628 research outputs found

    Crystal field states of Kondo lattice heavy fermions CeRuSn3 and CeRhSn3

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    Inelastic neutron scattering experiments have been carried out to determine the crystal field states of the Kondo lattice heavy fermions CeRuSn3 and CeRhSn3. Both the compounds crystallize in LaRuSn3-type cubic structure (space group Pm-3n) in which the Ce atoms occupy two distinct crystallographic sites with cubic (m-3) and tetragonal (-4m.2) point symmetries. The INS data of CeRuSn3 reveal the presence of a broad excitation centered around 6-8 meV which is accounted by a model based on crystal electric field (CEF) excitations. On the other hand, the INS data of isostructural CeRhSn3 reveal three CEF excitations around 7.0, 12.2 and 37.2 meV. The neutron intensity sum rule indicates that the Ce ions at both cubic and tetragonal Ce sites are in Ce3+ state in both CeRuSn3 and CeRhSn3. The CEF level schemes for both the compounds are deduced. We estimate the Kondo temperature T_K = 3.1(2) K for CeRuSn3 from neutron quasielastic linewidth in excellent agreement with that determined from the scaling of magnetoresistance which gives T_K = 3.2(1) K. For CeRhSn3 the neutron quasielastic linewidth gives T_K = 4.6 K. For both CeRuSn3 and CeRhSn3, the ground state of Ce3+ turns out to be a quartet for the cubic site and a doublet for the tetragonal site.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    On Binary Matroid Minors and Applications to Data Storage over Small Fields

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    Locally repairable codes for distributed storage systems have gained a lot of interest recently, and various constructions can be found in the literature. However, most of the constructions result in either large field sizes and hence too high computational complexity for practical implementation, or in low rates translating into waste of the available storage space. In this paper we address this issue by developing theory towards code existence and design over a given field. This is done via exploiting recently established connections between linear locally repairable codes and matroids, and using matroid-theoretic characterisations of linearity over small fields. In particular, nonexistence can be shown by finding certain forbidden uniform minors within the lattice of cyclic flats. It is shown that the lattice of cyclic flats of binary matroids have additional structure that significantly restricts the possible locality properties of F2\mathbb{F}_{2}-linear storage codes. Moreover, a collection of criteria for detecting uniform minors from the lattice of cyclic flats of a given matroid is given, which is interesting in its own right.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Physical properties of noncentrosymmetric superconductor LaIrSi3: A {\mu}SR study

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    The results of heat capacity C_p(T, H) and electrical resistivity \rho(T,H) measurements down to 0.35 K as well as muon spin relaxation and rotation (\muSR) measurements on a noncentrosymmetric superconductor LaIrSi3 are presented. Powder neutron diffraction confirmed the reported noncentrosymmetric body-centered tetragonal BaNiSn3-type structure (space group I4\,mm) of LaIrSi3. The bulk superconductivity is observed below T_c = 0.72(1) K. The intrinsic \Delta C_e/\gamma_n T_c = 1.09(3) is significantly smaller than the BCS value of 1.43, and this reduction is accounted by the \alpha-model of BCS superconductivity. The analysis of the superconducting state C_e(T) data by the single-band \alpha-model indicates a moderately anisotropic order parameter with the s-wave gap \Delta(0)/k_B T_c = 1.54(2) which is lower than the BCS value of 1.764. Our estimates of various normal and superconducting state parameters indicate a weakly coupled electron-phonon driven type-I s-wave superconductivity in LaIrSi3. The \muSR results also confirm the conventional type-I superconductivity in LaIrSi3 with a preserved time reversal symmetry and hence a singlet pairing superconducting ground state.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Phytoplankton communities and acclimation in a cyclonic eddy in the southwest Indian Ocean

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    A study of phytoplankton in a cyclonic eddy was undertaken in the Mozambique Basin between Madagascar and southern Africa during austral winter. CHEMTAX analysis of pigment data indicated that the community comprised mainly haptophytes and diatoms, with Prochlorococcus, prasinophytes and pelagophytes also being prominent to the east and west of the eddy. There was little difference in community structure, chlorophyll-specific absorption [a*ph(440)] and pigment:TChla ratios between the surface and the sub-surface chlorophyll maximum (SCM), reflecting acclimation to fluctuating light conditions in a well mixed upper layer. Values for a*ph(440) were low for diatom dominance, high where prokaryote proportion was high, and intermediate for flagellate dominated communities. Chlorophyll c and fucoxanthin:TChla ratios were elevated over most of the eddy, while 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin ratios increased in the eastern and western sectors. In a community comprising mainly flagellates and Prochlorococcus to the west of the eddy, there was high a*ph(440) at the surface and elevated ratios for divinyl chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin at the SCM. An increase in diadinoxanthin:TChla ratios and a decline in the quantum efficiency of photochemistry in PSII under high light conditions, indicated some photoprotection and photoinhibition at the surface even in a well mixed environment. Diadinoxanthin was the main photoprotective carotenoid within the eddy, while zeaxanthin was the dominant photoprotective pigment outside the eddy. The results of this study will be useful inputs into appropriate remote sensing models for estimating primary production and the size class distribution of phytoplankton in eddies in the southwest Indian Ocean

    Fluctuations of indicator and index microbes as indication of pollution over three years in the Plankenburg and Eerste Rivers, Western Cape, South Africa

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    The Plankenburg and Eerste Rivers (Western Cape) have been reported to be contaminated with faecal coliforms. Water is drawn from both rivers for irrigation of fresh produce. The potential risk in the use of these rivers as irrigation sources was assessed by determining the fluctuations of ‘indicator’ and ‘index’ microbes over 3 years. Selected physico-chemical (water temperature, pH, COD, conductivity and alkalinity) and microbiological parameters, including coliforms, faecal coliforms, Escherichia coli and enterococci, as ‘indicators’ of faecal pollution, and Salmonella, Listeria and Staphylococcus, as ‘index’ of the presence of potential pathogens, were monitored.No correlation was found between water temperature and COD (r2 = 0.0003), whereas for temperature and pH a significant trend (p = 0.0004), but low correlation (r2 = 0.108), was observed. With the exception of the faecal coliforms (E. coli), no significant trends and no correlations between temperature and the dependent variables were found. For the faecal coliforms there was a significant trend (p = 0.0289) with temperature but not a good correlation (r2 = 0.0434), but the impact of temperature over time was significant (p = 0.0047). This is important, when the World Health Organisation (WHO) and South African Department of Water Affairs (DWA) guidelines for faecal coliforms are applied, as it indicates that temperaturedoes impact the faecal coliform numbers. The presence of indicator organisms did not only indicate unsanitary conditions, but also the presence of potential pathogens such as Staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Listeria and Salmonella. Based on these results the microbial quality of these rivers was found to be unacceptable and does not meet the WHO and DWA guidelines for safe irrigation. There was also a high risk of exposure to human pathogens when water from these rivers is used to irrigate produce that is consumed without further processing.Keywords: Irrigation water, faecal pollution, indicator and index organisms, Plankenburg and Eerste River

    On character generators for simple Lie algebras

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    We study character generating functions (character generators) of simple Lie algebras. The expression due to Patera and Sharp, derived from the Weyl character formula, is first reviewed. A new general formula is then found. It makes clear the distinct roles of ``outside'' and ``inside'' elements of the integrity basis, and helps determine their quadratic incompatibilities. We review, analyze and extend the results obtained by Gaskell using the Demazure character formulas. We find that the fundamental generalized-poset graphs underlying the character generators can be deduced from such calculations. These graphs, introduced by Baclawski and Towber, can be simplified for the purposes of constructing the character generator. The generating functions can be written easily using the simplified versions, and associated Demazure expressions. The rank-two algebras are treated in detail, but we believe our results are indicative of those for general simple Lie algebras.Comment: 50 pages, 11 figure

    The quadrate-metapterygoid fenestra of otophysan fishes, its development and homology

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    We compare the ontogeny of the hyopalatine arch in representatives of the Otophysi to shed light on the homology of the so-called quadrate-metapterygoid fenestra, QMF. Described initially as a character of characiforms (tetras and allies), presence of a QMF has also been reported for cobitid loaches and a handful of cyprinids among cypriniforms, as well as for a few clupeoids. In characiforms the QMF is either already present as an opening in the palatoquadrate cartilage in the earliest developmental stages we studied, or it forms later in the cartilage by resorption of chondrocytes. Some characiforms may lack a QMF during all stages of development. In cobitids the so-called QMF develops after the bones have ossified and forms mainly by resorption of bone tissue of quadrate and metapterygoid. Previous reports of a QMF in cyprinids are erroneous and the opening in this area forms by spatial separation of the quadrate and metapterygoid from the symplectic and not by the formation of a fenestra in the palatoquadrate cartilage. We suggest referring to this type as a quadrate-metapterygoid gap, QMG. Presence of a QMF in the palatoquadrate cartilage is a putative synapomorphy of characiforms. Development of a QMF by bone resorption in the ossified palatoquadrate is a putative synapomorphy of Cobitidae. A QMG is variously present and developed to different degrees in opsariichthyine and danionine cyprinids. A QMF is also present in several clupeoids and deserves further study

    Fractionation of parietal function in bistable perception probed with concurrent TMS-EEG

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    When visual input has conflicting interpretations, conscious perception can alternate spontaneously between these possible interpretations. This is called bistable perception. Previous neuroimaging studies have indicated the involvement of two right parietal areas in resolving perceptual ambiguity (ant-SPLr and post-SPLr). Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) studies that selectively interfered with the normal function of these regions suggest that they play opposing roles in this type of perceptual switch. In the present study, we investigated this fractionation of parietal function by use of combined TMS with electroencephalography (EEG). Specifically, while participants viewed either a bistable stimulus, a replay stimulus, or resting-state fixation, we applied single pulse TMS to either location independently while simultaneously recording EEG. Combined with participant’s individual structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, this dataset allows for complex analyses of the effect of TMS on neural time series data, which may further elucidate the causal role of the parietal cortex in ambiguous perception
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