94 research outputs found

    Clathrin light chains CLCa and CLCb have non-redundant roles in epithelial lumen formation

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    To identify functional differences between vertebrate clathrin light chains (CLCa or CLCb), phenotypes of mice lacking genes encoding either isoform were characterised. Mice without CLCa displayed 50% neonatal mortality, reduced body weight, reduced fertility, and ∼40% of aged females developed uterine pyometra. Mice lacking CLCb displayed a less severe weight reduction phenotype compared with those lacking CLCa and had no survival or reproductive system defects. Analysis of female mice lacking CLCa that developed pyometra revealed ectopic expression of epithelial differentiation markers (FOXA2 and K14) and a reduced number of endometrial glands, indicating defects in the lumenal epithelium. Defects in lumen formation and polarity of epithelial cysts derived from uterine or gut cell lines were also observed when either CLCa or CLCb were depleted, with more severe effects from CLCa depletion. In cysts, the CLC isoforms had different distributions relative to each other, although they converge in tissue. Together, these findings suggest differential and cooperative roles for CLC isoforms in epithelial lumen formation, with a dominant function for CLCa

    T Cell Receptor Engagement Leads to Phosphorylation of Clathrin Heavy Chain during Receptor Internalization

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    T cell receptor (TCR) internalization by clathrin-coated vesicles after encounter with antigen has been implicated in the regulation of T cell responses. We demonstrate that TCR internalization after receptor engagement and TCR signaling involves inducible phosphorylation of clathrin heavy chain (CHC) in both CD4+ and CD8+ human T cells. Studies with mutant Jurkat T cells implicate the Src family kinase Lck as the responsible enzyme and its activity in this process is influenced by the functional integrity of the downstream signaling molecule ZAP-70. CHC phosphorylation positively correlates with ligand-induced TCR internalization in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and CHC phosphorylation as a result of basal Lck activity is also implicated in constitutive TCR endocytosis by CD4+ T cells. Remarkably, irreversible CHC phosphorylation in the presence of pervanadate reduced both constitutive and ligand-induced TCR internalization in CD4+ T cells, and immunofluorescence studies revealed that this inhibition affected the early stages of TCR endocytosis from the plasma membrane. Thus, we propose that CHC phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are involved in TCR internalization and that this is a regulatory mechanism linking TCR signaling to endocytosis

    Hsc70-induced changes in clathrin-auxilin cage structure suggest a role for clathrin light chains in cage disassembly

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    The molecular chaperone, Hsc70, together with its co-factor, auxilin, facilitates the ATP-dependent removal of clathrin during clathrin-mediated endocytosis in cells. We have used cryo-electron microscopy to determine the 3D structure of a complex of clathrin, auxilin401-910 and Hsc70 at pH 6 in the presence of ATP, frozen within 20 seconds of adding Hsc70 in order to visualize events that follow the binding of Hsc70 to clathrin and auxilin before clathrin disassembly. In this map, we observe density beneath the vertex of the cage that we attribute to bound Hsc70. This density emerges asymmetrically from the clathrin vertex, suggesting preferential binding by Hsc70 for one of the three possible sites at the vertex. Statistical comparison with a map of whole auxilin and clathrin previously published by us reveals the location of statistically significant differences which implicate involvement of clathrin light chains in structural rearrangements which occur after Hsc70 is recruited. Clathrin disassembly assays using light scattering suggest that loss of clathrin light chains reduces the efficiency with which auxilin facilitates this reaction. These data support a regulatory role for clathrin light chains in clathrin disassembly in addition to their established role in regulating clathrin assembly

    CHC22 and CHC17 clathrins have distinct biochemical properties and display differential regulation and function

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    Clathrins are cytoplasmic proteins that play essential roles in endocytosis and other membrane traffic pathways. Upon recruitment to intracellular membranes, the canonical clathrin triskelion assembles into a polyhedral protein coat that facilitates vesicle formation and captures cargo molecules for transport. The triskelion is formed by trimerization of three clathrin heavy-chain subunits. Most vertebrates have two isoforms of clathrin heavy chains, CHC17 and CHC22, generating two clathrins with distinct cellular functions. CHC17 forms vesicles at the plasma membrane for receptor-mediated endocytosis and at the trans-Golgi network for organelle biogenesis. CHC22 plays a key role in intracellular targeting of the insulin-regulated glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4), accumulates at the site of GLUT4 sequestration during insulin resistance, and has also been implicated in neuronal development. Here, we demonstrate that CHC22 and CHC17 share morphological features, in that CHC22 forms a triskelion and latticed vesicle coats. However, cellular CHC22-coated vesicles were distinct from those formed by CHC17. The CHC22 coat was more stable to pH change and was not removed by the enzyme complex that disassembles the CHC17 coat. Moreover, the two clathrins were differentially recruited to membranes by adaptors, and CHC22 did not support vesicle formation or transferrin endocytosis at the plasma membrane in the presence or absence of CHC17. Our findings provide biochemical evidence for separate regulation and distinct functional niches for CHC17 and CHC22 in human cells. Furthermore, the greater stability of the CHC22 coat relative to the CHC17 coat may be relevant to its excessive accumulation with GLUT4 during insulin resistance. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2017, The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

    Clathrin light chains' role in selective endocytosis influences antibody isotype switching

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    Clathrin, a cytosolic protein composed of heavy and light chain subunits, assembles into a vesicle coat, controlling receptor-mediated endocytosis. To establish clathrin light chain (CLC) function in vivo, we engineered mice lacking CLCa, the major CLC isoform in B lymphocytes, generating animals with CLC-deficient B cells. In CLCa-null mice, the germinal centers have fewer B cells, and they are enriched for IgA-producing cells. This enhanced switch to IgA production in the absence of CLCa was attributable to increased transforming growth factor β receptor 2 (TGFβR2) signaling resulting from defective endocytosis. Internalization of C-X-C chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4), but not CXCR5, was affected in CLCa-null B cells, and CLC depletion from cell lines affected endocytosis of the δ-opioid receptor, but not the β2-adrenergic receptor, defining a role for CLCs in the uptake of a subset of signaling receptors. This instance of clathrin subunit deletion in vertebrates demonstrates that CLCs contribute to clathrin’s role in vivo by influencing cargo selectivity, a function previously assigned exclusively to adaptor molecules

    The CHC22 Clathrin-GLUT4 Transport Pathway Contributes to Skeletal Muscle Regeneration

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    Mobilization of the GLUT4 glucose transporter from intracellular storage vesicles provides a mechanism for insulin-responsive glucose import into skeletal muscle. In humans, clathrin isoform CHC22 participates in formation of the GLUT4 storage compartment in skeletal muscle and fat. CHC22 function is limited to retrograde endosomal sorting and is restricted in its tissue expression and species distribution compared to the conserved CHC17 isoform that mediates endocytosis and several other membrane traffic pathways. Previously, we noted that CHC22 was expressed at elevated levels in regenerating rat muscle. Here we investigate whether the GLUT4 pathway in which CHC22 participates could play a role in muscle regeneration in humans and we test this possibility using CHC22-transgenic mice, which do not normally express CHC22. We observed that GLUT4 expression is elevated in parallel with that of CHC22 in regenerating skeletal muscle fibers from patients with inflammatory and other myopathies. Regenerating human myofibers displayed concurrent increases in expression of VAMP2, another regulator of GLUT4 transport. Regenerating fibers from wild-type mouse skeletal muscle injected with cardiotoxin also showed increased levels of GLUT4 and VAMP2. We previously demonstrated that transgenic mice expressing CHC22 in their muscle over-sequester GLUT4 and VAMP2 and have defective GLUT4 trafficking leading to diabetic symptoms. In this study, we find that muscle regeneration rates in CHC22 mice were delayed compared to wild-type mice, and myoblasts isolated from these mice did not proliferate in response to glucose. Additionally, CHC22-expressing mouse muscle displayed a fiber type switch from oxidative to glycolytic, similar to that observed in type 2 diabetic patients. These observations implicate the pathway for GLUT4 transport in regeneration of both human and mouse skeletal muscle, and demonstrate a role for this pathway in maintenance of muscle fiber type. Extrapolating these findings, CHC22 and GLUT4 can be considered markers of muscle regeneration in humans

    TIM-2 is expressed on B cells and in liver and kidney and is a receptor for H-ferritin endocytosis

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    T cell immunoglobulin-domain and mucin-domain (TIM) proteins constitute a receptor family that was identified first on kidney and liver cells; recently it was also shown to be expressed on T cells. TIM-1 and -3 receptors denote different subsets of T cells and have distinct regulatory effects on T cell function. Ferritin is a spherical protein complex that is formed by 24 subunits of H- and L-ferritin. Ferritin stores iron atoms intracellularly, but it also circulates. H-ferritin, but not L-ferritin, shows saturable binding to subsets of human T and B cells, and its expression is increased in response to inflammation. We demonstrate that mouse TIM-2 is expressed on all splenic B cells, with increased levels on germinal center B cells. TIM-2 also is expressed in the liver, especially in bile duct epithelial cells, and in renal tubule cells. We further demonstrate that TIM-2 is a receptor for H-ferritin, but not for L-ferritin, and expression of TIM-2 permits the cellular uptake of H-ferritin into endosomes. This is the first identification of a receptor for ferritin and reveals a new role for TIM-2

    CHC22 clathrin mediates traffic from early secretory compartments for human GLUT4 pathway biogenesis

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    Post-prandial blood glucose is cleared by Glucose Transporter 4 (GLUT4) released from an intracellular GLUT4 storage compartment (GSC) to the surface of muscle and adipose tissue in response to insulin. Here we map the biosynthetic pathway for human GSC formation, which involves the clathrin isoform CHC22. We observe that GLUT4 transits more slowly through the early secretory pathway than the constitutively-secreted GLUT1 transporter, and show CHC22 colocalizes with p115 in the endoplasmic-reticulum-to-Golgi-intermediate compartment (ERGIC). We find CHC22 functions in membrane traffic from the early secretory pathway during formation of the replication vacuole of Legionella pneumophila, which also acquires components of the GLUT4 pathway. We show that p115 but not GM130 is required for GSC formation, indicating GSC biogenesis from the ERGIC bypasses the Golgi. This GSC biogenesis pathway is attenuated in mice, which lack CHC22, and rely mainly on recapture of surface GLUT4 to populate their GSC. GLUT4 traffic to the GSC is enhanced by CHC22 function at the human ERGIC, which has implications for pathways to insulin resistance