511 research outputs found

    Control of trapped-ion quantum states with optical pulses

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    We present new results on the quantum control of systems with infinitely large Hilbert spaces. A control-theoretic analysis of the control of trapped ion quantum states via optical pulses is performed. We demonstrate how resonant bichromatic fields can be applied in two contrasting ways -- one that makes the system completely uncontrollable, and the other that makes the system controllable. In some interesting cases, the Hilbert space of the qubit-harmonic oscillator can be made finite, and the Schr\"{o}dinger equation controllable via bichromatic resonant pulses. Extending this analysis to the quantum states of two ions, a new scheme for producing entangled qubits is discovered.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Double bracket dissipation in kinetic theory for particles with anisotropic interactions

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    We derive equations of motion for the dynamics of anisotropic particles directly from the dissipative Vlasov kinetic equations, with the dissipation given by the double bracket approach (Double Bracket Vlasov, or DBV). The moments of the DBV equation lead to a nonlocal form of Darcy's law for the mass density. Next, kinetic equations for particles with anisotropic interaction are considered and also cast into the DBV form. The moment dynamics for these double bracket kinetic equations is expressed as Lie-Darcy continuum equations for densities of mass and orientation. We also show how to obtain a Smoluchowski model from a cold plasma-like moment closure of DBV. Thus, the double bracket kinetic framework serves as a unifying method for deriving different types of dynamics, from density--orientation to Smoluchowski equations. Extensions for more general physical systems are also discussed.Comment: 19 pages; no figures. Submitted to Proc. Roy. Soc.

    Knee joint neuromuscular activation performance during muscle damage and superimposed fatigue

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    This study examined the concurrent effects of exercise-induced muscle damage and superimposed acute fatigue on the neuromuscular activation performance of the knee flexors of nine males (age: 26.7 ± 6.1yrs; height 1.81 ± 0.05m; body mass 81.2 ± 11.7kg [mean ± SD]). Measures were obtained during three experimental conditions: (i) FAT-EEVID, involving acute fatiguing exercise performed on each assessment occasion plus a single episode of eccentric exercise performed on the first occasion and after the fatigue trial; (ii) FAT, involving the fatiguing exercise only and; (iii) CON consisting of no exercise. Assessments were performed prior to (pre) and at lh, 24h, 48h, 72h, and 168h relative to the eccentric exercise. Repeated-measures ANOVAs showed that muscle damage within the FAT-EEVID condition elicited reductions of up to 38%, 24%) and 65%> in volitional peak force, electromechanical delay and rate of force development compared to baseline and controls, respectively (F[io, 80] = 2.3 to 4.6; p to 30.7%>) following acute fatigue (Fp; i6] = 4.3 to 9.1; p ; Fp, iq = 3.9; p <0.05). The safeguarding of evoked muscle activation capability despite compromised volitional performance might reveal aspects of capabilities for emergency and protective responses during episodes of fatigue and antecedent muscle damaging exercise

    Hamiltonian statistical mechanics

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    A framework for statistical-mechanical analysis of quantum Hamiltonians is introduced. The approach is based upon a gradient flow equation in the space of Hamiltonians such that the eigenvectors of the initial Hamiltonian evolve toward those of the reference Hamiltonian. The nonlinear double-bracket equation governing the flow is such that the eigenvalues of the initial Hamiltonian remain unperturbed. The space of Hamiltonians is foliated by compact invariant subspaces, which permits the construction of statistical distributions over the Hamiltonians. In two dimensions, an explicit dynamical model is introduced, wherein the density function on the space of Hamiltonians approaches an equilibrium state characterised by the canonical ensemble. This is used to compute quenched and annealed averages of quantum observables.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, references adde

    Educating for urban sustainability: A transdisciplinary approach

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    An understanding of sustainability issues should be a key component of degree programmes. It is widely regarded as being a central attribute to professional practice and responsible global citizenship, arguably more so for the training of teachers since they potentially influence their students. This issue was brought to the fore when responsibility for delivering the 'design and the environment' course was transferred to the building discipline at the University of Newcastle in Australia as a result of restructuring. The attractiveness of the subject as an elective, the need to make it accessible to distance learning students and the desirability of applying transdisciplinary approaches to solving environmental problems presented the course designers with both challenges and opportunities, particularly in devising an assessment context within which students from multiple disciplines could be exposed to, and learn from each other's professional environmental evaluation norms. This paper describes an innovative holistic, multi-criteria problem-solving course design that allows a diverse mix of undergraduates to develop a transdisciplinary understanding of sustainability issues through the use of learning contracts. It reports the experiences of staff and students involved with the course, highlighting the beneficial outcomes

    Time Optimal Control in Spin Systems

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    In this paper, we study the design of pulse sequences for NMR spectroscopy as a problem of time optimal control of the unitary propagator. Radio frequency pulses are used in coherent spectroscopy to implement a unitary transfer of state. Pulse sequences that accomplish a desired transfer should be as short as possible in order to minimize the effects of relaxation and to optimize the sensitivity of the experiments. Here, we give an analytical characterization of such time optimal pulse sequences applicable to coherence transfer experiments in multiple-spin systems. We have adopted a general mathematical formulation, and present many of our results in this setting, mindful of the fact that new structures in optimal pulse design are constantly arising. Moreover, the general proofs are no more difficult than the specific problems of current interest. From a general control theory perspective, the problems we want to study have the following character. Suppose we are given a controllable right invariant system on a compact Lie group, what is the minimum time required to steer the system from some initial point to a specified final point? In NMR spectroscopy and quantum computing, this translates to, what is the minimum time required to produce a unitary propagator? We also give an analytical characterization of maximum achievable transfer in a given time for the two spin system.Comment: 20 Pages, 3 figure

    Decoherence Control in Open Quantum System via Classical Feedback

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    In this work we propose a novel strategy using techniques from systems theory to completely eliminate decoherence and also provide conditions under which it can be done so. A novel construction employing an auxiliary system, the bait, which is instrumental to decoupling the system from the environment is presented. Our approach to decoherence control in contrast to other approaches in the literature involves the bilinear input affine model of quantum control system which lends itself to various techniques from classical control theory, but with non-trivial modifications to the quantum regime. The elegance of this approach yields interesting results on open loop decouplability and Decoherence Free Subspaces(DFS). Additionally, the feedback control of decoherence may be related to disturbance decoupling for classical input affine systems, which entails careful application of the methods by avoiding all the quantum mechanical pitfalls. In the process of calculating a suitable feedback the system has to be restructured due to its tensorial nature of interaction with the environment, which is unique to quantum systems. The results are qualitatively different and superior to the ones obtained via master equations. Finally, a methodology to synthesize feedback parameters itself is given, that technology permitting, could be implemented for practical 2-qubit systems to perform decoherence free Quantum Computing.Comment: 17 pages, 4 Fig

    A Quantum Langevin Formulation of Risk-Sensitive Optimal Control

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    In this paper we formulate a risk-sensitive optimal control problem for continuously monitored open quantum systems modelled by quantum Langevin equations. The optimal controller is expressed in terms of a modified conditional state, which we call a risk-sensitive state, that represents measurement knowledge tempered by the control purpose. One of the two components of the optimal controller is dynamic, a filter that computes the risk-sensitive state. The second component is an optimal control feedback function that is found by solving the dynamic programming equation. The optimal controller can be implemented using classical electronics. The ideas are illustrated using an example of feedback control of a two-level atom

    Quantum control of the hyperfine-coupled electron and nuclear spins in alkali atoms

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    We study quantum control of the full hyperfine manifold in the ground-electronic state of alkali atoms based on applied radio frequency and microwave fields. Such interactions should allow essentially decoherence-free dynamics and the application of techniques for robust control developed for NMR spectroscopy. We establish the conditions under which the system is controllable in the sense that one can generate an arbitrary unitary on the system. We apply this to the case of 133^{133}Cs with its d=16d=16 dimensional Hilbert space of magnetic sublevels in the 6S1/26S_{1/2} state, and design control waveforms that generate an arbitrary target state from an initial fiducial state. We develop a generalized Wigner function representation for this space consisting of the direct sum of two irreducible representation of SU(2), allowing us to visualize these states. The performance of different control scenarios is evaluated based on the ability to generate high-fidelity operation in an allotted time with the available resources. We find good operating points commensurate with modest laboratory requirements.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; corrected typo

    New directions for lifelong learning using network technologies

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    Please refer only to original source: Koper, R., Tattersall, C. (2004). New directions for lifelong learning using network technologies. British Journal of Educational Technology, 35 (6), 689-700.The requirements placed on learning technologies to support lifelong learning differ considerably from those placed on technologies to support particular fragments of a learning lifetime. The time scales involved in lifelong learning, together with its multi-institutional and episodic nature are not reflected in today’s mainstream learning technologies and their associated architectures. The article presents an integrated model and architecture to serve as the basis for the realization of networked learning technologies serving the specific needs and characteristics of lifelong learners. The integrative model is called a “Learning Network” (LN) and its requirements and architecture are explored, together with the ways in which its application can help in reducing barriers to lifelong learning
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