30 research outputs found

    Identification of sources of lead in children in a primary zinc-lead smelter environment.

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    We compared high-precision lead isotopic ratios in deciduous teeth and environmental samples to evaluate sources of lead in 10 children from six houses in a primary zinc-lead smelter community at North Lake Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia. Teeth were sectioned to allow identification of lead exposure in utero and in early childhood. Blood lead levels in the children ranged from 10 to 42 micro g/dL and remained elevated for a number of years. For most children, only a small contribution to tooth lead can be attributed to gasoline and paint sources. In one child with a blood lead concentration of 19.7 microg/dL, paint could account for about 45% of lead in her blood. Comparison of isotopic ratios of tooth lead levels with those from vacuum cleaner dust, dust-fall accumulation, surface wipes, ceiling (attic) dust, and an estimation of the smelter emissions indicates that from approximately 55 to 100% of lead could be derived from the smelter. For a blood sample from another child, > 90% of lead could be derived from the smelter. We found varying amounts of in utero-derived lead in the teeth. Despite the contaminated environment and high blood lead concentrations in the children, the levels of lead in the teeth are surprisingly low compared with those measured in children from other lead mining and smelting communities

    Low Blood Lead Levels Do Not Appear to Be Further Reduced by Dietary Supplements

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    OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to evaluate the association of dietary intakes of selected micronutrients and blood lead (PbB) concentrations in female adults and in children. DESIGN: With longitudinal monitoring, we measured daily intakes of the micronutrients calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, barium, strontium, phosphorus, zinc, iron (limited data), and copper from 6-day duplicate diets (2–13 collections per individual) and PbB concentrations. Participants were three groups of females of child-bearing age (one cohort consisting of 21 pregnant subjects and 15 nonpregnant controls, a second cohort of nine pregnant migrants), and one group of 10 children 6–11 years of age. RESULTS: Mean PbB concentrations were < 5 μg/dL. A mixed linear model that included only group and time accounted for 5.9% of the variance of the PbB measurements; neither the effect of time nor the effect of group was significant. The model containing all of the micronutrients (except iron, for which there was a great deal of missing data), along with time and group, accounted for approximately 9.2% of the variance of PbB; this increase was not statistically significant. There was, however, a significant association of PbB with phosphorus, magnesium, and copper when all micronutrients were included in the statistical analysis, perhaps reflecting a synergistic effect. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to most previous studies, we found no statistically significant relationships between the PbB concentrations and micronutrient intake. In adults and older children with low PbB concentrations and minimal exposure to Pb, micronutrient supplementation is probably unnecessary

    Sources of lead and its mobility in the human body inferred from lead isotopes

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    Compared with studies applying the lead isotope method to environmental questions, those involving humans (and animals) are small in number. This brief review outlines some of the applications of the method, especially to those focussed on pregnancy, a time during which increased bone turnover associated with calcium requirements results in release of lead from the maternal skeleton and the lead can also be transferred to the infant. Thus, sources of lead to blood can be considered as external (environmental) and internal (skeletal).17 page(s

    Preliminary findings of chemistry and bioaccessibility in base metal smelter slags

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    Leaching of toxic metals from slag waste produced during smelting of Pb–Zn ores is generally considered to be negligible. A 1.4 million tonne stockpile of slag containing up to 2.5% Pb and other contaminants has accumulated on a smelter site at North Lake Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia, and it has also been freely used within the community for landscaping and drainage projects. It had been suggested that Pb in fine particles derived from the slags may be a potential contributor to the blood Pb of some children in this community, although there is conflicting evidence in the literature for such a hypothesis. Bioaccessibility of lead and selected metals derived from nine slag samples collected from areas of public open space was examined using a relatively simple in vitro gastric dissolution technique. Size analyses of the slag samples demonstrate that finely-sized material was present in the slags which could be ingested, especially by children. The finer-sized particles contain high levels of Pb (6490–41,400 ppm), along with Cd and As. Pb bioaccessibility of the slags was high, averaging 45% for − 250 μm material and 75% for particles in the size range − 53 + 32 μm. Increasing bioaccessibility and Pb concentration showed an inverse relationship to particle size. Almost 100% of Pb would be bioaccessible in the smallest slag particles (< 20 μm), which also contained very high Pb levels ranging from 50,000 to 80,000 ppm and thus constitute a potential health hazard for children.13 page(s

    Overview of lead remediation effectiveness

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    Elias, Robert W; Gulson, Bria

    The Pb isotopic record of historical to modern human lead exposure

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    Human teeth and bones incorporate trace amounts of lead (Pb) from the local environment during growth and remodeling. Anthropogenic activities have caused changes in the natural Pb isotopic background since historical times and this is reflected in the Pb isotopes of historical European teeth. Lead mining and use increased exponentially during the last century and the isotopic compositions of modern human teeth reflect the modern anthropogenic Pb. USA teeth show the most radiogenic Pb and Australian teeth show the least radiogenic Pb, a result of different Pb ores used in the two regions. During the last century the Australian Pb was exported to Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa, resulting in swamping of the local environmental Pb signal by the imported Pb. As a result, the modern human teeth in Europe show a significant drop to lower isotopic values compared with historical times. Similarly, modern human teeth in other regions of the world show similar Pb isotopic ratios to modern European teeth reflecting the Pb imports. The specific pattern of human Pb exposure allows us to use the Pb isotopic signal recorded in the skeleton as a geo-referencing tool. As historical European teeth show a distinct Pb signal, we can identify early European skeletal remains in the New World and likely elsewhere. In modern forensic investigations we can discriminate to some extent Eastern Europeans from Western and Northern Europeans. Australians can be identified to some extent in any region in the world, although there is some overlap with Western European individuals. Lead isotopes can be used to easily identify foreigners in the USA, as modern USA teeth are distinct from any other region of the world. By analogy, USA individuals can be identified virtually in any other region of the world.10 page(s

    Visualisation and quantification of heavy metal accessibility in smelter slags : the influence of morphology on availability

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    The Imperial Smelting Furnace (ISF) for producing lead and zinc simultaneously has operated on four continents and in eleven countries from the 1950's. One of the process changes that the ISF introduced was the production of a finely granulated slag waste. Although this slag contained significant amounts of residual lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn), because of its glassy nature it was considered environmentally benign. From the Cockle Creek smelter near Boolaroo at the northern end of Lake Macquarie, NSW, Australia, it is estimated that around 2.1 million tonnes of the fine slag was distributed into the community and most remains where it was originally utilised. Residual tonnages of slag of this magnitude are common worldwide wherever the ISF operated. Studies of base metal smelting slags have concluded that mineralogical and morphological characteristics of the slag play a critical role in moderating environmental release of toxic elements. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microanalysis of the ISF slags has shown that the Pb and associated elements are present as discrete nodules (∼6–22 μm) in the slag and that they are not associated with Zn which is contained in the glass slag phase. Using an automated SEM and analysis technique (QEMSCAN®) to "map" the mineralogical structure of the particles, it was possible to quantitatively determine the degree of access infiltrating fluids might have to the reaction surface of the Pb phases. The level of access decreases with increasing particle size, but in even the largest sized particles (−3350 + 2000 μm) nearly 80% of the Pb-containing phases were totally or partially accessible. These results provide evidence that the toxic elements in the slags are not contained by the glassy phase and will be vulnerable to leaching over time depending on their individual phase reactivity.11 page(s