10 research outputs found

    Sedimentary changes vs. climate signals in bivalve shell and bulk rock compositions in a Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene fluvial section at Körösladány, SE-Hungary

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    Abstract In this paper we present sedimentological and geochemical data for a section of fluvial deposits from SE Hungary covering the period of 25 to 5 ky BP. Major and trace element geochemistry of bulk sediments as well as stable C and O isotope compositions of the carbonate content indicate significant changes in depositional facies and/or sediment provenance. Correlations of mineralogical and geochemical compositions were used to determine the stable isotope compositions of authigenic calcite component. Additionally, C and O isotope compositions of Unio crassus shell fragments were analysed that show a good agreement with climate change. Major climate change events within the studied time period were detected both in the shells and the authigenic calcite's compositions

    Stable isotope compositions of bivalve shells and geochemistry of bulk sediments in a 5–20 ky fluvial section at Körösladány, SE Hungary: Sedimentary changes vs. climate signals

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    Abstract In this paper we present sedimentological and geochemical data for a section of fluvial deposits from SE Hungary covering the period from about 20 to 5 ky BP. Major and trace element geochemistry of bulk sediments as well as stable C and O isotope compositions of the carbonate content indicate significant changes in depositional facies and/or sediment provenance as well as climate conditions. Variations in bulk sediment Sr, TiO2 and P2O5 concentrations were correlated with major climate change events following the Late Glacial Maximum that support the age model established on the basis of AMS 14C age data. Bulk sediment Sr concentrations and stable C and O isotope compositions of bulk sediment carbonate were determined by changes in denudation of carbonate rocks in the recharge area. The Sr and C-O isotope patterns show correlations with global temperature changes during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. However, TiO2 and P2O5 contents show correspondence with humidity changes, suggesting variations in chemical weathering. In addition to the sedimentological effects, C and O isotope compositions of Unio crassus shell fragments show strong changes at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, indicating that the bivalve shells can reflect climate conditions. On the other hand, shorter climate change events were difficult to track in the isotope records due to the competing fractionation processes. The combined evaluation of chemical and isotopic compositions revealed that beside the globally important Younger Dryas and Bølling/Allerød periods, the Ságvár-Lascaux interstadial was of local importance, in accordance with earlier studies

    A talajok mechanikai összetétel vizsgálata pipettás ülepítéses módszerrel: a hazai és a nemzetközi szabvány szerinti eljárások összehasonlítása és konverziója = Particle size distribution analysis using the pipet te method: comparison and conversion of Hungarian and internat ional standards

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    The particle size distribution (PSD) values obtained for a soil database representing the main Hungarian soil types using the Hungarian standard (MSZ-08-0205-78) and the international standard (ISO/DIS 11277:1994) were compared with the pipette method. The relationship between these PSDs and other physical soil characteristics (upper limit of plasticity according to Arany, water vapour adsorption according to Sík) was also analysed, and a suggestion was made of how these results could be converted into each other. Experience showed that the pre-treatments applied as part of the ISO/DIS method may change the ratio of particle size fractions: there was a significant increase in the clay content, while the silt content decreased to a lesser and the sand content to a greater extent, possibly because some of the particles remain in microaggregate form when the MSZ method is used. The results confirmed the greater accuracy of the ISO/DIS method: the clay contents measured with the ISO/DIS method exhibited stronger correlations with the upper limit of plasticity according to Arany and with hygroscopicity values than those measured with the MSZ method. The estimated ISO/DIS fractions became much closer to the measured ones when the suggested pedotransfer functions were applied. The conversion method proved to be more reliable for the prediction of clay and sand content than for silt content. In its present form the estimation method is not suitable for replacing the ISO/DIS method, but it could be of good service in research and comparative analysis in cases where only the MSZ method can be used or where only old MSZ PSD data exist

    Fentanyl but Not Morphine or Buprenorphine Improves the Severity of Necrotizing Acute Pancreatitis in Rats

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    Opioids are widely used for the pain management of acute pancreatitis (AP), but their impact on disease progression is unclear. Therefore, our aim was to study the effects of clinically relevant opioids on the severity of experimental AP. Various doses of fentanyl, morphine, or buprenor- phine were administered as pre- and/or post-treatments in rats. Necrotizing AP was induced by the intraperitoneal injection of L-ornithine-HCl or intra-ductal injection of Na-taurocholate, while intraperitoneal caerulein administration caused edematous AP. Disease severity was determined by laboratory and histological measurements. Mu opioid receptor (MOR) expression and function was assessed in control and AP animals. MOR was expressed in both the pancreas and brain. The pancreatic expression and function of MOR were reduced in AP. Fentanyl post-treatment reduced necrotizing AP severity, whereas pre-treatment exacerbated it. Fentanyl did not affect the outcome of edematous AP. Morphine decreased vacuolization in edematous AP, while buprenorphine pretreatment increased pancreatic edema during AP. The overall effects of morphine on disease severity were negligible. In conclusion, the type, dosing, administration route, and timing of opioid treatment can influence the effects of opioids on AP severity. Fentanyl post-treatment proved to be beneficial in AP. Clinical studies are needed to determine which opioids are best in AP

    Spatial Variations in Microplastics in the Largest Shallow Lake of Central Europe and Its Protecting Wetland Area

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    The concentration of microplastics (MPs) in two important Hungarian freshwater habitats was determined in the size range of 50 μm–1 mm. Lake Balaton (LB) is the largest shallow lake in Central Europe, with a significant role in recreation and tourism. Its main inflow, the Zala River, enters the lake through an artificially constructed wetland, the Kis-Balaton Water Protection System and its catchment area (KB), which helps preserve the water quality of the lake. From these two areas, 15 samples were taken with an in situ filtration sampling method. After preparation, the samples were analyzed automatically by FT-IR microscopy. All samples, from both areas, contained MPs; the dominant microplastic (MP) shape was the fragment, while the most frequently polymer types were polyethylene, polypropylene and alkyd. Small MPs were dominant in both areas; around 90% of the MPs were smaller than 500 μm. On average, LB contained more MPs (21.0 ± 12.5 MPs/m3) compared to the KB, which presented an average concentration of MPs of 7.8 ± 5.9 MPs/m3. In the examined areas, two potential MP sources were determined, i.e., treated wastewater and road traffic. The importance of tourism should also be further investigated