102 research outputs found

    The Stages of Change in three stage concepts and two modes of physical activity: a comparison of stage distributions and practical implications

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    Stages of Change were assessed for three stage definitions and two modes of health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) in a representative telephone survey in Switzerland (participation 55.8%; n = 1471). Two five-stage definitions focusing either on intention to change or current behavior were integrated into a seven-stage concept, taking into account both aspects. The two target behaviors were activities with at least moderate intensity and activities with vigorous intensity. According to the two five-stage definitions, at least half of the participants were either in precontemplation (focus on intention) or in preparation (focus on behavior). Upon classification into the seven stages these large stage groups were differentiated. There were differences in the pros for change between the new stages of the seven-stage concept. One in seven participants was regularly active according to the moderate criteria, but not using the vigorous criteria, and one in every eight participants reported the inverse. Results show that an individual can be in different Stages of Change depending on the stage definition and be regularly active or not depending on the target behavior. The practical implications of the seven-stage algorithm and a two-dimensional matrix to classify participants for both moderate and vigorous intensity activities in an Internet-based HEPA program are presente

    Intervention reporting quality of randomized control trials in plastic surgery

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    Background: With the increasing number of RCTs being conducted and published in plastic surgery, clear, accurate, and complete reporting of trial information is critical for readers to properly evaluate a trial's methodology and arrive at appropriate conclusions about its merits and applicability to patients. The Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) checklist was introduced to address the limited guidance for reporting trial interventions. In the present study, we will apply the TIDieR checklist to evaluate the completeness of intervention reporting of RCTs in plastic surgery, compare the quality of intervention reporting before and after the guideline was published and evaluate characteristics associated with TIDieR compliance.Methods: A PubMed search was conducted to identify two trial cohorts — the first cohort published prior to the release of TIDieR and the second cohort published after its release. A random sample of 150 trials from each cohort was screened based upon predefined inclusion criteria. From the final sample, the TIDieR checklist was applied to intervention descriptions and relevant study characteristics were extracted. All screening and data extraction were conducted in duplicate, blinded manner, and discrepancies were resolved by group discussion.Results: Following screening, 130 trials were included for analysis. The mean TIDieR score was 6.4 of a possible 12. Five items were reported 90% of the time, while 4 items were reported fewer than 10% of the time. We found that TIDieR publication did not affect intervention reporting (p=.22). Several trial characteristics were associated with both poorer and greater TIDieR adherence.Conclusion: Our study identified areas in which intervention reporting could be improved. Furthermore, the extent of TIDieR adoption by trialists appears to be limited, and greater efforts are needed to disseminate this reporting guideline if widespread uptake is to be expected. Alternately, it may be more beneficial to incorporate TIDieR into the more widely recognized CONSORT statement

    Erfahrungen mit dem Konzept des Kantons Zug für COVID-19 : Bekämpfung der Pandemie vor und während der zweiten Welle in der Schweiz

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    Zug hat ein öffentlich zugängliches Konzept für die Bekämpfung von COVID-19. Es wurde im Juli 2020 in der Schweizerischen Ärztezeitung vorgestellt und seither weiterentwickelt. Der Sommer und besonders die zweite Welle im Herbst 2020 haben die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Konzepts aufgezeigt

    Physical Activity, Sensation Seeking, and Aggression as Injury Risk Factors in Young Swiss Men: A Population-Based Cohort Study

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    Background:This study investigates the relationships between physical activity (PA), sports participation and sensation seeking or aggression and injury risk in young men.Methods:A representative cohort study was conducted with 4686 conscripts for the Swiss army. Risk factors assessed at baseline were PA, the frequency of sports participation, sensation seeking, and aggression. The number of injuries during the past 12 months was reported 16 months after baseline. Exposure to moderate-tovigorous physical activity (MVPA) was estimated based on baseline PA.Results:Among conscripts, 48.5% reported at least 1 injury for the past 12 months. After accounting for exposure to MVPA, the most inactive individuals (reference group) had the highest injury risk and those with high levels of PA and weekly sports participation the lowest (Poisson regression analysis: incidence rate ratio = 0.14 [0.12–0.16]). Independent of activity level, sensation seeking increased cumulative injury incidence significantly (Logistic regression analysis [injured vs. not injured]: odds ratio = 1.29 [1.02–1.63]) and incidence rates marginally. Aggression was marginally associated only with cumulative injury incidence and only in those participating in daily sports.Conclusions:When accounting for exposure to PA, being inactive is a strong injury risk factor in young men, whereas the roles of the personality variables are less clear.</jats:sec

    Durchseuchung, Durchimpfung und Risiko nach Alter für Covid-19 : Bereinigung und Interpretation von Häufigkeitsangaben im Phasenwechsel der Pandemie

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    Die Schweiz meldet im Juni 2021 weiterhin rückläufige Fallzahlen für Covid-19. Die Impfkampagne ist voll angelaufen, die Ärzteschaft spielt dabei eine wichtige Rolle. Die Quantifizierung des Covid-19-Risikos ist eine zentrale Voraussetzung für die Beratung von Patientinnen und Patienten wie auch für gezielte Schutzmassnahmen in bestimmten Bevölkerungsgruppen, so in der Armee

    Active transport, physical activity, and body weight in adults: a systematic review

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    CONTEXT: Physical activity has various health benefits. Active transport can contribute to total physical activity and thus affect body weight because of increased energy expenditure. This review summarizes published evidence on associations of active transport, general physical activity, and body weight in adults. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: A systematic review of the literature was conducted in October 2010 using eight databases. A total of 14,216 references were screened; full texts were retrieved for 95 articles. Forty-six articles (36 unique studies) were included: 20 (17) from Europe; 18 (13) from North America, Australia, and New Zealand; and eight (six) from other countries. Analyses of the retrieved papers were carried out between November 2010 and March 2011. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Of 15 studies assessing active transport and physical activity, five found associations in the expected direction (more active transport associated with more physical activity) for all or most variables studied, nine found some associations, and one reported no associations. Of 30 studies assessing active transport and body weight, 13 reported associations in the expected direction (more active transport associated with lower body weight) for all or most variables studied, 12 found some associations, two presented some associations in the expected and some in the opposite direction, and three reported no associations. CONCLUSIONS: There is limited evidence that active transport is associated with more physical activity as well as lower body weight in adults. However, study heterogeneity, predominantly cross-sectional designs, and crude measures for active transport and physical activity impede quantitative conclusions

    Early (and Later) LHC Search Strategies for Broad Dimuon Resonances

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    Resonance searches generally focus on narrow states that would produce a sharp peak rising over background. Early LHC running will, however, be sensitive primarily to broad resonances. In this paper we demonstrate that statistical methods should suffice to find broad resonances and distinguish them from both background and contact interactions over a large range of previously unexplored parameter space. We furthermore introduce an angular measure we call ellipticity, which measures how forward (or backward) the muon is in eta, and allows for discrimination between models with different parity violation early in the LHC running. We contrast this with existing angular observables and demonstrate that ellipticity is superior for discrimination based on parity violation, while others are better at spin determination.Comment: 31 pages, 19 figures. References added, minor modifications made to section

    La pandémie a besoin d'une stratégie cantonale et supracantonale : changement de perspective après deux ans de gestion du Covid-19 = Zeit für eine kantonale und überkantonale Corona-Strategie : Perspektivenwechsel nach zwei Jahren Corona-Politik

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    Das Ende der Corona-Pandemie für die Schweiz zeichnet sich ab. Damit wird sich die Gesundheitspolitik wieder auf ihre Regelstrukturen abstützen und sich statt nur auf die Kapazität der Intensivpflegestationen wieder auf umfassendere Ziele ausrichten können. Eine besondere Bedeutung werden dabei kantonale und überkantonale Corona-Strategien erlangen. = La fin de la pandémie de coronavirus se dessine en Suisse. Ainsi, la politique de la santé pourra s’appuyer à nouveau sur ses structures ordinaires et se recentrer sur des objectifs plus larges que la seule capacité des unités de soins intensifs. Les stratégies cantonales et supracantonales en matière de coronavirus revêtiront une importance particulière

    Are happy drivers safer drivers? Evidence from hazard response times and eye tracking data

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    Previous research shows that negative emotions have a detrimental effect on cognitive processes in general and on driving safety in particular. However to date, there has been no empirical investigation of the impact that positive emotions might have on driving safety. This research examined the influence of mood on driving safety using hazard perception videos and an eye tracker. Participants’ mood was manipulated (Sad, Neutral, Happy) after which they observed videos containing a number of potential hazards. Hazard response times and eye fixations were measured. The Sad mood affected drivers the most, with the longest response times and fixation durations. The effects of the Happy mood were less clear, suggesting that apart from emotional valence, emotional arousal should be considered. In addition, hazard response times differed as a function of hazard onset (i.e. unexpected or developing hazard) and type of hazard (i.e. human, car). The results are interpreted in terms of theories of positive emotions and psychological arousal
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