818 research outputs found

    Preparation of ordered poly /arylenesiloxane/ polymers

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    Preparation of ordered poly/arylenesiloxane/ polymer

    Development of lubricating oils suitable for use with liquid oxidizers Final summary report, 4 Dec. 1969 - 4 Oct. 1970

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    Development of lubricating oils suitable for use with liquid oxidizer

    Development of lubricating oils suitable for use with liquid oxidizers Quarterly progress report, 1 Jun. - 31 Aug. 1970

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    Investigating ester and alkyl compounds as lubricating oils for use with liquid oxidizer

    Development of lubricating oils suitable for use with liquid oxidizers Final summary report, 4 Mar. 1968 - 4 Mar. 1969

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    Lubricating properties and impact stability of polyfluoroalcohol derivatives at low temperatur

    Synthesis and evaluation of new high temperature polymers for coating applications Technical summary report, 26 Jun. 1964 - 25 Sep. 1966

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    Synthesis, characterization, and evaluation of organic and semiorganic heat resistant polymer coating

    cDNA nucleotide sequence encoding the ZPC protein of Australian hydromyine rodents: a novel sequence of the putative sperm-combining site within the family Muridae

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    This comparative study of the cDNA sequence of the zona pellucida C (ZPC) glycoprotein in murid rodents focuses on the nucleotide and amino acid sequence of the putative sperm-combining site. We ask the question: Has divergence evolved in the nucleotide sequence of ZPC in the murid rodents of Australia? Using RT-PCR and (RACE) PCR, the complete cDNA coding region of ZPC in the Australian hydromyine rodents Notomys alexis and Pseudomys australis, and a partial cDNA sequence from a third hydromyine rodent, Hydromys chrysogaster, has been determined. Comparison between the cDNA sequences of the hydromyine rodents reveals that the level of amino acid sequence identity between N. alexis and P. australis is 96%, whereas that between the two species of hydromyine rodents and M. musculus and R. norvegicus is 88% and 87% respectively. Despite being reproductively isolated from each other, the three species of hydromyine rodents have a 100% level of amino acid sequence identity at the putative sperm-combining site. This finding does not support the view that this site is under positive selective pressure. The sequence data obtained in this study may have important conservation implications for the dissemination of immunocontraception directed against M. musculus using ZPC antibodies.Christine A. Swann, Rory M. Hope and William G. Bree

    Browser-Based Application for Telemetry Monitoring of Robotic Assets

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    AEGSE Virtuoso Charting is an application that enables animated, real-time charting of telemetry streams of data from a rover. These automatically scaled charts are completely interactive, and allow users to choose the variables that they want to monitor. The charts can process data from streams with many variables. This application allows for the simultaneous viewing of up to four individually configured charts on a small touch-screen laptop. The charting application has been tested and found to be extremely robust during long operations. It was left running overnight, with incoming telemetry at 100 Hz, and it did not experience any signs of lost functionality or memory leaks. This robustness is critical for an application that will be used to support vital tests for the Mars Science Laboratory rover. The charting component also provides an interactive interface that allows the engineers to decide how many charts they want on their screen, and which attributes should be plotted on each chart. The application is optimized to make the charts on display take up as much of the available space as possible to maximize the use of the screen real estate. Engineers are also able to plot multiple attributes on the same chart, which enables them to observe the correlation between various attributes

    Invasive Rosa rugosa populations outperform native populations, but some populations have greater invasive potential than others

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    Increased performance of invasive plant species in their introduced range vs. their native range has been previously documented. However, performance differences among invasive populations have rarely been explored, despite this information being central to understanding the evolution of invasiveness as well as being a useful basis to inform management of invasive species. To examine variation in performance among populations of Rosa rugosa in its introduced range, and whether introduced populations perform better than native populations, we quantified growth and reproductive traits in five invasive populations in northwest Europe and two native and declining populations in China. Overall, we found that the introduced R. rugosa populations we sampled performed significantly better than the sampled native populations for growth and reproductive traits (2 to 4 fold increase). However, there was significant variation for most traits among the five invasive populations, demonstrating that some introduced populations we sampled were more successful invaders than others. Our findings provide a useful foundation for management of invasive R. rugosa in Europe, and support the recent call for more intra-species research in invasive species biology.Shuping Zhang, Maike Isermann, Wenhao Gan, Martin Bree

    Terrain Features and Architecture of Wolverine (Gulo gulo) Resting Burrows and Reproductive Dens on Arctic Tundra

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    Burrowing species rely on subterranean and subnivean sites to fulfill important life-history and behavioral processes, including predator avoidance, thermoregulation, resting, and reproduction. For these species, burrow architecture can affect the quality and success of such processes, since characteristics like tunnel width and chamber depth influence access by predators, thermal insulation, and energy spent digging. Wolverines (Gulo gulo) living in Arctic tundra environments dig burrows in snow during winter for resting sites and reproductive dens, but there are few published descriptions of such burrows. We visited 114 resting burrows and describe associated architectural characteristics and non-snow structure. Additionally, we describe characteristics of 15 reproductive den sites that we visited during winter and summer. Although many resting burrows were solely excavated in snow, most incorporated terrain structures including cliffs, talus, river shelf ice, thermokarst caves, and stream cutbanks. Burrows typically consisted of a single tunnel leading to a single chamber, though some burrows had multiple entrances, branching tunnels, or both. Tunnels in resting burrows were shorter than those in reproductive dens, and resting chambers were typically located at the deepest part of the burrow. Reproductive dens were associated with snowdrift-forming terrain features such as streambeds, cutbanks on lake edges, thermokarst caves, and boulders. Understanding such characteristics of Arctic wolverine resting and reproductive structures is critical for assessing anthropogenic impacts as snowpack undergoes climate-driven shifts.Les espèces fouisseuses dépendent de lieux enfouis sous la terre et sous la neige pour satisfaire leurs importants processus de vie et de comportement, y compris l’évitement des prédateurs, la thermorégulation, le repos et la reproduction. Pour ces espèces, l’architecture des terriers peut avoir des effets sur la qualité et la réussite des processus, car des caractéristiques comme la largeur des tunnels et la profondeur des chambres influencent l’accès aux terriers par les prédateurs, l’isolation thermique et l’énergie dépensée pour creuser. L’hiver, les carcajous (Gulo gulo) qui vivent dans les environnements de la toundra de l’Arctique creusent des terriers dans la neige afin de s’en servir comme aires de repos et comme tanières de reproduction. Cependant, peu de descriptions de tels terriers ont été publiées. Nous avons visité 114 terriers de repos, puis nous avons décrit leurs caractéristiques architecturales et les structures connexes n’étant pas recouvertes de neige. Par ailleurs, nous décrivons les caractéristiques de 15 tanières de reproduction que nous avons visitées en hiver et en été. Même si de nombreux terriers de repos ont été uniquement creusés dans la neige, la plupart des terriers incorporaient des structures topographiques, dont des falaises, des talus, de la glace de banquise, des grottes thermokarstiques et des hautes berges de cours d’eau. En général, les terriers étaient composés d’un seul tunnel menant à une seule chambre, bien que certains avaient plusieurs entrées, des galeries, ou les deux. Les tunnels des aires de repos étaient moins longs que ceux des tanières de reproduction, et les chambres de repos étaient généralement situées dans la partie la plus profonde des terriers. Les tanières de reproduction étaient installées dans des caractéristiques topographiques où s’amoncelle la neige, comme les lits de cours d’eau, les hautes berges de lacs, les grottes thermokarstiques et les rochers. Il est essentiel de comprendre les caractéristiques des structures de repos et de reproduction des carcajous de l’Arctique afin d’être en mesure d’évaluer les incidences anthropiques au moment où le manteau neigeux subit des changements liés au climat
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