5 research outputs found

    Real World Awareness (RWA) Systems: A Pharmaceutical Industry Application

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    In this paper, we describe the evaluation of a real-world awareness (RWA) prototype designed to help managers perform environmental scanning in the pharmaceutical industry. RWA in the pharmaceutical industry consists of not only the tracking and tracing of drugs but also of pattern recognition for relevant events – both internal and external to the company - which can affect a company’s drug research and development plans, marketing effectiveness, and ultimately its profitability. Based on interview insights from a German pharmaceutical company, we identify several objects of perception relevant to real-time identification and advanced anticipation of events. Our study provides a first glimpse into the potential of RWA for companies in the pharmaceutical industry, and generates insights for design of future RWA systems

    Interleukin-10 improves stroke outcome by controlling the detrimental Interleukin-17A response

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    Background!#!Lymphocytes have dichotomous functions in ischemic stroke. Regulatory T cells are protective, while IL-17A from innate lymphocytes promotes the infarct growth. With recent advances of T cell-subtype specific transgenic mouse models it now has become possible to study the complex interplay of T cell subpopulations in ischemic stroke.!##!Methods!#!In a murine model of experimental stroke we analyzed the effects of IL-10 on the functional outcome for up to 14 days post-ischemia and defined the source of IL-10 in ischemic brains based on immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, and bone-marrow chimeric mice. We used neutralizing IL-17A antibodies, intrathecal IL-10 injections, and transgenic mouse models which harbor a deletion of the IL-10R on distinct T cell subpopulations to further explore the interplay between IL-10 and IL-17A pathways in the ischemic brain.!##!Results!#!We demonstrate that IL-10 deficient mice exhibit significantly increased infarct sizes on days 3 and 7 and enlarged brain atrophy and impaired neurological outcome on day 14 following tMCAO. In ischemic brains IL-10 producing immune cells included regulatory T cells, macrophages, and microglia. Neutralization of IL-17A following stroke reversed the worse outcome in IL-10 deficient mice and intracerebral treatment with recombinant IL-10 revealed that IL-10 controlled IL-17A positive lymphocytes in ischemic brains. Importantly, IL-10 acted differentially on αβ and γδ T cells. IL-17A producing CD4!##!Conclusions!#!Taken together, our data indicate a key function of IL-10 in restricting the detrimental IL-17A-signaling in stroke and further supports that IL-17A is a therapeutic opportunity for stroke treatment

    Inklusion im Rahmen von Schule - eine Aufgabe, viele Möglichkeiten. Ein Sammelband von Studierenden der Universität Osnabrück

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    Seit fast 10 Jahren gilt in Deutschland die UN-Konvention über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen und somit die Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen in allen Lebensbereichen. Daraus ergibt sich insbesondere für das System Schule eine große Aufgabe, aber auch viele Möglichkeiten für alle Beteiligten. Die von Lehramtsstudierenden der Universität Osnabrück in diesem Band gesammelten Forschungsbeiträge beschäftigen sich empirisch mit der Umsetzung von Inklusion aus der Perspektive unterschiedlicher Akteurinnen und Akteure. Sie sind das Ergebnis eines von Peter große Prues geleiteten inklusionspädagogischen Seminars aus dem Wintersemester 2017/18