135 research outputs found

    Long Periodic Terms in the Solar System

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    The long period variations of the first eight planets in the solar system are studied. First, the Lagrangian solution is calculated and then the long period terms with fourth order eccentricities and inclinations are introduced into the perturbation function. A second approximation was made taking into account the short period terms' contribution, namely the perturbations of first order with respect to the masses. Special attention was paid to the determination of the integration constants. The relative importance of the different contributions is shown. It is useless, for example, to introduce the long period terms of fifth order if no account has been taken of the short period terms. Meanwhile, the terms that have been neglected would not introduce large changes in the integration constants. Even so, the calculation should be repeated with higher order short period terms and fifth order long periods

    Polar motions equivalent to high frequency nutations for a nonrigid Earth with anelastic mantle

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    The coefficients of polar motions of the rigid/nonrigid Earth in frequency bands other than the retrograde diurnal one are systematically computed using general expressions, derived here for the first time, for the prograde and retrograde torques exerted on the Earth by lunisolar potentials of arbitrary spherical harmonic type. Taken together with the already known coefficients of low frequency nutations and UT1 variations, they provide a complete characterization, with high precision, of the motions of the pole of the terrestrial reference frame in space; this is needed for high precision studies in astronomy and space geodesy. The inputs used for our computations are a table of tidal amplitudes, and values of the geopotential coefficients of degrees up to 4 and of other relevant basic Earth parameters. General relations which connect the coefficients of high frequency nutations to those of the equivalent polar motions are established and used for deducing the former. The Chandler resonance plays a significant role in low frequency polar motions. In this context, the role of mantle anelasticity and the nature of the Earth's deformational response to zero frequency forcing are given special consideration. The free core nutation (FCN) resonance of low frequency nutations is shown to affect the prograde semidiurnal nutations through the coupling produced between the nutations in the two frequency bands by triaxiality terms in the angular momenta of the whole Earth and of its fluid core. It is shown in a transparent fashion that the effect of the core triaxiality arises almost exclusively from the huge FCN-related resonance in the wobble of the core. The magnitude of the effect is found to be a few times smaller than reported in a recent paper; it is also found, unlike in that paper, that the changes in the eigenfrequencies due to trixiality are only of the second order in the triaxiality parameter. Numerical results for the polar motions of the nonrigid Earth in different frequency bands, as well as for the elliptical nutations of the rigid Earth, are tabulated and compared with available numbers from earlier works

    Spin-Exchange Interaction in ZnO-based Quantum Wells

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    Wurtzitic ZnO/(Zn,Mg)O quantum wells grown along the (0001) direction permit unprecedented tunability of the short-range spin exchange interaction. In the context of large exciton binding energies and electron-hole exchange interaction in ZnO, this tunability results from the competition between quantum confinement and giant quantum confined Stark effect. By using time-resolved photoluminescence we identify, for well widths under 3 nm, the redistribution of oscillator strengths between the A and B excitonic transitions, due to the enhancement of the exchange interaction. Conversely, for wider wells, the redistribution is cancelled by the dominant effect of internal electric fields, which dramatically reduce the exchange energy.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Comparison of strong coupling regimes in bulk GaAs, GaN and ZnO semiconductor microcavities

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    Wide bandgap semiconductors are attractive candidates for polariton-based devices operating at room temperature. We present numerical simulations of reflectivity, transmission and absorption spectra of bulk GaAs, GaN and ZnO microcavities, in order to compare the particularities of the strong coupling regime in each system. Indeed the intrinsic properties of the excitons in these materials result in a different hierarchy of energies between the valence-band splitting, the effective Rydberg and the Rabi energy, defining the characteristics of the exciton-polariton states independently of the quality factor of the cavity. The knowledge of the composition of the polariton eigenstates is central to optimize such systems. We demonstrate that, in ZnO bulk microcavities, only the lower polaritons are good eigenstates and all other resonances are damped, whereas upper polaritons can be properly defined in GaAs and GaN microcavities

    Deriving High-Precision Radial Velocities

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    This chapter describes briefly the key aspects behind the derivation of precise radial velocities. I start by defining radial velocity precision in the context of astrophysics in general and exoplanet searches in particular. Next I discuss the different basic elements that constitute a spectrograph, and how these elements and overall technical choices impact on the derived radial velocity precision. Then I go on to discuss the different wavelength calibration and radial velocity calculation techniques, and how these are intimately related to the spectrograph's properties. I conclude by presenting some interesting examples of planets detected through radial velocity, and some of the new-generation instruments that will push the precision limit further.Comment: Lecture presented at the IVth Azores International Advanced School in Space Sciences on "Asteroseismology and Exoplanets: Listening to the Stars and Searching for New Worlds" (arXiv:1709.00645), which took place in Horta, Azores Islands, Portugal in July 201

    Positron lifetime measurements on neutron‐irradiated InP crystals

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    Neutron‐irradiated InP single crystals have been investigated by positron‐lifetime measurements. The samples were irradiated with thermal neutrons at different fluences yielding concentrations for Sn‐transmuted atoms between 2×1015 and 2×1018 cm−3. The lifetime spectra have been analyzed into one exponential decay component. The mean lifetimes show a monotonous increase with the irradiation dose from 246 to 282 ps. The increase in the lifetime has been associated to a defect containing an Indium vacancy. Thermal annealing at 550 °C reduces the lifetime until values closed to those obtained for the as‐grown and conventionally doped InP [email protected] ; [email protected]

    Polarized emission of GaN/AlN quantum dots : single dot spectroscopy and symmetry-based theory

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    We report micro-photoluminescence studies of single GaN/AlN quantum dots grown along the (0001) crystal axis by molecular beam epitaxy on Si(111) substrates. The emission lines exhibit a linear polarization along the growth plane, but with varying magnitudes of the polarization degree and with principal polarization axes that do not necessarily correspond to crystallographic directions. Moreover, we could not observe any splitting of polarized emission lines, at least within the spectral resolution of our setup (1 meV). We propose a model based on the joint effects of electron-hole exchange interaction and in-plane anisotropy of strain and/or quantum dot shape, in order to explain the quantitative differences between our observations and those previously reported on, e.g. CdTe- or InAs-based quantum dots

    Expanding Greenland Ice Sheet Enhances Sensitivity of Plio-Pleistocene Climate to Obliquity Forcing in the Kiel Climate Model

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    Proxy data suggest the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation during the Plio-Pleistocene transition from 3.2 to 2.5 Ma resulted in enhanced climate variability at the obliquity (41 kyr) frequency. Here, we investigate the influence of the expanding Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) on the mean climate and obliquity-related variability in a series of climate model simulations. These suggest that an expanding GrIS weakens the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) by ~1 Sv, mainly due to reduced heat loss in the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian Sea. Moreover, the growing GrIS amplifies the Hadley circulation response to obliquity forcing driving variations in freshwater export from the tropical Atlantic and in turn variations of the AMOC. The stronger AMOC response to obliquity forcing, by about a factor of two, results in a stronger global-mean near-surface temperature response. We conclude that the AMOC response to obliquity forcing is important to understand the enhanced climate variability at the obliquity frequency during the Plio-Pleistocene transition

    Radial Velocities with CRIRES: Pushing precision down to 5-10 m/s

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    With the advent of high-resolution infrared spectrographs, Radial Velocity (RV) searches enter into a new domain. As of today, the most important technical question to address is which wavelength reference is the most suitable for high-precision RV measurements. In this work we explore the usage of atmospheric absorption features. We make use of CRIRES data on two programs and three different targets. We re-analyze the data of the TW Hya campaign, reaching a dispersion of about 6 m/s on the RV standard in a time scale of roughly 1 week. We confirm the presence of a low-amplitude RV signal on TW Hya itself, roughly 3 times smaller than the one reported at visible wavelengths. We present RV measurements of Gl 86 as well, showing that our approach is capable of detecting the signal induced by a planet and correctly quantifying it. Our data show that CRIRES is capable of reaching a RV precision of less than 10 m/s in a time-scale of one week. The limitations of this particular approach are discussed, and the limiting factors on RV precision in the IR in a general way. The implications of this work on the design of future dedicated IR spectrographs are addressed as well.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Can the Pioneer anomaly be of gravitational origin? A phenomenological answer

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    In order to satisfy the equivalence principle, any non-conventional mechanism proposed to gravitationally explain the Pioneer anomaly, in the form in which it is presently known from the so-far analyzed Pioneer 10/11 data, cannot leave out of consideration its impact on the motion of the planets of the Solar System as well, especially those orbiting in the regions in which the anomalous behavior of the Pioneer probes manifested itself. In this paper we, first, discuss the residuals of the right ascension \alpha and declination \delta of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto obtained by processing various data sets with different, well established dynamical theories (JPL DE, IAA EPM, VSOP). Second, we use the latest determinations of the perihelion secular advances of some planets in order to put on the test two gravitational mechanisms recently proposed to accommodate the Pioneer anomaly based on two models of modified gravity. Finally, we adopt the ranging data to Voyager 2 when it encountered Uranus and Neptune to perform a further, independent test of the hypothesis that a Pioneer-like acceleration can also affect the motion of the outer planets of the Solar System. The obtained answers are negative.Comment: Latex2e, 26 pages, 6 tables, 2 figure, 47 references. It is the merging of gr-qc/0608127, gr-qc/0608068, gr-qc/0608101 and gr-qc/0611081. Final version to appear in Foundations of Physic