable” changes, as well as rating data and indicators of the development of regions of Russia implemented by subjects of social policy and the system of protecting children's rights. Based on the results of the study, the main problems in the social protection of families and citizens in difficult situations are identified. The problems lie in the areas of financial security of social programs, legislative regulation, information support. The results of the study can be used in the activities of social support services. The preventive of social orphanage should be measures of an active social policy

    Diffracted transitive radiation as a means for indicating the divergence of an ultrarelativistic electron beam

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    Results of model calculations of the electron beam divergence parameters for a given yield of DTR photons traversing the slit collimator have shown that the formula proposed in this work can be successfully used as a basis for the development of methods for measuring the divergence of ultrahigh-energy relativistic electron beams based on the angular DTR distributio

    Determining the divergence of an ultra-relativistic electron beam from the diffracted transition radiation in a single-crystal target

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    We have studied the possibilities of using diffracted transition radiation excited by a relativistic electron beam in a single-crystal target to determine the beam divergence. For this purpose, we investigated the expressions we had previously derived that describe the angular density of diffracted transition radiation excited by a relativistic electron beam crossing a thin single-crystal plat

    Effect of the divergence of a relativistic electron beam on the diffracted transition radiation excited by them in a single-crystal target

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    The dependence of the angular density and the photon yield of collimated diffracted transition radiation (DTR) generated in a thin single-crystal plate by a beam of relativistic electrons on the beam divergence are studied. An expression describing the DTR angular density averaged over all the rectangular trajectories of electrons in the beam is derived. For the averaging, the two-dimensional Gaussian distribution is used. A significant dependence of the angular density of collimated DTR photons on the electron-beam divergence is shown. An expression describing the number of collimated DTR photons is obtaine

    On the problem of application of diffracted transition radiation for indication of relativistic electron beam parameters

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    The model calculations of the electron beam divergence parameters on the base of “measured” yield of DTR photons traversing through a slit collimator are carried out. The results of the calculation show that the proposed in this work formula can be successfully used as a base for the development of methods for measuring the divergence of beams of relativistic ultrahigh-energy electrons based on DTR angular distributio

    Russian and Foreign Experience of Placement for Orphans

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    Children are the main value of the country, they need care and special attention. The government is obliged to ensure the implementation of children's rights to upbringing, education and development. The family education of children is the priority form. However, there is a problem of orphanage and social orphanage, children left without parental care. There are various forms of placement for orphans. The family form of the placement, foster families, are priority in the world

    Soil micromorphology in archaeology: history, objectives, possibilities and prospects

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    The history of applying soil micromorphology in archaeology in Russia and abroad is overviewed. The main objectives of soil micromorphological analysis of archaeological objects are specified. The possibilities offered by this method are illustrated by the example of a micromorphological study of a cultural layer of an Early Medieval settlement. The prospects of archaeological soil micromorphology development are outlined

    Hierarchical morphogenetic analysis of Kursk chernozem

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    Each of four hierarchical levels in the morphogenetic research is characterized in terms of technical and information facilities. A detailed hierarchical study was performed for the first time for chernozems and may be qualified for a basic one. Its results comprise confirmation of occurrence and details in manifestations of pedogenetic processes well-known in chernozems, as well as additional information on the pedofauna contribution to chernozem formation, variability and dynamics of carbonate pedofeatures, stability of the mineral soil ingredients