47 research outputs found

    Bureaucratic politics: blind spots and opportunities in political science

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    Bureaucracy is everywhere. Unelected bureaucrats are a key link between government and citizens, between policy and implementation. Bureaucratic politics constitutes a growing share of research in political science. But the way bureaucracy is studied varies widely, permitting theoretical and empirical blind spots as well as opportunities for innovation. Scholars of American politics tend to focus on bureaucratic policy making at the national level, while comparativists often home in on local implementation by street-level bureaucrats. Data availability and professional incentives have reinforced these subfield-specific blind spots over time.We highlight these divides in three prominent research areas: the selection and retention of bureaucratic personnel, oversight of bureaucratic activities, and opportunities for influence by actors external to the bureaucracy. Our survey reveals how scholars from the American and comparative politics traditions can learn from one another

    Analysing the PMIP4-CMIP6 collection: a workflow and tool (pmip_p2fvar_analyzer v1)

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    Experiment outputs are now available from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project's sixth phase (CMIP6) and the past climate experiments defined in the Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project's fourth phase (PMIP4). All of this output is freely available from the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF). Yet there is overhead in analysing this resource that may prove complicated or prohibitive. Here we document the steps taken by ourselves to produce ensemble analyses covering past and future simulations. We outline the strategy used to curate, adjust the monthly calendar aggregation and process the information downloaded from the ESGF. The results of these steps were used to perform analysis for several of the initial publications arising from PMIP4. We provide post-processed fields for each simulation, such as climatologies and common measures of variability. Example scripts used to visualise and analyse these fields are provided for several important case studies

    The potential for aquaculture to reduce poverty and control schistosomiasis in Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) during an era of climate change : a systematic review

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    This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) via the Belmont Forum: Climate and Health under grant # NE/T013710/1. CLW and GADL were partially supported by US National Science Foundation (NSF) project ICER-2024383. GADL was also partially supported by NSF DEB—2011179.The development of water management infrastructures, such as dams and canals, are important components of society’s response to feed a growing human population and to fight climate change. Yet, these changes in land use can also increase the transmission risk for waterborne diseases. Transmission risk associated with artificial reservoirs has been extensively documented for schistosomiasis, a parasitic disease of poverty that infects more than 240 million people worldwide. Over 90% of these cases are in sub-Saharan Africa, a region that is being steadily reshaped by climate change. Controlling the parasite’s obligate intermediate host snail is key to reducing transmission of this disease. Using commercial aquaculture to farm marketable species which predate upon these snails in vulnerable regions can have multiple positive effects, including the improved socioeconomic and nutritional health of surrounding communities. Here the authors assessed the viability of using the aquaculture of snail predators to simultaneously control schistosomiasis infection rates while alleviating economic and/or nutritional poverty in endemic regions of sub-Saharan Africa. A PRISMA-based 6-step systematic methodology was used to explore the primary literature using the case study of Côte d’Ivoire and two native species of snail predator to make evidence-based conclusions on the viability of this method for controlling schistosomiasis. This detailed thematic examination of the literature concluded that using specific approaches and species, aquaculture could be effective in reducing economic poverty and chronic malnourishment along with high levels of schistosomiasis infection. More current species-specific aquaculture data and consumer survey data are, however, needed to determine the economic and logistical effectiveness of farming native snail predators in-country. These and other opportunities for future research are highlighted.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A national registry to assess the value of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging after primary percutaneous coronary intervention pathway activation:a feasibility cohort study

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    Background Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is increasingly used in patients who activate the primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) pathway to assess heart function. It is uncertain whether having CMR influences patient management or the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in these patients. Objective To determine whether or not it is feasible to set up a national registry, linking routinely collected data from hospital information systems (HISs), to investigate the role of CMR in patients who activate the PPCI pathway. Design A feasibility prospective cohort study. Setting Four 24/7 PPCI hospitals in England and Wales (two with and two without a dedicated CMR facility). Participants Patients who activated the PPCI pathway and underwent an emergency coronary angiogram. Interventions CMR either performed or not performed within 10 weeks of the index event. Main outcome measures A. Feasibility parameters – (1) patient consent implemented at all hospitals, (2) data extracted from more than one HIS and successfully linked for andgt; 90% of consented patients at all four hospitals, (3) HIS data successfully linked with Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) and Patient Episode Database Wales (PEDW) for andgt; 90% of consented patients at all four hospitals and (4) CMR requested and carried out for ≥ 10% of patients activating the PPCI pathway in CMR hospitals. B. Key drivers of cost-effectiveness for CMR (identified from simple cost-effectiveness models) in patients with (1) multivessel disease and (2) unobstructed coronary arteries. C. A change in clinical management arising from having CMR (defined using formal consensus and identified using HES follow-up data in the 12 months after the index event). Results A. (1) Consent was implemented (for all hospitals, consent rates were 59–74%) and 1670 participants were recruited. (2) Data submission was variable – clinical data available for ≥ 82% of patients across all hospitals, biochemistry and echocardiography (ECHO) data available for ≥ 98%, 34% and 87% of patients in three hospitals and medications data available for 97% of patients in one hospital. (3) HIS data were linked with hospital episode data for 99% of all consented patients. (4) At the two CMR hospitals, 14% and 20% of patients received CMR. B. In both (1) multivessel disease and (2) unobstructed coronary arteries, the difference in quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) between CMR and no CMR [‘current’ comparator, stress ECHO and standard ECHO, respectively] was very small [0.0012, 95% confidence interval (CI) –0.0076 to 0.0093 and 0.0005, 95% CI –0.0050 to 0.0077, respectively]. The diagnostic accuracy of the ischaemia tests was the key driver of cost-effectiveness in sensitivity analyses for both patient subgroups. C. There was consensus that CMR leads to clinically important changes in management in five patient subgroups. Some changes in management were successfully identified in hospital episode data (e.g. new diagnoses/procedures, frequency of outpatient episodes related to cardiac events), others were not (e.g. changes in medications, new diagnostic tests). Conclusions A national registry is not currently feasible. Patients were consented successfully but conventional consent could not be implemented nationally. Linking HIS and hospital episode data was feasible but HIS data were not uniformly available. It is feasible to identify some, but not all, changes in management in the five patient subgroups using hospital episode data. The delay in obtaining hospital episode data influenced the relevance of some of our study objectives. Future work To test the feasibility of conducting the study using national data sets (e.g. HES, British Cardiovascular Intervention Society audit database, Diagnostic Imaging Dataset, Clinical Practice Research Datalink). Funding The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Services and Delivery Research programme. This study was designed and delivered in collaboration with the Clinical Trials and Evaluation Unit, a UK Clinical Research Collaboration-registered clinical trials unit that, as part of the Bristol Trials Centre, is in receipt of NIHR clinical trials unit support funding. </jats:sec

    Does Industry-Driven Alcohol Marketing Influence Adolescent Drinking Behaviour? A Systematic Review.

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    AIM: To systematically review evidence on the influence of specific marketing components (Price, Promotion, Product attributes and Place of sale/availability) on key drinking outcomes (initiation, continuation, frequency and intensity) in young people aged 9–17. METHODS: MEDLINE, EMBASE, SCOPUS, PsychINFO, CINAHL and ProQuest were searched from inception to July 2015, supplemented with searches of Google Scholar, hand searches of key journals and backward and forward citation searches of reference lists of identified papers. RESULTS: Forty-eight papers covering 35 unique studies met inclusion criteria. Authors tended to report that greater exposure to alcohol marketing impacted on drinking initiation, continuation, frequency and intensity during adolescence. Nevertheless, 23 (66%) studies reported null results or negative associations, often in combination with positive associations, resulting in mixed findings within and across studies. Heterogeneity in study design, content and outcomes prevented estimation of effect sizes or exploration of variation between countries or age subgroups. The strength of the evidence base differed according to type of marketing exposure and drinking outcome studied, with support for an association between alcohol promotion (mainly advertising) and drinking outcomes in adolescence, whilst only two studies examined the relationship between alcohol price and the drinking behaviour of those under the age of 18. CONCLUSION: Despite the volume of work, evidence is inconclusive in all four areas of marketing but strongest for promotional activity. Future research with standardized measures is needed to build on this work and better inform interventions and policy responses

    Análisis de Contenido de Redes Sociales de Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas del Sector Turístico

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    Participar activamente en las redes sociales es indispensable especialmente para las Pymes, que buscan posicionarse en la mente del consumidor, generar mejor comunicación y mayor alcance optimizando sus limitados recursos. Para las empresas turísticas es aún más esencial y les permite atraer potenciales clientes dentro del país en el que operan y en diversas partes del mundo. El presente trabajo analiza perfiles y contenidos publicados en Facebook e Instagram, orientado a pequeñas y medianas empresas del sector turístico de España y Guatemala. Como resultado se identificaron características y oportunidades, enfocados a contenidos con mayor impacto y alcance.Participar activament a xarxes socials és indispensable especialment per a les Pimes, que busquen posicionar-se en la ment del consumidor, generar millor comunicació i major abast optimitzant els seus limitats recursos. Per a les empreses turístiques és encara més essencial i els permet atreure potencials clients dins del país en el qual operen i en diverses parts del món. El present treball analitza perfils i continguts publicats en Facebook i Instagram, orientat a petites i mitjanes empreses del sector turístic d'Espanya i Guatemala. Com a resultat es van identificar característiques i oportunitats, enfocats a continguts amb major impacte i abast