31 research outputs found

    Correlation of ignimbrites using characteristic remanent magnetization and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, Central Andes, Bolivia

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    Large ignimbrite flare-ups provide records of profound crustal modification during batholith formation at depth. The locations of source calderas and volumes and ages of the eruptions must be determined to develop models for the tectonomagmatic processes that occur during these events. Although high-precision isotopic ages of the ignimbrites are critical, less expensive and more rapid techniques, such as paleomagnetism, can extend the temporal information from dated outcrops. Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic data, including characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), from the Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex of the Central Andes reliably identify calderas and eight associated Mio-Pliocene ignimbrites. ChRM results indicate a larger between-site error for most ignimbrites, in comparison to within-site scatter. Part of this dispersion may be due to tumescence/detumescence associated with the caldera-forming eruptions, but most of the effect is probably due to the recording of paleosecular variation during cooling and vapor-phase crystallization of the thick ignimbrites. AMS data identify the source calderas for four ignimbrites and provide limits on possible post-emplacement rotations of the deposits. AMS data indicate significant topographic control on inferred flow directions, implying that the flows were dense and/or of low mobility

    Effects of Anacetrapib in Patients with Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease remain at high risk for cardiovascular events despite effective statin-based treatment of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels. The inhibition of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) by anacetrapib reduces LDL cholesterol levels and increases high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels. However, trials of other CETP inhibitors have shown neutral or adverse effects on cardiovascular outcomes. METHODS: We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 30,449 adults with atherosclerotic vascular disease who were receiving intensive atorvastatin therapy and who had a mean LDL cholesterol level of 61 mg per deciliter (1.58 mmol per liter), a mean non-HDL cholesterol level of 92 mg per deciliter (2.38 mmol per liter), and a mean HDL cholesterol level of 40 mg per deciliter (1.03 mmol per liter). The patients were assigned to receive either 100 mg of anacetrapib once daily (15,225 patients) or matching placebo (15,224 patients). The primary outcome was the first major coronary event, a composite of coronary death, myocardial infarction, or coronary revascularization. RESULTS: During the median follow-up period of 4.1 years, the primary outcome occurred in significantly fewer patients in the anacetrapib group than in the placebo group (1640 of 15,225 patients [10.8%] vs. 1803 of 15,224 patients [11.8%]; rate ratio, 0.91; 95% confidence interval, 0.85 to 0.97; P=0.004). The relative difference in risk was similar across multiple prespecified subgroups. At the trial midpoint, the mean level of HDL cholesterol was higher by 43 mg per deciliter (1.12 mmol per liter) in the anacetrapib group than in the placebo group (a relative difference of 104%), and the mean level of non-HDL cholesterol was lower by 17 mg per deciliter (0.44 mmol per liter), a relative difference of -18%. There were no significant between-group differences in the risk of death, cancer, or other serious adverse events. CONCLUSIONS: Among patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease who were receiving intensive statin therapy, the use of anacetrapib resulted in a lower incidence of major coronary events than the use of placebo. (Funded by Merck and others; Current Controlled Trials number, ISRCTN48678192 ; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01252953 ; and EudraCT number, 2010-023467-18 .)

    Molecular Population Genetics of the Male and Female Mitochondrial DNA Molecules of the California Sea Mussel, Mytilus californianus

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    The presence of two gender-associated mitochondrial genomes in marine mussels provides a unique opportunity to investigate the dynamics of mtDNA evolution without complications inherent in interspecific comparisons. Here, we assess the relative importance of selection, mutation, and differential constraint in shaping the patterns of polymorphism within and divergence between the male (M) and female (F) mitochondrial genomes of the California sea mussel, Mytilus californianus. Partial sequences were obtained from homologous regions of four genes (nad2, cox1, atp6, and nad5) totaling 2307 bp in length. The M and F mtDNA molecules of M. californianus exhibited extensive levels of nucleotide polymorphism and were more highly diverged than observed in other mytilids (overall Tamura–Nei distances >40%). Consistent with previous studies, the M molecule had significantly higher levels of silent and replacement polymorphism relative to F. Both genomes possessed large numbers of singleton and low-frequency mutations that gave rise to significantly negative Tajima's D values. Mutation-rate scalars estimated for silent and replacement mutations were elevated in the M genome but were not sufficient to account for its higher level of polymorphism. McDonald–Kreitman tests were highly significant at all loci due to excess numbers of fixed replacement mutations between molecules. Strong purifying selection was evident in both genomes in keeping the majority of replacement mutations at low population frequencies but appeared to be slightly relaxed in M. Our results suggest that a reduction in selective constraint acting on the M genome remains the best explanation for its greater levels of polymorphism and faster rate of evolution

    Fungal Diversity Associated with Hawaiian Drosophila Host Plants

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    Hawaiian Drosophila depend primarily, sometimes exclusively, on specific host plants for oviposition and larval development, and most specialize further on a particular decomposing part of that plant. Differences in fungal community between host plants and substrate types may establish the basis for host specificity in Hawaiian Drosophila. Fungi mediate decomposition, releasing plant micronutrients and volatiles that can indicate high quality substrates and serve as cues to stimulate oviposition. This study addresses major gaps in our knowledge by providing the first culture-free, DNA-based survey of fungal diversity associated with four ecologically important tree genera in the Hawaiian Islands. Three genera, Cheirodendron, Clermontia, and Pisonia, are important host plants for Drosophila. The fourth, Acacia, is not an important drosophilid host but is a dominant forest tree. We sampled fresh and rotting leaves from all four taxa, plus rotting stems from Clermontia and Pisonia. Based on sequences from the D1/D2 domain of the 26S rDNA gene, we identified by BLAST search representatives from 113 genera in 13 fungal classes. A total of 160 operational taxonomic units, defined on the basis of ≥97% genetic similarity, were identified in these samples, but sampling curves show this is an underestimate of the total fungal diversity present on these substrates. Shannon diversity indices ranged from 2.0 to 3.5 among the Hawaiian samples, a slight reduction compared to continental surveys. We detected very little sharing of fungal taxa among the substrates, and tests of community composition confirmed that the structure of the fungal community differed significantly among the substrates and host plants. Based on these results, we hypothesize that fungal community structure plays a central role in the establishment of host preference in the Hawaiian Drosophila radiation

    Data from: Population structure and genetic diversity among eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds and depths in San Francisco Bay

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    The seagrass Zostera marina is widely distributed in coastal regions throughout much of the northern hemisphere, forms the foundation of an important ecological habitat, and is suffering population declines. Studies in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans indicate the degree of population genetic differentiation is location-dependent. San Francisco Bay, California, USA, is a high-current, high-wind environment where rafting of seed-bearing shoots has the potential to enhance genetic connectivity among Z. marina populations. We tested Z. marina from six locations, including one annual population, within the bay to assess population differentiation and to compare levels of within-population genetic diversity. Using seven microsatellite loci, we found significant differentiation among all populations. The annual population had significantly higher clonal diversity than the others but showed no detectible differences in heterozygosity or allelic richness. There appears to be sufficient input of genetic variation through sexual reproduction or immigration into the perennial populations to prevent significant declines in the number and frequency of alleles. In additional depth comparisons, we found differentiation among deep and shallow portions in one of three beds evaluated. Genetic drift, sweepstakes recruitment, dispersal limitation, and possibly natural selection may have combined to produce genetic differentiation over a spatial scale of 3 – 30 km in Z. marina. This implies the scale of genetic differentiation may be smaller than expected for seagrasses in other locations, too. We suggest that populations in close proximity may not be interchangeable for use as restoration material

    Supplementary Figures & Tables

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    Saturation curves of pairwise genetic distances calculated in GenClone. Graphs of log-likelihood and delta K across varying numbers of genetic clusters, from STRUCTURE. Supplementary tables 1 & 2 showing results when all but one one copy of each identical genotype was removed from the data set

    Heat map plotting composition and distribution of fungal OTUs among plant/substrate types.

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    <p>Each row represents a single OTU, the color of the bar in each column indicates the relative abundance of that OTU within each sample type. Red indicates greater abundance, black indicates lower abundance, and white indicates the absence of the OTU in that sample. The deficiency of shared OTUs results in the stairstep pattern seen in the lower portion of the figure.</p