466 research outputs found

    AGC Team\u27s Rock Design, Heavy Civil and PreConstruction Skills at 2020 ASC Competition

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    MT Tech Represented: ‱ AGC (Associated General Contractors) Club heads to Nevada ‱ Represents the construction industry in: heavy civil, design build, and preconstructio

    Reflection on Practice, in Practice: The Discipline of Noticing

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    This paper outlines the use of John Mason’s Discipline of Noticing by a group of university level mathematics lecturers. We describe the aims that motivated the study, the challenges we faced in using the Discipline of Noticing to reflect on our teaching, and the progress that we have made

    Mortality modeling of partially observed cohorts using administrative death records

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    New advances in data linkage provide mortality researchers with access to administrative datasets with millions of mortality records and rich demographic covariates. Although these new datasets allow for high-resolution mortality research, administrative mortality records often have technical limitations, such as limited mortality coverage windows and incomplete observation of survivors. We describe a method for fitting truncated distributions that can be used for estimating mortality differentials in administrative data. We apply this method to the CenSoc datasets, which link the United States 1940 Census records to Social Security administrative mortality records. Our approach may be useful in other contexts where administrative data on deaths are available. As a companion to the paper, we release the R package gompertztrunc, which implements the methods introduced in this paper

    Ergoterapi og multippel sklerose - Hvilken effekt har ergoterapeutiske intervensjoner pÄ redusering av fatigue hos personer med multippel sklerose i rehabiliterende arbeid?

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    Hensikt: Hensikten med studien er Ä undersÞke effekten ergoterapi har pÄ Ä redusere fatigue hos personer med multippel sklerose i rehabiliterende arbeid. Metode: Det er utfÞrt en litteraturstudie med litteratursÞk i Cinahl, Oria og Pubmed. Fem randomiserte kontrollerte studier (RCT) ble inkludert og er ikke eldre enn 10 Är. Resultat: Hovedfunnene i denne oppgaven er basert pÄ resultatene til mÄleinstrumentene brukt i studiene. Funnene ble fordelt inn i temaene: mestring av fatigue og livskvalitet. En ergoterapeut har en viktig rolle med Ä lÊre vekk mestringsstrategier mot fatigue, for personer med multippel sklerose. DrÞfting: LÊringsstrategier kan bidra til Ä redusere barrierer i hverdagslivet. Strategiene kan utvikle deltakernes engasjement til Ä bevare eller forbedre livsstilen. Konklusjon: Resultatene fra RCT studiene viser til behov for mer forskning innen ergoterapi og multippel sklerose. Mer forskning kan vÊre hensiktsmessig for Ä utvikle videre behandling

    Using Economic Evaluation to Hasten Health Equity

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    Achieving health equity has proven elusive for two reasons. First, most research has focused on changing the behavior of individuals; however, policies that address socioeconomic factors or change the context to facilitate healthy decisions tend to be more effective. Second, health disparity science and evidence are not consistently used to guide policymakers, even those seeking health equity. In this perspective, we discuss economic evaluation tools that researchers can use to assist decision-makers in conducting research or evaluating policy: self-reported health-related quality-of-life surveys and cost–benefit analysis evaluations informed with the willingness to pay for research and analyses

    Effects on individual level behaviour in mackerel (Scomber scombrus) of sub-lethal capture related stressors: Crowding and hypoxia

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    Stress to fish during harvest in wild capture fisheries is known to negatively influence subsequent survival in catches that are released. Therefore, if fisheries are to be conducted sustainably, there is a need to promote good fish welfare during the capture process. Purse seine fishing is a widespread and efficient fishing method. However, capture and release of fish from purse seines (a process called “slipping”) can result in extremely high mortality in small pelagic schooling species. The objective of this study was to establish behavioural indicators of sub-lethal stress in Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) that may be used to set safe threshold limits for use in commercial purse seine fishing, in order to ensure good fish welfare and thereby minimise slipping mortality. Controlled mesocosm scale experiments with schools of mackerel in net pens were undertaken to determine behavioural responses to simulated purse seine capture stressors of “crowding”, “hypoxia” and “crowding & hypoxia”. Crowding (at 30 kg.m-3) was achieved by reducing the volume of the net pen, while hypoxia (to 40% oxygen saturation) was achieved by surrounding the net pen with a tarpaulin bag to prevent water exchange. Using video analysis, we investigated behavioural responses in nearest neighbour distances, nearest neighbour angular deviations, tail beat amplitude and tail beat frequency (TBF). Of the metrics considered, only TBF showed a response; a significant increase to “crowding” (42% increase) and “crowding & hypoxia” (38% increase) was found. The increase in TBF in response to “hypoxia” alone (29% increase) was not significant. We therefore conclude that increases in tail beat frequency may be used as an indicator of sub-lethal purse seine capture stress in mackerel that may have utility in minimising post slipping mortality.publishedVersio

    An Analysis of University Mathematics Teaching using the Knowledge Quartet

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    We analyse accounts written by three mathematics lecturers on their practice using the Knowledge Quartet framework. This framework has been used to study how a teacher’s knowledge of mathematics and mathematics pedagogy influences his/her actions in the classroom at both the primary and secondary level. We consider how the framework could be used to study university level teaching, and we report on the dimensions of teacher knowledge that were made visible by this framework

    An Analysis of University Mathematics Teaching using the Knowledge Quartet

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    We analyse accounts written by three mathematics lecturers on their practice using the Knowledge Quartet framework. This framework has been used to study how a teacher’s knowledge of mathematics and mathematics pedagogy influences his/her actions in the classroom at both the primary and secondary level. We consider how the framework could be used to study university level teaching, and we report on the dimensions of teacher knowledge that were made visible by this framework

    Investigating the longitudinal impact of participating in school-based lesson study on mathematics teachers' professional community

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    The Seventh Conference on Research in Mathematics Education in Ireland (MEI7), Dublin, Ireland, 11-12 October 2019Teacher professional communities have recently figured among the most influential factors for supporting teachers in their learning and in enacting educational change in schools. While lesson study has been documented as a means to support the development of such communities, previous studies have not addressed the sustainability of the professional communities which emerge. In this study, we follow-up with six mathematics teachers from two post-primary schools in the Republic of Ireland, who engaged in school-based lesson study in 2012/13, in order to investigate the long-term impact on their teacher professional community. Our findings indicate that the mathematics teachers in both schools had developed a predominantly mature professional community during their participation in lesson study in 2012/13. Moreover, we find that six years on, the community has been sustained in one school and further strengthened in the other. These findings suggest that lesson study may be a viable model to develop and sustain mathematics teachers’ professional communities in the long-term

    An analysis of university mathematics teaching using the knowledge quartet

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    We analyse accounts written by three mathematics lecturers on their practice using the Knowledge Quartet framework. This framework has been used to study how a teacher’s knowledge of mathematics and mathematics pedagogy influences his/her actions in the classroom at both the primary and secondary level. We consider how the framework could be used to study university level teaching, and we report on the dimensions of teacher knowledge that were made visible by this framework
