320 research outputs found

    Enhanced Membrane Pore Formation through High-Affinity Targeted Antimicrobial Peptides

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    Many cationic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) target the unique lipid composition of the prokaryotic cell membrane. However, the micromolar activities common for these peptides are considered weak in comparison to nisin, which follows a targeted, pore-forming mode of action. Here we show that AMPs can be modified with a high-affinity targeting module, which enables membrane permeabilization at low concentration. Magainin 2 and a truncated peptide analog were conjugated to vancomycin using click chemistry, and could be directed towards specific membrane embedded receptors both in model membrane systems and whole cells. Compared with untargeted vesicles, a gain in permeabilization efficacy of two orders of magnitude was reached with large unilamellar vesicles that included lipid II, the target of vancomycin. The truncated vancomycin-peptide conjugate showed an increased activity against vancomycin resistant Enterococci, whereas the full-length conjugate was more active against a targeted eukaryotic cell model: lipid II containing erythrocytes. This study highlights that AMPs can be made more selective and more potent against biological membranes that contain structures that can be targeted

    Two separate mechanisms are involved in membrane permeabilization during lipid oxidation

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    Lipid oxidation is a universal degradative process of cell membrane lipids that is induced by oxidative stress and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) in multiple pathophysiological situations. It has been shown that certain oxidized lipids alter membrane properties, leading to a loss of membrane function. Alteration of membrane properties is thought to depend on the initial membrane lipid composition, such as the number of acyl chain unsaturations. However, it is unclear how oxidative damage is related to biophysical properties of membranes. We therefore set out to quantify lipid oxidation through various analytical methods and determine key biophysical membrane parameters using model membranes containing lipids with different degrees of lipid unsaturation. As source for RONS, we used cold plasma, which is currently developed as treatment for infections and cancer. Our data revealed complex lipid oxidation that can lead to two main permeabilization mechanisms. The first one appears upon direct contact of membranes with RONS and depends on the formation of truncated oxidized phospholipids. These lipids seem to be partly released from the bilayer, implying that they are likely to interact with other membranes and potentially act as signaling molecules. This mechanism is independent of lipid unsaturation, does not rely on large variations in lipid packing, and is most probably mediated via short-living RONS. The second mechanism takes over after longer incubation periods and probably depends on the continued formation of lipid oxygen adducts such as lipid hydroperoxides or ketones. This mechanism depends on lipid unsaturation and involves large variations in lipid packing. This study indicates that polyunsaturated lipids, which are present in mammalian membranes rather than in bacteria, do not sensitize membranes to instant permeabilization by RONS but could promote long-term damage.</p

    Численный анализ распространения и усиления волн цунами на северо-западном шельфе Черного моря

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    Выполнен численный анализ распространения длинных волн в северо-западной части Черного моря. Рассмотрено 10 возможных зон сейсмической генерации цунами. Расчеты выполнены на сетке с шагом 500 м. Показано, что положение очага цунами существенно влияет на распределение высот волн вдоль побережья. Как правило, наиболее интенсивные волны формируются у ближайшего участка берега. Землетрясения в Южнобережной сейсмической зоне не могут привести к цунамиопасности в западной части моря. Только сильные землетрясения в северо-западной части способны вызывать заметные колебания уровня Черного моря. Период цунами в районе Одессы составляет около 1 ч и зависит от магнитуды землетрясения, в районе Севастополя он в 2 – 3 раза меньше. В большинстве пунктов побережья экстремальные подъемы и понижения уровня моря не превышают по абсолютной величине начального смещения поверхности моря в очаге цунами. Для отдельных участков побережья Румынии и западного побережья Крыма наблюдается некоторое усиление волн, излученных из зон генерации, расположенных в более глубоководной части исследуемого района. С ростом магнитуды землетрясения усиление волн у берега становится более значительным.Виконаний чисельний аналіз розповсюдження довгих хвиль у північно-західній частині Чорного моря. Розглянуто 10 можливих зон сейсмічної генерації цунамі. Розрахунки виконані на сітці з кроком 500 м. Показано, що положення осередку цунамі суттєво впливає на розподіл висот хвиль уздовж побережжя. Як правило, найінтенсивніші хвилі формуються близько найближчої ділянки берега. Землетруси в південнобережній сейсмічній зоні не можуть призвести до цунамонебезпеки в західній частині моря. Лише сильні землетруси в північнозахідній частині здатні викликати помітні коливання рівня Чорного моря. Період цунамі в районі Одеси складає близько 1 години і залежить від магнітуди землетрусу, в районі Севастополя він в 2 – 3 рази менший. У більшості пунктів побережжя екстремальні підйоми і пониження рівня моря не перевищують за абсолютною величиною початкового зсуву поверхні моря в осередку цунамі. Для окремих ділянок побережжя Румунії і західного побережжя Криму спостерігається деяке посилення хвиль, які випромінюють із зон генерації, розташованих в більш глибоководній частині досліджуваного району. Із зростанням магнітуди землетрусу посилення хвиль біля берега стає значнішим.Numerical analysis of long wave propagation in the Black Sea northwestern part is carried out. Ten possible zones of tsunami seismic generation are considered. The calculation are performed on the grid with a step 500 m. It is shown that location of tsunami source effects essentially the distribution of waves’ heights along the coast. As a rule, the most intensive waves are formed in the part closest to the coast. Earthquakes in the South coast seismic zone can not result in tsunami threat in the western part of the sea. Only strong earthquakes in the Black Sea northwestern part can generate noticeable sea level oscillations. Tsunami period near Odessa is about one hour and it depends on the earthquake magnitude. In the Sevastopol region it is 2 – 3 times lower. In the majority of coastal points extreme rises and falls of the sea level do not exceed the absolute value of the initial sea surface elevation in the tsunami source. Some intensification of the waves generated in deeper regions of the area under study is possible in certain parts of the Romanian coast and the Crimean western coast. The wave intensification near the coast grows with the increase of the earthquake magnitude

    Teixobactin analogues reveal enduracididine to be non-essential for highly potent antibacterial activity and lipid II binding

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    Abstract. Teixobactin is a highly promising antibacterial depsipeptide consisting of four D-amino acids and a rare L-allo-enduracididine amino acid. L-allo-enduracididine is reported to be important for the highly potent antibacterial activity of teixobactin. However, it is also a key limiting factor in the development of potent teixobactin analogues due to several synthetic challenges such as it is not commercially available, requires a multistep synthesis, long and repititive couplings (16-30 hours). Due to all these challenges, the total synthesis of teixobactin is laborious and low yielding (3.3%). In this work, we have identified a unique design and developed a rapid synthesis (10 min μwave assisted coupling per amino acid, 30 min cyclisation) of several highly potent analogues of teixobactin with yields of 10-24% by replacing the L-allo-enduracididine with commercially available non-polar residues such as leucine and isoleucine. Most importantly, the Leu10-teixobactin and Ile10-teixobactin analogues have shown highly potent antibacterial activity against a broader panel of MRSA and Enterococcus faecalis (VRE). Time-kill kinetics data indicate that both these compounds are superior to vancomycin against MRSA (16 times more potent). Furthermore, these synthetic analogues displayed identical antibacterial activity to natural teixobactin (MIC 0.25 μg/ml) against MRSA ATCC 33591 despite their simpler design and ease of synthesis. Detailed NMR analyses have provided us with further insight into the 3D structures of these important analogues. We have confirmed lipid II binding and measured the binding affinities of individual amino acid residues of Ala10-teixobactin towards geranyl pyrophosphate (a lipid II mimic) by NMR to understand the nature and strength of binding interactions of the amino acid residues. An antagonization assay further confirms a lipid II mediated mode of action. Contrary to current understanding, we have shown that a cationic amino acid at position 10 is not essential for target (lipid II) binding and potent antibacterial activity of teixobactin. We thus provide strong evidence contrary to the many assumptions made about the mechanism of action of this exciting new antibiotic. Introduction of a non-cationic residue at position 10 allows for tremendous diversification in terms of the design and synthesis of highly potent teixobactin analogues and lays the foundations for the development of teixobactin analogues as new drug-like molecules to target MRSA and Mycobacterium tuberculosis

    Higher Serum Vitamin D Concentrations Are Longitudinally Associated with Better Global Quality of Life and Less Fatigue in Colorectal Cancer Survivors up to 2 Years after Treatment

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    BACKGROUND: Vitamin D status may be an important determinant of health-related quality of life of colorectal cancer survivors. The current study investigated longitudinal associations between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25OHD3) concentrations and quality of life in stage I-III colorectal cancer survivors up to 2 years after treatment. METHODS: Patients with colorectal cancer (n = 261) were included upon diagnosis. Home visits (including blood sampling) were performed at diagnosis and at 6 weeks, 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years after treatment. Serum 25OHD3 concentrations were measured using LC/MS-MS and adjusted for season. Validated questionnaires were used to assess global quality of life and cognitive functioning (EORTC-QLQ-C30), fatigue (EORTC-QLQ-C30 and Checklist Individual Strength, CIS), and depression and anxiety (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale). Statistical analyses were performed using linear mixed models and adjusted for sex, age, time since diagnosis, therapy, comorbidities, physical activity, and body mass index. RESULTS: At diagnosis, 45% of patients were vitamin D deficient (<50 nmol/L). After treatment, 25OHD3 concentrations increased on average with 3.1 nmol/L every 6 months. In confounder-adjusted models, 20 nmol/L increments in 25OHD3 were longitudinally associated with increased global quality of life [β 2.9; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.5-4.3] and reduced fatigue (EORTC-QLQ-C30 subscale: β -3.5; 95% CI, -5.3 to -1.8 and CIS: β -2.8; 95% CI, -4.7 to -0.9). Observed associations were present both within and between individuals over time. CONCLUSIONS: Higher concentrations of 25OHD3 were longitudinally associated with better global quality of life and less fatigue in colorectal cancer survivors. IMPACT: This study suggests that higher 25OHD3 concentrations may be beneficial for colorectal cancer survivors. Future intervention studies are needed to corroborate these findings

    Two separate mechanisms are involved in membrane permeabilization during lipid oxidation

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    Lipid oxidation is a universal degradative process of cell membrane lipids that is induced by oxidative stress and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) in multiple pathophysiological situations. It has been shown that certain oxidized lipids alter membrane properties, leading to a loss of membrane function. Alteration of membrane properties is thought to depend on the initial membrane lipid composition, such as the number of acyl chain unsaturations. However, it is unclear how oxidative damage is related to biophysical properties of membranes. We therefore set out to quantify lipid oxidation through various analytical methods and determine key biophysical membrane parameters using model membranes containing lipids with different degrees of lipid unsaturation. As source for RONS, we used cold plasma, which is currently developed as treatment for infections and cancer. Our data revealed complex lipid oxidation that can lead to two main permeabilization mechanisms. The first one appears upon direct contact of membranes with RONS and depends on the formation of truncated oxidized phospholipids. These lipids seem to be partly released from the bilayer, implying that they are likely to interact with other membranes and potentially act as signaling molecules. This mechanism is independent of lipid unsaturation, does not rely on large variations in lipid packing, and is most probably mediated via short-living RONS. The second mechanism takes over after longer incubation periods and probably depends on the continued formation of lipid oxygen adducts such as lipid hydroperoxides or ketones. This mechanism depends on lipid unsaturation and involves large variations in lipid packing. This study indicates that polyunsaturated lipids, which are present in mammalian membranes rather than in bacteria, do not sensitize membranes to instant permeabilization by RONS but could promote long-term damage

    Формування органів управління кінематографа в Україні (1919)

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    У статті розглядається процес створення та діяльність органів управління кінематографа в перші роки функціонування радянської влади в Україні.В статье рассматривается процесс создания и деятельность органов управления кинематографа в первые годы функционирования советской власти в Украине.The process of creating and functioning of the cinematography authorities in the early years of the Soviet Union in Ukraine is examined in the article