24 research outputs found

    Проект ЭСПЦ по производству нержавеющих марок стали в условиях Урала производительностью 650 тыс. тонн стали в год

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    Реферат Выпускная квалификационная работа 131 листов, 13 рисунков, 36 источников, 2 приложения. Ключевые слова: электросталеплавильный цех, электродуговая печь, АКР, электрофильтр, МНЛЗ, блюм. Объектом исследования является ЭСПЦ производительностью 650 тыс. тонн в год нержавеющих марок стали в условия Урала. Цели исследования: выбор основного оборудования, расчет цеха и оборудования, баланса металла и шихты в цехе, социальная ответственность и экономическое обоснование строительства цеха. Работа представлена введением, 5 разделами и заключением, список использованных источников. В разделе 슫Объект исследования슻 описан проектируемый ЭСПЦ, рассмотрены основные пролеты и располагающееся в них оборудование. Во разделе 슫Расчеты и аналитика슻 представлены расчет баланса металла в цехе и шAbstract Abstract The graduation work consists of 131 pages, 13 figures, 36 sources, 2 appendices. Keywords: arc furnace plant, electric arc furnace, AOD, electrostatic precipitator, continuous casting machines, bloom. The object of study is the EAF shop with the capacity of 650 thousand tons a year of stainless steels under the conditions of the Urals. The aim of the study: choice of the basic equipment, calculation of plant and equipment, the balance of metal and charge in the plant, social responsibility and economic feasibility of the plant construction. The work includes the introduction, 5 sections and conclusion, list of references. In the section «Object of study» describe the designed EAF shop, considere the main spans and equipment located in them. In the section «Calculation a


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    We performed a retrospective analysis of treatment in 4,197 patients with acute cholecystitis. Destructive complicated cholecystitis was diagnosed in 658 (25.3%) patients . There were 431 (65.5%) patients of elderly and senile age. All patients had comorbidities. Cardiovascular insufficiency — 73.9%, respiratory diseases — 29.2%, diabetes — 26%. For urgent indications, 12 (2.8%) patients were operated, 2 (16.6%) of them died. In 419 (97.2%) patients, mini-invasive treatment was performed. Endoscopically, jaundice wasn’t managed in 86 (20.5%) cases. In 62 (14.8%) cases, percutaneous transhepatic microcholangiography was performed under ultrasound guidance. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed in 183 (43.6 %) cases, traditional cholecystectomy was performed in 149 (35.6%) cases, and in 38 of them (23.9%) it was combined with Kerr’s drainage of choledoch. Mini-invasive cholecystectomy was performed in 87 (20.7%) cases. Postoperative complications were revealed in 21 (5.0%) patients, in 7 (2.9%) of elderly age and 14 (7.9%) of senile age. Postoperative mortality rate was 2.0%. The use of minimally invasive interventions in the complex treatment of this group of patients was the main goal and it was reasoned by the severity of the initial condition of elderly and senile patients.Проведен ретроспективный анализ лечения 4197 больных, страдавших острым холециститом. Деструктивный осложненный холецистит был обнаружен у 658 больных (25,3%). Пациентов пожилого и старческого возраста было 431 (65,5%). В последней группе коморбидные изменения наблюдались у 100% больных. Сердечно-сосудистая недостаточность имела место у 73,9% больных, заболевания органов дыхания — у 29,2%, сахарный диабет — у 26%. По экстренным и срочным показаниям оперированы 12 пациентов (2,8%), умерли 2 (16,6%). Мини-инвазивное лечение проведено 419 больным (97,2%). Эндоскопически желтуха не разрешена у 86 пациентов (20,5%), 62 больным (14,8%) произведена чрескожная чреспеченочная микрохолецистостомия под УЗ-наведением. Лапароскопическая холецистэктомия выполнена 183 больным (43,6%), традиционная холецистэктомия — 149 пациентам (35,6%) , из них с дренированием холедоха по Керу — 38 (23,9%). Холецистэктомия из мини-доступа произведена 87 пациентам (20,7%). Послеоперационные осложнения выявлены у 21 больного (5,0%): у 7 лиц (2,9%) пожилого и у 14 (7,9%) — старческого возраста. Послеоперационная летальность составила 2,0%. Использование мини-инвазивных вмешательств в комплексном лечении группы коморбидных больных при осложнениях желчнокаменной болезни позволило значительно улучшить результаты хирургического лечения

    An experimental investigation of the ELAC 1 configuration at supersonic speeds

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    We performed a retrospective analysis of treatment in 4,197 patients with acute cholecystitis. Destructive complicated cholecystitis was diagnosed in 658 (25.3%) patients . There were 431 (65.5%) patients of elderly and senile age. All patients had comorbidities. Cardiovascular insufficiency — 73.9%, respiratory diseases — 29.2%, diabetes — 26%. For urgent indications, 12 (2.8%) patients were operated, 2 (16.6%) of them died. In 419 (97.2%) patients, mini-invasive treatment was performed. Endoscopically, jaundice wasn’t managed in 86 (20.5%) cases. In 62 (14.8%) cases, percutaneous transhepatic microcholangiography was performed under ultrasound guidance. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed in 183 (43.6 %) cases, traditional cholecystectomy was performed in 149 (35.6%) cases, and in 38 of them (23.9%) it was combined with Kerr’s drainage of choledoch. Mini-invasive cholecystectomy was performed in 87 (20.7%) cases. Postoperative complications were revealed in 21 (5.0%) patients, in 7 (2.9%) of elderly age and 14 (7.9%) of senile age. Postoperative mortality rate was 2.0%. The use of minimally invasive interventions in the complex treatment of this group of patients was the main goal and it was reasoned by the severity of the initial condition of elderly and senile patients