32 research outputs found

    Trends in cutaneous melanoma mortality in Italy from 1982 to 2016

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    Background In Italy, comprehensive national studies, about mortality rates for cutaneous melanoma, are missing. The aim of this study was to analyze the trend of cutaneous melanoma mortality in Italy from 1982 to 2016. Methods Data on death certificates were obtained from Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT: Istituto nazionale di STATistica, Indagine sulle cause di morte). Mortality rates were age-standardized on the European population 2013 and presented per 100,000 individuals. Age-adjusted mortality rates (AMRs) were calculated by sex, age group, and geographic areas. To identify changes in mortality rate trends, a joinpoint regression model was used, and the annual percent change (APC) was estimated. Results In Italy, a total number of 49,312 patients (44.0% women) died for cutaneous melanoma from 1982 to 2016. Melanoma mortality rates significantly increased in the study period in both sexes, with higher AMR values and a steeper increase in men (from 2.71 to 4.02; APC: 1.43; 95% CI 1.26-1.61) than women (from 1.94-2.10; APC: 0.23; 95% CI 0.00-0.46). The largest difference between men and women was observed in patients aged >= 65 years with APC of 2.17 in men (95% CI 1.97-2.37) and 0.37 in women (95% CI 0.08-0.66). Conclusion In conclusion, the melanoma mortality rate in Italy progressively increased especially in elderly men. Several hypotheses might explain the observed age and geographic differences such as sun exposure habits or different strategies of prevention campaigns

    Hep3Gel: A Shape-Shifting Extracellular Matrix-Based, Three-Dimensional Liver Model Adaptable to Different Culture Systems

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    Drug-induced hepatotoxicity is a leading cause of clinical trial withdrawal. Therefore, in vitro modeling the hepatic behavior and functionalities is not only crucial to better understand physiological and pathological processes but also to support drug development with reliable high-throughput platforms. Different physiological and pathological models are currently under development and are commonly implemented both within platforms for standard 2D cultures and within tailor-made chambers. This paper introduces Hep3Gel: a hybrid alginate-extracellular matrix (ECM) hydrogel to produce 3D in vitro models of the liver, aiming to reproduce the hepatic chemomechanical niche, with the possibility of adapting its shape to different manufacturing techniques. The ECM, extracted and powdered from porcine livers by a specifically set-up procedure, preserved its crucial biological macromolecules and was embedded within alginate hydrogels prior to crosslinking. The viscoelastic behavior of Hep3Gel was tuned, reproducing the properties of a physiological organ, according to the available knowledge about hepatic biomechanics. By finely tuning the crosslinking kinetics of Hep3Gel, its dualistic nature can be exploited either by self-spreading or adapting its shape to different culture supports or retaining the imposed fiber shape during an extrusion-based 3D-bioprinting process, thus being a shape-shifter hydrogel. The self-spreading ability of Hep3Gel was characterized by combining empirical and numerical procedures, while its use as a bioink was experimentally characterized through rheological a priori printability evaluations and 3D printing tests. The effect of the addition of the ECM was evident after 4 days, doubling the survival rate of cells embedded within control hydrogels. This study represents a proof of concept of the applicability of Hep3Gel as a tool to develop 3D in vitro models of the liver

    Tacrolimus in Solution as an Option to Inflammatory Conditions of the Scalp

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    Introduction: Several dermatological diseases lead to inflammatory conditions of the scalp. Most of these afflictions are recalcitrant and require long term maintenance treatment. Objectives: We present a case series where topical tacrolimus was used in a solution vehicle for these conditions. Methods: A total of 22 patients (aged 24-90 years) with confirmed diagnosis of lichen planus pilaris (LPP),discoid lupus (DL),frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA),erosive pustulosis of the scalp (EPS) or folliculitis decalvans (FD) were evaluated and treated with tacrolimus solution (0.1%) applied twice daily for 1 month, then once daily for another month and alternate days for 4 months. Efficacy was evaluated by an investigator global assessment,clinical and dermoscopic evaluation at weeks 4,8 and 24.The safety assessment included monitoring of all adverse events. Results: The study included 13 patients with LPP, 2 with DL, 2 with FD, 2 with EPS and 3 with AFF.After 1 month, 14 patients (63.6%) had a good response and 7 (31.8%) had excellent response.After 2 months, 16 patients (72.7%) had excellent response, and this response was persistent after 6 months of treatment. Conclusions: Tacrolimus in solution,even if not yet commercially available,was an effective and well tolerated alternative for the maintenance treatment of inflammatory conditions of the scalp

    Melanoma in children: A systematic review and individual patient meta-analysis

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    The current evidence on paediatric melanoma is heterogeneous, especially regarding the prognosis of different histological subtypes. We sought to systematically review the evidence on paediatric melanoma, highlighting the major sources of heterogeneity and focusing on available data on single patients. A systematic search was performed from 1948 to 25 January 2021. Only studies reporting at least one case of cutaneous melanoma in patients aged <= 18 years were included. Unknown primary and uncertain malignant melanomas were excluded. Three couples of authors independently performed title/abstract screening and two different authors reviewed all the relevant full texts. The selected articles were manually cross-checked for overlapping data for qualitative synthesis. Subsequently data on single patients were extracted to perform a patient-level meta-analysis. PROSPERO registration number: CRD42021233248. The main outcomes were melanoma-specific survival (MSS) and progression-free survival (PFS) outcomes. Separate analyses were done of cases with complete information on histologic subtype, focusing on superficial spreading (SSM), nodular (NM) and spitzoid melanomas, as well as of those classified as de-novo (DNM) and acquired or congenital nevus-associated melanomas (NAM). The qualitative synthesis covered 266 studies; however, data on single patients were available from 213 studies including 1002 patients. Among histologic subtypes, NM had a lower MSS than both SSM and spitzoid melanoma, and a lower PFS than SSM. Spitzoid melanoma had a significantly higher progression risk than SSM and trended toward lower mortality. Focusing on nevus-associated status, DNM demonstrated better MSS after progression than congenital NAM, and no differences were highlighted in PFS. Our findings describe the existence of different biological patterns in paediatric melanoma. Specifically, spitzoid melanomas demonstrated intermediate behaviour between SSM and NM and showed a high risk of nodal progression but low mortality. This raises the question of whether spitzoid lesions are being over-diagnosed as melanoma in childhood

    Real-World Experience with Topical 5-Fluorouracil 4% (40 mg/g) Cream for the Treatment of Actinic Keratosis

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    Introduction:5-fluorouracil (5-FU) is one of the most effective topical treatments for actinic keratosis (AK). A new 4% formulation of 5-FU was recently approved in Europe. Objectives:This study aimed at evaluating 4% 5-FU cream safety and effectiveness in a real-world setting. Methods:Adult AK patients were retrospectively selected from the University of Campania Dermatology Unit database. Selection criteria included a diagnosis of non-hyperkeratotic, non-hypertrophic AK (Olsen grade I and II) of the face, ears, and/or scalp, treatment with 4% 5-FU once daily for 4 weeks, and at least 3 follow-up visits (4 and 8 weeks after treatment initiation, and 6 months after treatment end). The primary objectives were to evaluate AK lesions improvement at 8 weeks and relapse rate at 6 months. Patient-reported erythema and burning sensation intensity were also assessed at 4 weeks. Results: Ninety-eight patients were included in this analysis (male/female 80/18, mean age 74.7 years). AK lesions improvement at 8 weeks resulted complete or significant in 74.5% and 20.4% of the patients, respectively. At 6 months, 65.3% of the patients did not show AK relapses. Burning sensation at 4 weeks was reported as light, moderate, or absent by 44.9%, 22.4%, and 31.6% of the patients, respectively. Erythema was reported as light, moderate, or absent by 37.8%, 51%, and 10% of the patients, respectively. Burning sensation and erythema disappeared gradually during follow-up. No other side effects were reported. Conclusions:In this real-world study 4% 5-FU proved to be highly effective for AK lesions clearance with a favorable safety profile

    Melka Kunture (alto Awash, Etiopía) entre 2.000.000 y 5.000 años

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    Melka Kunture es un clúster de yacimientos prehistóricos situados en el altiplano etíope, a 2.000-2.200 m sobre el nivel del mar, en la cuenca alta del río Awash. El clima es más bien fresco (temperatura media anual de 17° C) y lluvioso. Los resultados palinológicos demuestran que la vegetación durante el Pleistoceno era de tipo afromontano y, por lo tanto, diferente a la de sabana que se desarrolla en cotas más bajas. Tras casi 60 años de excavaciones en 20 yacimientos y en unos 60 niveles arqueológicos distintos, la secuencia arqueológica identificada incluye el Olduvayense, Achelense, Middle Stone Age y Late Stone Age. También se han descubierto fósiles de homininos en asociación directa con industrias líticas de diferentes tecnocomplejos. Además, se conocen niveles icnológicos, que proporcionan información sobre la vida y el comportamiento de homininos y fauna. La investigación sobre la adaptación de los homininos al clima y al entorno de las tierras altas es relevante para entender cómo y cuándo se produjo el primer poblamiento de Europa

    An overview of Melka Kunture, a vast cluster of Pleistocene sites in the Upper Awash Valley (Ethiopia)

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