25 research outputs found

    Human Monocytes Undergo Excessive Apoptosis following Temozolomide Activating the ATM/ATR Pathway While Dendritic Cells and Macrophages Are Resistant

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    Immunodeficiency is a severe therapy-limiting side effect of anticancer chemotherapy resulting from sensitivity of immunocompetent cells to DNA damaging agents. A central role in the immune system is played by monocytes that differentiate into macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs). In this study we compared human monocytes isolated from peripheral blood and cytokine matured macrophages and DCs derived from them and assessed the mechanism of toxicity of the DNA methylating anticancer drug temozolomide (TMZ) in these cell populations. We observed that monocytes, but not DCs and macrophages, were highly sensitive to the killing effect of TMZ. Studies on DNA damage and repair revealed that the initial DNA incision was efficient in monocytes while the re-ligation step of base excision repair (BER) can not be accomplished, resulting in an accumulation of DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs). Furthermore, monocytes accumulated DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) following TMZ treatment, while DCs and macrophages were able to repair DSBs. Monocytes lack the DNA repair proteins XRCC1, ligase IIIα and PARP-1 whose expression is restored during differentiation into macrophages and DCs following treatment with GM-CSF and GM-CSF plus IL-4, respectively. These proteins play a key role both in BER and DSB repair by B-NHEJ, which explains the accumulation of DNA breaks in monocytes following TMZ treatment. Although TMZ provoked an upregulation of XRCC1 and ligase IIIα, BER was not enhanced likely because PARP-1 was not upregulated. Accordingly, inhibition of PARP-1 did not sensitize monocytes, but monocyte-derived DCs in which strong PARP activation was observed. TMZ induced in monocytes the DNA damage response pathways ATM-Chk2 and ATR-Chk1 resulting in p53 activation. Finally, upon activation of the Fas-receptor and the mitochondrial pathway apoptosis was executed in a caspase-dependent manner. The downregulation of DNA repair in monocytes, resulting in their selective killing by TMZ, might impact on the immune response during cancer chemotherapy

    DNA repair modulates the vulnerability of the developing brain to alkylating agents

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    Neurons of the developing brain are especially vulnerable to environmental agents that damage DNA (i.e., genotoxicants), but the mechanism is poorly understood. The focus of the present study is to demonstrate that DNA damage plays a key role in disrupting neurodevelopment. To examine this hypothesis, we compared the cytotoxic and DNA damaging properties of the methylating agents methylazoxymethanol (MAM) and dimethyl sulfate (DMS) and the mono- and bifunctional alkylating agents chloroethylamine (CEA) and nitrogen mustard (HN2), in granule cell neurons derived from the cerebellum of neonatal wild type mice and three transgenic DNA repair strains. Wild type cerebellar neurons were significantly more sensitive to the alkylating agents DMS and HN2 than neuronal cultures treated with MAM or the half-mustard CEA. Parallel studies with neuronal cultures from mice deficient in alkylguanine DNA glycosylase (Aag[superscript −/−]) or O6-methylguanine methyltransferase (Mgmt[superscript −/−]), revealed significant differences in the sensitivity of neurons to all four genotoxicants. Mgmt−/− neurons were more sensitive to MAM and HN2 than the other genotoxicants and wild type neurons treated with either alkylating agent. In contrast, Aag[superscript −/−] neurons were for the most part significantly less sensitive than wild type or Mgmt[superscript −/−] neurons to MAM and HN2. Aag[superscript −/−] neurons were also significantly less sensitive than wild type neurons treated with either DMS or CEA. Granule cell development and motor function were also more severely disturbed by MAM and HN2 in Mgmt[superscript −/−] mice than in comparably treated wild type mice. In contrast, cerebellar development and motor function were well preserved in MAM-treated Aag[superscript −/−] or MGMT-overexpressing (Mgmt[superscript Tg+]) mice, even as compared with wild type mice suggesting that AAG protein increases MAM toxicity, whereas MGMT protein decreases toxicity. Surprisingly, neuronal development and motor function were severely disturbed in Mgmt[superscript Tg+] mice treated with HN2. Collectively, these in vitro and in vivo studies demonstrate that the type of DNA lesion and the efficiency of DNA repair are two important factors that determine the vulnerability of the developing brain to long-term injury by a genotoxicant.United States. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (Contract/Grant/Intergovernmental Project Order DAMD 17-98-1-8625)United States. National Institutes of Health (grants CA075576)United States. National Institutes of Health (RO1 C63193)United States. National Institutes of Health (P30 CA043703

    Balancing repair and tolerance of DNA damage caused by alkylating agents

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    Alkylating agents constitute a major class of frontline chemotherapeutic drugs that inflict cytotoxic DNA damage as their main mode of action, in addition to collateral mutagenic damage. Numerous cellular pathways, including direct DNA damage reversal, base excision repair (BER) and mismatch repair (MMR), respond to alkylation damage to defend against alkylation-induced cell death or mutation. However, maintaining a proper balance of activity both within and between these pathways is crucial for a favourable response of an organism to alkylating agents. Furthermore, the response of an individual to alkylating agents can vary considerably from tissue to tissue and from person to person, pointing to genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that modulate alkylating agent toxicity

    Temporäre Überdachung eines Rathausplatzes

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    Alkylantien induzierte Zytotoxizität, DNA-schadensinduzierte Reparaturkapazität und Apoptoseinduktion von Immunzellen

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    Monozyten und Monozyten-abgeleitete Dendritische Zellen (DCs) spielen eine bedeutende Rolle im Immunsystem. Da DCs bei der Tumorabwehr mitwirken, ist es wichtig, dass Monozyten als auch DCs sich gegenüber zytotoxischen Agenzien aus der Chemotherapie wehren können. Chemotherapeutika reagieren mit der DNA, jedoch die DNA-Reparaturkapazität von Monozyten und DCs wurde noch nicht untersucht. Dazu wurde die Sensitivität in Monozyten und DCs gegenüber verschiedene genotoxische Agenzien untersucht. Dabei wurde herausgefunden, dass Monozyten sensitiv auf methylierende Agenzien (MNNG, MMS und Temozolomid) reagieren und ein verstärktes Zellsterben und Apoptoseinduktion zeigen. Im Vergleich zu weiteren Zytostatika wie Fotemustin, Mafosfamid und Cisplatin reagierten Monozyten und DCs gleich sensitiv. Diese Ergebnisse weisen auf einen Defekt in der Reparatur von DNA-Methylierungsschäden in Monozyten hin. Da die Expression des Reparaturproteins O6-Methylguanin-DNA Methyltransferase (MGMT) in Monozyten höher war als in DCs und deren Inhibierung durch O6-Benzylguanin keinen Effekt auf die Sensitivität von Monozyten hatte, wurde der Reparaturweg der Basenexzisionsreparatur untersucht. Im Vergleich zu DCs waren die Monozyten unfähig die BER durchzuführen, welche durch Einzelzellgelelektrophorese gemessen wurde. Expressionsuntersuchungen ergaben, dass in Monozyten XRCC1 und Ligase IIIα fehlen im Vergleich zu DCs, Makrophagen, hämatopoetische Stammzellen und Lymphozyten, welche diese Proteine exprimieren. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen einen spezifischen DNA-Reparaturdefekt in einer bestimmten Blutzellpopulation. Durch den BER Defekt in Monozyten kann es durch methylierende Tumorwirkstoffe während einer Chemotherapie zur Depletion und zu einer abgeschwächten Immunantwort kommen.Monocytes and monocytes-maturated dendritic cells (DCs) play an important role in the immune system. Since DCs drive the host tumor defense, it is important that monocytes as well as DCs resist tumor therapy with cytotoxic agents. Although anticancer drugs target DNA, the DNA repair capacity of monocytes and DCs has not yet been investigated. Here we studied the sensitivity of monocytes and DCs against various genotoxic agents and found monocytes to be more sensitive to overall cell kill and apoptosis upon exposure to methylating agents (MNNG, MMS and temozolomide) whereas upon treatment with the cross-linking chemotherapeutics fotemustine, mafosfamide and cisplatin monocytes and DCs responded in the same way. The data indicate a defect in the repair of DNA methylation damage in monocytes. Since the expression of the repair protein O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) was higher in monocytes than in DCs and its inhibition by O6-benzylguanine had no effect on monocyte sensitivity, we investigated the base excison repair (BER) pathway. In contrast to DCs, monocytes are unable to perform BER following methylation, as measured by SCGE. Expression studies revealed that monocytes lack XRCC1 and ligase IIIα, which is in contrast to DCs, macrophages, CD34+ stem cells and lymphocytes that express these repair proteins at high level. The data obtained reveal a specific DNA repair defect in a subset blood cell population. The BER defect in monocytes may cause them to be depleted during tumor therapy with O6-methylating anticancer drugs that may attenuate the immune response

    Haus am Jägertor : Baudokumentation

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    Genetisch optimierte Grundrissplanung

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    Involvement of real projects in teaching

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