197 research outputs found

    The efficacy of low vision devices for students in specialized schools for students who are blind in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

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    In Nepal, children with low vision attend specialized schools for students who are totally blind and are treated as if they were totally blind. This study identified children with low vision and provided low vision devices to them. Of the 22% of the students in the school who had low vision, 78.5% benefited from the devices. Proper devices and counseling improved the quality of life of a significant number of these students. ©2008 AFB, All Rights Reserved

    Nephroprotective Effect of Garlic Chives (Allium Tuberosum) on Bun and Creatinine Levels of Wistar Rats Induced by Doxorubicin

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    Cancer is the most leading disease that cause of death. Doxorubicin chemotherapy is often used in cancer treatment, because of its effectiveness. Although doxorubicin has a positive effect for killing cancer cell, doxorubicin has many side effects, one of which doxorubicin can cause kidney damage through the process of interstitial fibrosis. Utilization garlic chives extract as co chemotherapy to reduce renal damage induced by doxorubicin is a prospective opportunities. This study aimed to analyze the effect of garlic chives extract as a nephroprotective on levels of BUN and creatinine of wistar rats induced by doxorubicin. The research method was quasi experimental design with post test only randomized controlled group. The results showed that extracts of garlic chives can reduce levels of BUN and creatinine (p <0.05) in the group that only induced by doxorubicin. In conclusion, extract of garlic chives has nephroprotecive effects on wistar rats which were induced by doxorubicin

    Statistical Communication Theory

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    Contains forward and reports on nine research projects

    Digital realities & virtual ideals: Portraiture, idealism and the clash of subjectivities in the post-digital era

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Taylor and Francis in Photography and Culture on 26/02/2019, available online: https://doi.org/10.1080/17514517.2019.1565290 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.All portraits play host to a number of antithetical tensions, such as ‘private’ and ‘public’, ‘real’ and ‘ideal’, without which they would be reduced to a type of unassuming identification of subjects. Whereas in premodern times the artist was subject to the demands of the commissioner, after modernism the representational desires of the sitter began to clash with the creative intentions of the artist. Prior to the introduction of digital formats, this clash of subjectivities manifests itself in photography during the production of the work, the shooting of a portrait. Digital photography and post-production editing have expanded the methods for idealising external appearance; a desire stimulated by the recent technological acceleration of production and circulation of more ‘manipulated’ portraits than ever. In what ways, therefore, does the introduction of digital post-production editing and composite images affect this double-clash in portraiture, between the real and ideal, and the desires of the sitter against the intentions of the artist? Moreover, how does the evolution of self-portraiture in the ‘selfie’ affect the epistemological character of the genre? As such, is conceptual and aesthetic subservience a matter of technological possibility or creative determination

    A sensual philology for Anglo-Saxon England

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    What forgotten forms can philology assume anew? Reassessing how early medieval writers loved words differently than we do reveals significant gaps between past and presence senses of the physical phenomena words can index. In the early medieval language of Old English texts there remains a largely uncharted capacity for less linguistically driven aspects of expression, formed through a network of words, sounds, bodies and media: how the mute sound of a bell and the crook of a silent finger come together in medieval sign language, or how the Old English word for ring becomes a weeping, poetic gasp within a heaving breast. Such early medieval moments of communication survive because of language and in spite of language, and qualify the visualist framework through which we predictably reconstitute the medieval past, calling, /sotto voce/, for more than lovely words

    Interaction between a normal shock wave and a turbulent boundary layer at high transonic speeds. Part I: Pressure distribution

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    Asymptotic solutions are derived for the pressure distribution in the interaction of a weak normal shock wave with a turbulent boundary layer. The undisturbed boundary layer is characterized by the law of the wall and the law of the wake for compressible flow. In the limiting case considered, for ‘high’ transonic speeds, the sonic line is very close to the wall. Comparisons with experiment are shown, with corrections included for the effect of longitudinal wall curvature and for the boundary-layer displacement effect in a circular pipe. Asymptotische Lösungen für den Druckverlauf bei der Wechselwirkung zwischen einem schwachen normalen Stoss und einer turbulente Grenzschicht werden hergeleitet. Das Wandgesetz und Geschwindigkeitsdefekt-Gesetz für kompressible Strömung kennzeichnen die ungestörte Grenzschicht. Der Grenzfall hoher transsonischen Strömung, in dem die Schallinie in der Nähe der Wand liegt, wird untersucht. Die theoretischen Ergebnisse werden mit Experimenten verglichen. Dabei wird die Wandkrümmung und im Fall der Rohrströmung die Verdrängungsdicke berücksichtigt.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43384/1/33_2005_Article_BF01590748.pd

    A polymorphism in HLA-G modifies statin benefit in asthma

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    Several reports have shown that statin treatment benefits patients with asthma, however inconsistent effects have been observed. The mir-152 family (148a, 148b and 152) has been implicated in asthma. These microRNAs suppress HLA-G expression, and rs1063320, a common SNP in the HLA-G 3’UTR which is associated with asthma risk, modulates miRNA binding. We report that statins up-regulate mir-148b and 152, and affect HLA-G expression in an rs1063320 dependent fashion. In addition, we found that individuals who carried the G minor allele of rs1063320 had reduced asthma related exacerbations (emergency department visits, hospitalizations or oral steroid use) compared to non-carriers (p=0.03) in statin users ascertained in the Personalized Medicine Research Project at the Marshfield Clinic (n=421). These findings support the hypothesis that rs1063320 modifies the effect of statin benefit in asthma, and thus may contribute to variation in statin efficacy for the management of this disease
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