12 research outputs found

    Real time implementation of a super twisting control of a BLDC motor

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    This paper presents and implements a Super-Twisting high order sliding mode control for a BLDC motor. Conventional sliding mode controller has a very fast response, it allows the convergence in finite time and characterized by its robustness against disturbances and uncertainties; However, the chattering phenomenon due to the discontinuous nature of its control organ degrades its performance, especially in case of mechanical membranes control. To overcome this disadvantage, the most commun solutions are based on the adaptation of its discontinuous nature at static regime, it reduces effectively the chattering phenomenon, but on the other hand impacts performance in terms of robustness. The Super-Twisting is an algorithm of high order sliding mode applicable on systems with relative degree 1, it produces a continuous control which cancels the chattering phenomenon and preserve all traditional sliding mode command performances. To validate the effectiveness and the robustness of the Super-Twisting controller for controlling brushless motors, experimental results using a 3KW BLDC motor are provided and compared with those of a conventional sliding mode controller

    Інноваційний органокаталіз — перспективний напрямок у реакціях рідиннофазного окислення молекулярним киснем

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    Показано перспективність інноваційного органокаталізу в аеробному окисненні та отримані в Інституті фізико-органічної хімії і вуглехімії ім. Л.М. Литвиненка НАН України досягнення в цій області. Важливим нововведенням у практику окиснення молекулярним киснем вуглеводнів і 5-гідроксиметилфурфуролу в м’яких умовах стало використання органічної сполуки N-гідроксифталіміду як ключового каталізатора. У випадку окиснення вугілля і субстратів, у молекулах яких є групи, здатні до кето-енольної таутомерії, інноваційним є використання диметилсульфоксиду як розчинника, що забезпечує дію основних каталізаторів.Показаны перспективность инновационного органокатализа в аэробном окиснении и полученные в Институте физико-органической химии и углехимии им. Л.М. Литвиненко НАН Украины достижения в этой области. Важным нововведением в практику окисления молекулярным кислородом углеводородов и 5-гидроксиметилфурфурола в благоприятных условиях стало использование в качестве катализатора органического соединения N-гидроксифталимида. В случае окисления угля и субстратов, в молекулах которых имеются группы, способные к кето-енольной таутомерии, инновационным является использование диметилсульфоксида в качестве растворителя, обеспечивающего действие основных катализаторов.Innovations in the organocatalytic aerobic oxidation and significant advances achieved in this field in in POCC of NASof Ukraine are presented. An important innovation of the oxidation of hydrocarbons and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural under mild conditions with molecular oxygen was achieved by using the organic compound — N-hydroxyphthalimide as a key catalyst. In the case of oxidation of coal and substrates, the molecules of which are capable of keto-enol tautomerism, it is the innovative to use dimethyl sulfoxide as a solvent, which provides basic catalysis

    A practical approach to adaptive sliding mode control

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    This paper is concerned with the development of a practical approach to the design of adaptive sliding mode controllers. The objective is to define an adaptive control law that presents some desired advantages such as non overestimation of the disturbance input, cancellation of the chattering phenomenon, zero overshooting response, avoid control saturation and simplicity of algorithm tuning. In this practical approach a solution is provided that uses both, adaptive sliding surfaces and adaptive control gains so the proposed controller is able to manage input disturbances with bounded derivatives.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. DPI2017-84259-C2-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. PTQ-14-07366Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. DPI2016-79278-C2-2-

    Des femmes à la conquête des sommets : Genre et Alpinisme (1874-1919)

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    À partir des publications officielles du Club Alpin Français, d’archives publiques et privées et de la presse sportive et féministe, ce travail analyse l’influence du genre sur la pratique de l’alpinisme et, à l’inverse, les conséquences de son évolution sur les mutations du genre. Présentes dans l’activité en même temps que les hommes, les femmes alpinistes parviennent progressivement à sortir du modèle conformiste de l’excursionnisme féminin pour découvrir des nouveaux espaces et de nouvelles difficultés. Avec modération et sens du compromis, elles revendiquent et conquièrent de nouveaux droits mais sans remettre en cause les hiérarchies entre les sexes et la spécificité de l’identité féminine. Grâce à cette soumission, elles sont tolérées et initiées par les hommes et l’institution alpine. Sous leur contrôle, elles sont officiellement invitées à devenir de bonnes mères et de parfaites épouses. Mais à long terme, grâce aux vertus de l’entraînement, elles découvrent de nouvelles possibilités corporelles, de nouveaux plaisirs et pour certaines une nouvelle destinée.Based on official materials published by the « CAF », on public and private archives, and on sports and feminist articles, this work questions the effects of gender on mountaineering and, whereas, the consequences of his evolution on the gender’changes. Present in the activity at the same time that men, the women mountaineering slowly free oneself of excursionism’s model to discover new frontiers and new difficulties. With moderation and compromise, they claim and obtain new rights but without ever questioning hierarchy between genders and the female specificity. This submissive attitude allows women to be tolerated and at the same time initiated by men and the alpine institution. Under their control women are officially encouraged to become good mothers and perfect spouses. Long term though, thanks to training, they discover new physical capabilities, new enjoyments and, for some, new destinies

    The Syntheses and Vibrational Spectra of 16O- and 18O-Enriched cis-MO2 (M=Mo, W) Complexes

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    In this contribution, we report convenient synthetic approaches for obtaining 16O/18O‐enriched dioxidometalVI complexes, MO2(L) (W, Mo), with a linear, tetradentate amine phenolate ligand N,N′‐dimethyl‐N,N′‐bis(2‐hydroxy‐3,5‐dimethylbenzyl)ethylenediamine (H2L) and describe their characterization by IR and Raman spectroscopy complemented by DFT computational analysis. The isotopologues of WO2(L) were made of tungstenVI trisglycolate W(eg)3 (eg=1,2‐ethanediolate dianion) and ligand H2L in the presence of either H2[16O] or H2[18O], whereas Mo16O2(L) was made using Na2MoO4⋅2H2O which was converted to Mo18O2(L) by oxido substitution using H2[18O]. The complementary IR and Raman analyses show the ν(MO2)s and ν(MO2)a at 934 and 899 cm–1 for W16O2(L) and at 914 and 898 cm–1 for Mo16O2(L), respectively. In the vibrational spectra of the 18O substituted derivatives, the ν(MO2)s were shifted to lower energy by 43 cm–1 for W18O2(L) and by 41 cm–1 for Mo18O2(L) whereas asymmetric MO2 stretches in the IR were partially overlapped by an organic ligand related stretch. However, Raman spectroscopy, accompanied by DFT calculations, allowed the deciphering the ν(MO2)a shifts of 47 cm–1 for W18O2(L) and 31 cm–1 for Mo18O2(L).peerReviewe