10,152 research outputs found

    Integrating research with NHS clinical practice: Unwelcome intrusion or constructive triangulation?

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    When embarking on research into the effectiveness of psychoanalytic psychotherapy in the NHS or the application of psychoanalytic principles, researchers come up against a number of hurdles: many clinicians still see empirical research as antithetical or disruptive to the practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy; psychoanalytic psychotherapy has previously fared poorly in evidence-based policy guidelines and this can discourage ambition, and there are technical problems of research design, measurement and standardization. Nevertheless, in a political climate which stresses service evaluation, measurable outcomes and empirical evidence, psychoanalytic psychotherapy must participate to survive. There may be gains from conducting research beyond simply meeting the requirement to provide evidence of effectiveness. Research may be viewed by some clinicians as an unwelcome intruder but it may have the potential to offer triangulation, the perspective of the 'third', and so strengthen the foundations of clinical practice and the development of psychoanalytic thought

    Room temperature spin relaxation in GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells

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    We have explored the dependence of electron spin relaxation in undoped GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells on well width (confinement energy) at 300 K. For wide wells, the relaxation rate tends to the intrinsic bulk value due to the D'yakonov-Perel (DP) mechanism with momentum scattering by phonons. In narrower wells, there is a strong dependence of relaxation rate on well width, as expected for the DP mechanism, but also considerable variation between samples from different sources, which we attribute to differences in sample interface morphology. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(98)02541-8].</p

    A weighted configuration model and inhomogeneous epidemics

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    A random graph model with prescribed degree distribution and degree dependent edge weights is introduced. Each vertex is independently equipped with a random number of half-edges and each half-edge is assigned an integer valued weight according to a distribution that is allowed to depend on the degree of its vertex. Half-edges with the same weight are then paired randomly to create edges. An expression for the threshold for the appearance of a giant component in the resulting graph is derived using results on multi-type branching processes. The same technique also gives an expression for the basic reproduction number for an epidemic on the graph where the probability that a certain edge is used for transmission is a function of the edge weight. It is demonstrated that, if vertices with large degree tend to have large (small) weights on their edges and if the transmission probability increases with the edge weight, then it is easier (harder) for the epidemic to take off compared to a randomized epidemic with the same degree and weight distribution. A recipe for calculating the probability of a large outbreak in the epidemic and the size of such an outbreak is also given. Finally, the model is fitted to three empirical weighted networks of importance for the spread of contagious diseases and it is shown that R0R_0 can be substantially over- or underestimated if the correlation between degree and weight is not taken into account

    Spatial synchronization and extinction of species under external forcing

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    We study the interplay between synchronization and extinction of a species. Using a general model we show that under a common external forcing, the species with a quadratic saturation term in the population dynamics first undergoes spatial synchronization and then extinction, thereby avoiding the rescue effect. This is because the saturation term reduces the synchronization time scale but not the extinction time scale. The effect can be observed even when the external forcing acts only on some locations provided there is a synchronizing term in the dynamics. Absence of the quadratic saturation term can help the species to avoid extinction.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Radio Astronomical Polarimetry and the Lorentz Group

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    In radio astronomy the polarimetric properties of radiation are often modified during propagation and reception. Effects such as Faraday rotation, receiver cross-talk, and differential amplification act to change the state of polarized radiation. A general description of such transformations is useful for the investigation of these effects and for the interpretation and calibration of polarimetric observations. Such a description is provided by the Lorentz group, which is intimately related to the transformation properties of polarized radiation. In this paper the transformations that commonly arise in radio astronomy are analyzed in the context of this group. This analysis is then used to construct a model for the propagation and reception of radio waves. The implications of this model for radio astronomical polarimetry are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    High-velocity feature of the class I methanol maser in G309.38-0.13

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    The Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) has been used to map class I methanol masers at 36 and 44 GHz in G309.38-0.13. Maser spots are found at nine locations in an area of 50''x30'', with both transitions reliably detected at only two locations. The brightest spot is associated with shocked gas traced by 4.5 micron emission. The data allowed us to make a serendipitous discovery of a high-velocity 36-GHz spectral feature, which is blue-shifted by about 30 km/s from the peak velocity at this frequency, but spatially located close to (within a few arcseconds of) the brightest maser spot. We interpret this as indicating an outflow parallel to the line of sight. Such a high velocity spread of maser features, which has not been previously reported in the class I methanol masers associated with a single molecular cloud, suggests that the outflow most likely interacts with a moving parcel of gas.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted by MNRAS Letter

    Parallax of PSR J1744-1134 and the Local Interstellar Medium

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    We present the annual trigonometric parallax of PSR J1744-1134 derived from an analysis of pulse times of arrival. The measured parallax, pi = 2.8+/-0.3 mas ranks among the most precisely determined distances to any pulsar. The parallax distance of 357+/-39 pc is over twice that derived from the dispersion measure using the Taylor & Cordes model for the Galactic electron distribution. The mean electron density in the path to the pulsar, n_e = (0.0088 +/- 0.0009) cm^{-3}, is the lowest for any disk pulsar. We have compared the n_e for PSR J1744-1134 with those for another 11 nearby pulsars with independent distance estimates. We conclude that there is a striking asymmetry in the distribution of electrons in the local interstellar medium. The electron column densities for pulsars in the third Galactic quadrant are found to be systematically higher than for those in the first. The former correlate with the position of the well known local HI cavity in quadrant three. The excess electrons within the cavity may be in the form of HII clouds marking a region of interaction between the local hot bubble and a nearby superbubble.Comment: revised version accepted for publication in ApJ Letters; reanalysis of uncertainty in parallax measure and changes to fig