599 research outputs found

    Measuring errors in single qubit rotations by pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance

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    The ability to measure and reduce systematic errors in single-qubit logic gates is crucial when evaluating quantum computing implementations. We describe pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) sequences that can be used to measure precisely even small systematic errors in rotations of electron-spin-based qubits. Using these sequences we obtain values for errors in rotation angle and axis for single-qubit rotations using a commercial EPR spectrometer. We conclude that errors in qubit operations by pulsed EPR are not limiting factors in the implementation of electron-spin based quantum computers

    Airborne Radar for sUAS Sense and Avoid

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    A primary challenge for the safe integration of small UAS operations into the National Airspace System (NAS) is traffic deconfliction, both from manned and unmanned aircraft. The UAS Traffic Management (UTM) project being conducted at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) considers a layered approach to separation provision, ranging from segregation of operations through airspace volumes (geofences) to autonomous sense and avoid (SAA) technologies for higher risk, densely occupied airspace. Cooperative SAA systems, such as Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) and/or vehicle-to-vehicle communication systems provide significant additional risk mitigation but they fail to adequately mitigate collision risks for non-cooperative (non-transponder equipped) airborne aircraft. The RAAVIN (Radar on Autonomous Aircraft to Verify ICAROUS Navigation) flight test being conducted by NASA and the Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership (MAAP) was designed to investigate the applicability and performance of a prototype, commercially available sUAS radar to detect and track non-cooperative airborne traffic, both manned and unmanned. The radar selected for this research was a Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar with 120 degree azimuth and 80 degree elevation field of view operating at 24.55GHz center frequency with a 200 MHz bandwidth. The radar transmits 2 watts of power thru a Metamaterial Electronically Scanning Array antenna in horizontal polarization. When the radar is transmitting, personnel must be at least 1 meter away from the active array to limit nonionizing radiation exposure. The radar physical dimensions are 18.7cm by 12.1cm by 4.1cm and it weighs less than 820 grams making it well suited for installation on small UASs. The onboard, SAA capability, known as ICAROUS, (Independent Configurable Architecture for Reliable Operations of Unmanned Systems), developed by NASA to support sUAS operations, will provide autonomous guidance using the traffic radar tracks from the onboard radar. The RAAVIN set of studies will be conducted in three phases. The first phase included outdoor, ground-based radar evaluations performed at the Virginia Techs Kentland Farm testing range in Blacksburg, VA. The test was designed to measure how well the radar could detect and track a small UAS flying in the radars field of view. The radar was used to monitor 5 test flights consisting of outbound, inbound and crossing routes at different ranges and altitudes. The UAS flown during the ground test was the Inspire 2, a quad copter weighing less than 4250 grams (10 pounds) at maximum payload. The radar was set up to scan and track targets over its full azimuthal field of view from 0 to 40 degrees in elevation. The radar was configured to eliminate tracks generated from any targets located beyond 2000 meters from the radar and moving at velocities under 1.45 meters per second. For subsequent phases of the study the radar will be integrated with a sUAS platform to evaluate its performance in flight for SAA applications ranging from sUAS to manned GA aircraft detections and tracking. Preliminary data analysis from the first outdoor ground tests showed the radar performed well at tracking the vehicle as it flew outbound and repeatedly maintained a track out to 1000 meters (maximum 1387 meters) until the vehicle slowed to a stop to reverse direction to fly inbound. As the Inspire flew inbound tracks from beyond 800 meters, a reacquisition time delay was consistently observed between when the Inspire exceeds a speed of 1.45 meters per second and when the radar indicated an inbound target was present and maintained its track. The time delay varied between 6 seconds to over 37 seconds for the inbound flights examined, and typically resulted in about a 200 meter closure distance before the Inspire track was maintained. The radar performed well at both acquiring and tracking the vehicle as it flew crossing routes out past 400 meters across the azimuthal field of view. The radar and ICAROUS software will be integrated and flown on a BFD-1400-SE8-E UAS during the next phase of the RAAVIN project. The main goal at the conclusion of this effort is to determine if this radar technology can reliably support minimum requirements for SAA applications of sUAS. In particular, the study will measure the range of vehicle detections, lateral and vertical angular errors, false and missed/late detections, and estimated distance at closest point of approach after an avoidance maneuver is executed. This last metric is directly impacted by sensor performance and indicates its suitability for the task

    High Fidelity Single Qubit Operations using Pulsed EPR

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    Systematic errors in spin rotation operations using simple RF pulses place severe limitations on the usefulness of the pulsed magnetic resonance methods in quantum computing applications. In particular, the fidelity of quantum logic operations performed on electron spin qubits falls well below the threshold for the application of quantum algorithms. Using three independent techniques, we demonstrate the use of composite pulses to improve this fidelity by several orders of magnitude. The observed high-fidelity operations are limited by pulse phase errors, but nevertheless fall within the limits required for the application of quantum error correction.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Coherent state transfer between an electron- and nuclear spin in 15N@C60

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    Electron spin qubits in molecular systems offer high reproducibility and the ability to self assemble into larger architectures. However, interactions between neighbouring qubits are 'always-on' and although the electron spin coherence times can be several hundred microseconds, these are still much shorter than typical times for nuclear spins. Here we implement an electron-nuclear hybrid scheme which uses coherent transfer between electron and nuclear spin degrees of freedom in order to both controllably turn on/off dipolar interactions between neighbouring spins and benefit from the long nuclear spin decoherence times (T2n). We transfer qubit states between the electron and 15N nuclear spin in 15N@C60 with a two-way process fidelity of 88%, using a series of tuned microwave and radiofrequency pulses and measure a nuclear spin coherence lifetime of over 100 ms.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures with supplementary material (8 pages

    Demonstration of a Thermally Coupled Row-Column SNSPD Imaging Array

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    While single-pixel superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPDs) have demonstrated remarkable efficiency and timing performance from the UV to near-IR, scaling these devices to large imaging arrays remains challenging. Here, we propose a new SNSPD multiplexing system using thermal coupling and detection correlations between two photosensitive layers of an array. Using this architecture with the channels of one layer oriented in rows and the second layer in columns, we demonstrate imaging capability in 16-pixel arrays with accurate spot tracking at the few-photon level. We also explore the performance trade-offs of orienting the top layer nanowires parallel and perpendicular to the bottom layer. The thermally coupled row-column scheme is readily able to scale to the kilopixel size with existing readout systems and, when combined with other multiplexing architectures, has the potential to enable megapixel scale SNSPD imaging arrays

    Patients' perceived health service needs for osteoarthritis (OA) care: a scoping systematic review

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify and synthesise evidence regarding patients' perceived health service needs related to osteoarthritis (OA). DESIGN: A comprehensive systematic scoping review of MEDLINE, PsycINFO, EMBASE and CINAHL (1990-2016) was performed to capture information regarding patient perceived health service needs related to OA. Risk of bias and quality of included articles were assessed. Relevant data were extracted and collated to provide a systematic review of the existing literature. RESULTS: Of the 1384 identified manuscripts, 21 were relevant to areas of patient perceived need, including needs related to medical care, pharmacologic therapy, physiotherapy and exercise therapy and alternative medicine. Key findings included (1) Symptom control drove the need for both conventional and complementary services. (2) An individualized relationship was sought with a practitioner knowledgeable in OA care and who adopted a holistic approach, whether providing conventional or alternative therapies. (3) Medications were required to obtain symptomatic relief, with use tempered by recognition of potential side effects and financial cost. (4) The need for allied health services was recognised, although patient and system issues were barriers to uptake. (5) Patient's attitudes towards joint replacement, orthoses and physical aids were influenced by patient preferences and previous healthcare experiences. CONCLUSION: Patient perceived needs are similar to those suggested by clinical guideline recommendations. Better aligning patient perceived needs with healthcare requirements may improve OA outcomes and optimise healthcare system utilisation

    Electron spin coherence in metallofullerenes: Y, Sc and La@C82

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    Endohedral fullerenes encapsulating a spin-active atom or ion within a carbon cage offer a route to self-assembled arrays such as spin chains. In the case of metallofullerenes the charge transfer between the atom and the fullerene cage has been thought to limit the electron spin phase coherence time (T2) to the order of a few microseconds. We study electron spin relaxation in several species of metallofullerene as a function of temperature and solvent environment, yielding a maximum T2 in deuterated o-terphenyl greater than 200 microseconds for Y, Sc and La@C82. The mechanisms governing relaxation (T1, T2) arise from metal-cage vibrational modes, spin-orbit coupling and the nuclear spin environment. The T2 times are over 2 orders of magnitude longer than previously reported and consequently make metallofullerenes of interest in areas such as spin-labelling, spintronics and quantum computing.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Environmental effects on electron spin relaxation in N@C60

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    We examine environmental effects of surrounding nuclear spins on the electron spin relaxation of the N@C60 molecule (which consists of a nitrogen atom at the centre of a fullerene cage). Using dilute solutions of N@C60 in regular and deuterated toluene, we observe and model the effect of translational diffusion of nuclear spins of the solvent molecules on the N@C60 electron spin relaxation times. We also study spin relaxation in frozen solutions of N@C60 in CS2, to which small quantities of a glassing agent, S2Cl2 are added. At low temperatures, spin relaxation is caused by spectral diffusion of surrounding nuclear 35Cl and 37Cl spins in the S2Cl2, but nevertheless, at 20 K, T2 times as long as 0.23 ms are observed.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    A new mechanism for electron spin echo envelope modulation

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    Electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) has been observed for the first time from a coupled hetero-spin pair of electron and nucleus in liquid solution. Previously, modulation effects in spin echo experiments have only been described in liquid solutions for a coupled pair of homonuclear spins in NMR or a pair of resonant electron spins in EPR. We observe low-frequency ESEEM (26 and 52 kHz) due to a new mechanism present for any electron spin with S>1/2 that is hyperfine coupled to a nuclear spin. In our case these are electron spin (S=3/2) and nuclear spin (I=1) in the endohedral fullerene N@C60. The modulation is shown to arise from second order effects in the isotropic hyperfine coupling of an electron and 14N nucleus.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure