1,934 research outputs found

    Spin-Boson Hamiltonian and Optical Absorption of Molecular Dimers

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    An analysis of the eigenstates of a symmetry-broken spin-boson Hamiltonian is performed by computing Bloch and Husimi projections. The eigenstate analysis is combined with the calculation of absorption bands of asymmetric dimer configurations constituted by monomers with nonidentical excitation energies and optical transition matrix elements. Absorption bands with regular and irregular fine structures are obtained and related to the transition from the coexistence to a mixing of adiabatic branches in the spectrum. It is shown that correlations between spin states allow for an interpolation between absorption bands for different optical asymmetries.Comment: 15 pages, revTeX, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    A Search for OH Megamasers at z > 0.1. III. The Complete Survey

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    We present the final results from the Arecibo Observatory OH megamaser survey. We discuss in detail the properties of the remaining 18 OH megamasers detected in the survey, including 3 redetections. We place upper limits on the OH emission from 85 nondetections and examine the properties of 25 ambiguous cases for which the presence or absence of OH emission could not be determined. The complete survey has discovered 50 new OH megamasers (OHMs) in (ultra)luminous infrared galaxies ([U]LIRGs) which doubles the sample of known OHMs and increases the sample at z>0.1 sevenfold. The Arecibo OH megamaser survey indicates that the OHM fraction in LIRGs is an increasing function of the far-IR luminosity (L_{FIR}) and far-IR color, reaching a fraction of roughly one third in the warmest ULIRGs. Significant relationships between OHMs and their hosts are few, primarily due to a mismatch in size scales of measured properties and an intrinsic scatter in OHM properties roughly equal to the span of the dataset. We investigate relationships between OHMs and their hosts with a variety of statistical tools including survival analysis, partial correlation coefficients, and a principal component analysis. There is no apparent OH megamaser ``fundamental plane.'' We compile data on all previously known OHMs and evaluate the possible mechanisms and relationships responsible for OHM production in merging systems. The OH-FIR relationship is reexamined using the doubled OHM sample and found to be significantly flatter than previously thought: L_{OH} ~ L_{FIR}^{1.2 +/- 0.1}. This near-linear dependence suggests a mixture of saturated and unsaturated masers, either within individual galaxies or across the sample.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures, accepted by AJ. (AASTeX, includes emulateapj5 and onecolfloat5

    Influence of parallel magnetic fields on a single-layer two-dimensional electron system with a hopping mechanism of conductivity

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    Large positive (P) magnetoresistance (MR) has been observed in parallel magnetic fields in a single 2D layer in a delta-doped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure with a variable-range-hopping (VRH) mechanism of conductivity. Effect of large PMR is accompanied in strong magnetic fields by a substantial change in the character of the temperature dependence of the conductivity. This implies that spins play an important role in 2D VRH conductivity because the processes of orbital origin are not relevant to the observed effect. A possible explanation involves hopping via double occupied states in the upper Hubbard band, where the intra-state correlation of spins is important.Comment: 10 pages, 4 jpeg figure

    An Imaging and Spectroscopic Study of the z=3.38639 Damped Lyman Alpha System in Q0201+1120: Clues to Star Formation Rate at High Redshift

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    We present the results of a series of imaging and spectroscopic observations aimed at identifying and studying the galaxy responsible for the z = 3.38639 damped lya system in the z = 3.61 QSO Q0201+1120. We find that the DLA is part of a concentration of matter which includes at least four galaxies (probably many more) over linear comoving dimensions, greater than 5h^-1Mpc. The absorber may be a 0.7 L* galaxy at an impact parameter of 15 h^-1 kpc, but follow-up spectroscopy is still required for positive identification. The gas is turbulent, with many absorption components distributed over approximately 270 km/s and a large spin temperature, T_s greater than 4000K. The metallicity is relatively high for this redshift, Z(DLA) approximately 1/20 Z(solar). From consideration of the relative ratios of elements which have different nucleosynthetic timescales, it would appear that the last major episode of star formation in this DLA occurred at z greater than 4.3, more than approximately 500 Myr prior to the time when we observe it.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    A Real-Space Full Multigrid study of the fragmentation of Li11+ clusters

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    We have studied the fragmentation of Li11+ clusters into the two experimentally observed products (Li9+,Li2) and (Li10+,Li) The ground state structures for the two fragmentation channels are found by Molecular Dynamics Simulated Annealing in the framework of Local Density Functional theory. Energetics considerations suggest that the fragmentation process is dominated by non-equilibrium processes. We use a real-space approach to solve the Kohn-Sham problem, where the Laplacian operator is discretized according to the Mehrstellen scheme, and take advantage of a Full MultiGrid (FMG) strategy to accelerate convergence. When applied to isolated clusters we find our FMG method to be more efficient than state-of-the-art plane wave calculations.Comment: 9 pages + 6 Figures (in gzipped tar file

    Multi-Grid Monte Carlo via XYXY Embedding. II. Two-Dimensional SU(3)SU(3) Principal Chiral Model

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    We carry out a high-precision simulation of the two-dimensional SU(3)SU(3) principal chiral model at correlation lengths Ο\xi up to ∌4×105\sim 4 \times 10^5, using a multi-grid Monte Carlo (MGMC) algorithm and approximately one year of Cray C-90 CPU time. We extrapolate the finite-volume Monte Carlo data to infinite volume using finite-size-scaling theory, and we discuss carefully the systematic and statistical errors in this extrapolation. We then compare the extrapolated data to the renormalization-group predictions. The deviation from asymptotic scaling, which is ≈12\approx 12% at Ο∌25\xi \sim 25, decreases to ≈2\approx 2% at Ο∌4×105\xi \sim 4 \times 10^5. We also analyze the dynamic critical behavior of the MGMC algorithm using lattices up to 256×256256 \times 256, finding the dynamic critical exponent zint,M2≈0.45±0.02z_{int,{\cal M}^2} \approx 0.45 \pm 0.02 (subjective 68% confidence interval). Thus, for this asymptotically free model, critical slowing-down is greatly reduced compared to local algorithms, but not completely eliminated.Comment: self-unpacking archive including .tex, .sty and .ps files; 126 pages including all figure

    A new fireworm (Amphinomidae) from the Cretaceous of Lebanon identified from three-dimensionally preserved myoanatomy

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    © 2015 Parry et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. The attached file is the published version of the article

    On the nature of surface roughness with application to contact mechanics, sealing, rubber friction and adhesion

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    Surface roughness has a huge impact on many important phenomena. The most important property of rough surfaces is the surface roughness power spectrum C(q). We present surface roughness power spectra of many surfaces of practical importance, obtained from the surface height profile measured using optical methods and the Atomic Force Microscope. We show how the power spectrum determines the contact area between two solids. We also present applications to sealing, rubber friction and adhesion for rough surfaces, where the power spectrum enters as an important input.Comment: Topical review; 82 pages, 61 figures; Format: Latex (iopart). Some figures are in Postscript Level

    Tips for implementing multigrid methods on domains containing holes

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    As part of our development of a computer code to perform 3D `constrained evolution' of Einstein's equations in 3+1 form, we discuss issues regarding the efficient solution of elliptic equations on domains containing holes (i.e., excised regions), via the multigrid method. We consider as a test case the Poisson equation with a nonlinear term added, as a means of illustrating the principles involved, and move to a "real world" 3-dimensional problem which is the solution of the conformally flat Hamiltonian constraint with Dirichlet and Robin boundary conditions. Using our vertex-centered multigrid code, we demonstrate globally second-order-accurate solutions of elliptic equations over domains containing holes, in two and three spatial dimensions. Keys to the success of this method are the choice of the restriction operator near the holes and definition of the location of the inner boundary. In some cases (e.g. two holes in two dimensions), more and more smoothing may be required as the mesh spacing decreases to zero; however for the resolutions currently of interest to many numerical relativists, it is feasible to maintain second order convergence by concentrating smoothing (spatially) where it is needed most. This paper, and our publicly available source code, are intended to serve as semi-pedagogical guides for those who may wish to implement similar schemes.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, LaTeX. Added clarifications and references re. scope of paper, mathematical foundations, relevance of work. Accepted for publication in Classical & Quantum Gravit

    Identifying the Location in the Host Galaxy of the Short GRB 111117A with the Chandra Sub-arcsecond Position

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    We present our successful Chandra program designed to identify, with sub-arcsecond accuracy, the X-ray afterglow of the short GRB 111117A, which was discovered by Swift and Fermi. Thanks to our rapid target of opportunity request, Chandra clearly detected the X-ray afterglow, though no optical afterglow was found in deep optical observations. The host galaxy was clearly detected in the optical and near-infrared band, with the best photometric redshift of z=1.31_{-0.23}^{+0.46} (90% confidence), making it one of the highest known short GRB redshifts. Furthermore, we see an offset of 1.0 +- 0.2 arcseconds, which corresponds to 8.4 +- 1.7 kpc, between the host and the afterglow position. We discuss the importance of using Chandra for obtaining sub-arcsecond X-ray localizations of short GRB afterglows to study GRB environments.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
