4 research outputs found

    Community-level prejudice and mortality among immigrant groups.

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    This study assesses whether anti-immigrant prejudice at the community level is prospectively associated with mortality. We used 10 waves of data from the General Social Survey (GSS) that were linked to mortality data via the National Death Index (NDI) for the period between 1993 and 2014 (n = 13,242). The 2014 GSS-NDI dataset is a nationally representative sample reporting social characteristics and attitudes in the United States that was prospectively linked to mortality data. Community-level prejudice was measured with 5 questions regarding anti-immigrant sentiments across 123 communities, defined using primary sampling units. Cox proportional hazards models tested the association between anti-immigrant prejudice and mortality hazard, controlling for covariates at the individual and community levels. Findings showed that among "other race" respondents, those born in the US had higher risk of mortality in communities with greater anti-immigrant prejudice, whereas foreign-born "other race" respondents had lower risk of mortality in communities with greater anti-immigrant prejudice. Sensitivity analyses indicated that the "other race" category was comprised largely of Asians and Hispanics, and that these results were similar for both groups. In contrast, anti-immigrant prejudice was not associated with mortality for foreign-born immigrants who self-report as white or black. We provide various hypotheses for why US-born immigrant groups seem to suffer higher mortality risk, while foreign-born immigrant groups do not, when they live in communities with high levels of prejudice

    Use of the Fitbit to Measure Adherence to a Physical Activity Intervention Among Overweight or Obese, Postmenopausal Women: Self-Monitoring Trajectory During 16 Weeks.

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    BackgroundDirect-to-consumer trackers and devices have potential to enhance theory-based physical activity interventions by offering a simple and pleasant way to help participants self-monitor their behavior. A secondary benefit of these devices is the opportunity for investigators to objectively track adherence to physical activity goals across weeks or even months, rather than relying on self-report or a small number of accelerometry wear periods. The use of consumer trackers for continuous monitoring of adherence has considerable potential to enhance physical activity research, but few studies have been published in this rapidly developing area.ObjectiveThe objective of the study was to assess the trajectory of physical activity adherence across a 16-week self-monitoring intervention, as measured by the Fitbit tracker.MethodsParticipants were 25 overweight or obese, postmenopausal women enrolled in the intervention arm of a randomized controlled physical activity intervention trial. Each participant received a 16-week technology-based intervention that used the Fitbit physical activity tracker and website. The overall study goal was 150 minutes/week of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) and 10,000 steps/day; however, goals were set individually for each participant and updated at Week 4 based on progress. Adherence data were collected by the Fitbit and aggregated by Fitabase. Participants also wore an ActiGraph GT3X+ accelerometer for 7 days prior to the intervention and again during Week 16.ResultsThe median participant logged 10 hours or more/day of Fitbit wear on 95% of the 112 intervention days, with no significant decline in wear over the study period. Participants averaged 7540 (SD 2373) steps/day and 82 minutes/week (SD 43) of accumulated "fairly active" and "very active" minutes during the intervention. At Week 4, 80% (20/25) of women chose to maintain/increase their individual MVPA goal and 72% (18/25) of participants chose to maintain/increase their step goal. Physical activity levels were relatively stable after peaking at 3 weeks, with only small declines of 8% for steps (P=.06) and 14% for MVPA (P=.05) by 16 weeks.ConclusionsThese data indicate that a sophisticated, direct-to-consumer activity tracker encouraged high levels of self-monitoring that were sustained over 16 weeks. Further study is needed to determine how to motivate additional gains in physical activity and evaluate the long-term utility of the Fitbit tracker as part of a strategy for chronic disease prevention.Trial registrationClinicaltrials.gov NCT01837147; http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01837147 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6d0VeQpvB)