80 research outputs found

    Effect of age and plant spacing on the energy properties of black wattle

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect on the energy properties of different biomass components of Acacia mearnsii De Wild distributed in different plant spacings: 2.0x1.0 m, 2.0x1.5 m, 3.0x1.0 m and 3.0x1.5 m, in the 1st, 3rd and 5th years after planting. The experiment was performed in a complete randomized block design in three replicates. The following traits were determined: biomass (BIO), gross calorific value (GCV), basic density (BD), energy productivity (EP), energy density (ED), fixed carbon content (FCC), volatile material content (VMC) and ash content (AC) of different biomass components: wood, bark, branch and leaf. The effect of age significantly influenced all variables, providing an increasing distribution of BIO, EP, BD and ED. The four plant spacings provided different yields of BIO, EP, GCV and BD and the increased spacing caused a tendency to reduce BIO and EP values in all evaluated periods. In the 5th year, even being influenced by the spacing, the BD did not present a systematic increase or decrease over the provided living space. The three components of the trees induced a significant effect on the BIO, GCV, EP, FCC, VMC and AC variables.The aim of this study was to determine the effect on the energy properties of different biomass components of Acacia mearnsii De Wild distributed in different plant spacings: 2.0x1.0 m, 2.0x1.5 m, 3.0x1.0 m and 3.0x1.5 m, in the 1st, 3rd and 5th years after planting. The experiment was performed in a complete randomized block design in three replicates. The following traits were determined: biomass (BIO), gross calorific value (GCV), basic density (BD), energy productivity (EP), energy density (ED), fixed carbon content (FCC), volatile material content (VMC) and ash content (AC) of different biomass components: wood, bark, branch and leaf. The effect of age significantly influenced all variables, providing an increasing distribution of BIO, EP, BD and ED. The four plant spacings provided different yields of BIO, EP, GCV and BD and the increased spacing caused a tendency to reduce BIO and EP values in all evaluated periods. In the 5th year, even being influenced by the spacing, the BD did not present a systematic increase or decrease over the provided living space. The three components of the trees induced a significant effect on the BIO, GCV, EP, FCC, VMC and AC variables

    Vegetative propagation of Aloysia Triphylla and Lippia Alba : effect of stake position on branch and substrate

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o melhor tipo de estaca substrato para a reprodução assexuada das espécies aromáticas Aloysia triphylla e a Lippia alba. Os experimentos foram realizados em ambiente protegido na área experimental da UFSM, Campus de Frederico Westphalen. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos, o primeiro para determinar a melhor porção do ramo vegetativo para ser propagado e o segundo para avaliar o substrato ideal a ser utilizado para realizar a propagação vegetativa das duas espécies. As variáveis avaliadas nos dois experimentos foramporcentagem de pegamento das estacas (PEG), número de brotos (NB), comprimento da raiz (CR) e massa seca da parte aérea e da raíz (MSPA; MSR). Os dados obtidos nos experimentos foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias dos tratamentos foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. Para a espécie Aloysia triphylla pode-se indicar a porção basal dos ramos como melhor parte da planta para se retirar as estacas para a propagação vegetativa. Já para a espécie Lippia alba pode-se indicar qualquer porção dos ramos como estaca. Pode-se recomendar a propagação assexuada em substrato comercial para a espécie Aloysia triphylla e em substrato húmus para a espécie Lippia alba.The objective this work was to determine the best type of cutting and substrate for the asexual reproduction of the aromatic species Aloysia triphylla and Lippia alba. The experiments were carried out in a protected environment in the experimental area of the UFSM, Campus of Frederico Westphalen. Two experiments were carried out. The first to determine the best portion of the vegetative branch to be propagation and the second to evaluated the ideal substrate to be used to carry out the vegetative propagation of species Aloysia triphylla and Lippia alba. The variables evaluated in the two experiments were, percentage of pickets (PEG), number of shoots (NB), root length (CR), and dry mass of shoot and root (MSPA and MSR). The data obtained in the experiments were submitted to analysis of variance and the means of the treatments were compared by the Tukey test. The species Aloysia triphylla it´s possible to indicate the best stake to be used for the vegetative propagation the basal portion. As Lippia alba any portion of the branches can be indicated as stake. It´s possible to recommend the asexual propagation in commercial substratum for the Aloysia triphylla and humus substrate for the Lippia alba


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    O conhecimento do acúmulo de biomassa contribui para a determinação da produtividade da espécie ou tipologia, além de subsidiar a escolha do manejo adequado em cada situação. O presente estudo teve por objetivo ajustar modelos alométricos para estimativa de biomassa em uma área de regeneração natural de Ateleia glazioviana Baill. Os dados foram coletados no município de Frederico Westphalen, RS, em área de regeneração natural, onde foram mensurados a altura (h) e diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) de 163 árvores em cinco parcelas de 4 x 25 m (100 m²), com DAP entre1,8 até 30,0 cm, as quais foram distribuídas em 8 classes de diâmetro: 1,8 - 3,7; 3,7 - 5,6; 5,6 - 7,5; 7,5 - 9,4; 9,4 - 11,3; 11,3 - 13,2; 13,2 - 15,1 e 15,1 - 17,0 cm, sendo selecionadas 26 para o corte. Para quantificar a biomassa e obter a massa seca total (MST) de cada indivíduo, procedeu-se com a separação, pesagem e identificação dos compartimentos (lenho, galhos e folhas), que foram acomodados em estufa de secagem com circulação e renovação de ar até peso constante. Foram testados modelos alométricos tradicionais de volumetria. A seleção do modelo foi baseada no coeficiente de determinação ajustado (R2aj), erro padrão da estimativa (Sxy%) e análise gráfica da dispersão de resíduos. O modelo de Spurr e o proposto pelos autores com o procedimento Stepwise, representado pela equação MST=-5,6260+1,2986*((dap²)*(h)) + εi com R2aj. de 0,846 e Sxy de ±31,42%, demonstraram ser os mais apropriados, sendo recomendados para estimação de biomassa nas condições propostas.Palavras-chave: modelagem, quantificação de biomassa, alometria, timbó.AbstractAlometric models for biomass estimation in the natural regeneration area of Ateleia glazioviana Baill. Knowing about the accumulation of biomass on the soil contributes to the determination of the potential of the species and/or typology. Besides, it subsidizes the choice of the most appropriate management in each situation. The present study aims to adjust allometric models for estimating biomass in the natural regeneration area of Ateleia glazioveana Baill. Data were collected in Frederico Westphalen, RS, Brazil, in a natural regeneration area. Height (h) and diameter at breast height (DBH) of 163 trees were measured in five 4 x 25 m plots (100 m²) with 1.8 to 30.0 cm of DAP, which were distributed in 8 classes of diameter: 1.8 - 3.7; 3.7 - 5.6; 5.6 - 7.5; 7.5 - 9.4; 9.4 - 11.3; 11.3 - 13.2; 13.2 - 15.1 and 15.1 - 17.0 cm, selected for cutting. For the quantification of biomass and obtainment of the total dry mass (MST) of each individual, we proceeded with the separation, weighing and identification of the compartments (wood, branches and leaves), which were accommodated in a drying oven with circulation and air renewal until they reached a constant weight. Traditional allometric models of volumetry were tested. The model selection was based on the adjusted  coefficient of determination (R2aj), standard error of the estimate (Sxy%) and graphical analysis of waste dispersion of residues The Spurr model and the one proposed by the authors (according to the Stepwise procedure and represented by equation: MST = -5.6260 + 1.2986*((dap²)*(h)) + εi , with R2aj. of 0.846 and Sxy of 31.42%) proved to be the most appropriate. It is recommended for estimation of biomass under the proposed conditions.Keywords: modeling, biomass quantification, allometry, timb


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    This paper aimed at testing and adjusting the allometric models for the biomass estimate in deciduous forest. The data result from seven 12 x 12 m plots, where 91 trees were cut down. Their diameter at breast height (DBH) was greater than 5 cm, and the measurement was made based on the DBH, total height (H) and total dry biomass (DAB) for each individual. The adjusted equations, without stratification, present an adjusted determination coefficient (R2aj) between 0.726 and 0.972, and estimate standard error in percentage (Syx%) ranging from 33.5 to 119.6. The best-adjusted model for the non-stratified data set was obtained through the Stepwise procedure, which resulted in the following equation: dab = β0 + β1.(DBH3) + β2.H + β3.(DBH3.H), with R2aj of 0.954 and Syx% of 44.0. For the stratified form, only the diameter class above 15 cm presented acceptable parameters, with R2aj of 0.968 and Syx% of 26.5.  That way, the current database has shown good results in the adjustment of stochastic models to estimate the DAB of each tree

    Physiological characteristics of endive, lettuce and chicory seeds as a function of spectral quality

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    Seedling production is a critical step in the establishment of vegetables. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of different spectral qualities on the germination and vigor of endive, lettuce, and chicory seeds. The experiment was carried out in three stages. The first stage, two cultivars of lettuce (‘Crespa Repolhuda’ and ‘Vera’) and six spectral qualities (blue LED, red LED, blue + red LED, white LED, fluorescent and dark) were evaluated; the second stage, two cultivars of chicory (‘Lisa Escarola’ and ‘Palla Rosa’) and the same spectral qualities were evaluated. In the third stage, the spectral quality of the endive cultivar ‘Pão de Açúcar’ was evaluated. The experiments were performed in a completely randomized design, with four replications of 50 seeds each. The evaluated parameters were: germination percentage, first count, germination speed index, seedling length, and fresh and dry mass. Endive, lettuce and chicory seeds germinated both in the presence or not of light so that they can be classified as neutral photos. A spectral LED of red quality fostered the development of the most significant volume of fresh mass on the endive, lettuce, and chicory. All the spectral qualities stimulated root growth. The dark, on the other hand, promoted the most significant length of the aerial part, promoting seedlings etiolation.Seedling production is a critical step in the establishment of vegetables. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of different spectral qualities on the germination and vigor of endive, lettuce, and chicory seeds. The experiment was carried out in three stages. The first stage, two cultivars of lettuce (‘Crespa Repolhuda’ and ‘Vera’) and six spectral qualities (blue LED, red LED, blue + red LED, white LED, fluorescent and dark) were evaluated; the second stage, two cultivars of chicory (‘Lisa Escarola’ and ‘Palla Rosa’) and the same spectral qualities were evaluated. In the third stage, the spectral quality of the endive cultivar ‘Pão de Açúcar’ was evaluated. The experiments were performed in a completely randomized design, with four replications of 50 seeds each. The evaluated parameters were: germination percentage, first count, germination speed index, seedling length, and fresh and dry mass. Endive, lettuce and chicory seeds germinated both in the presence or not of light so that they can be classified as neutral photos. A spectral LED of red quality fostered the development of the most significant volume of fresh mass on the endive, lettuce, and chicory. All the spectral qualities stimulated root growth. The dark, on the other hand, promoted the most significant length of the aerial part, promoting seedlings etiolation


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    The aim of the work was to estimate trunk biomass in a Deciduous Seasonal Forest by using direct and indirect methods. The data were obtained from seven 12 x 12 m plots, bringing to a total of 64 trees. Trunk biomass was determined by direct method and indirect methods which consisted of: 1) Real Volume (RV) of the trunk multiplied by the Weighted Average (WA) and Arithmetic Average (AA) of the specific basic mass of the wood species found, resulting in Real Volume for Weighted Average (RVWA)  and Real Volume for Arithmetic Average (RVAA), and 2) by the Estimated Volume (EV) multiplied by WAand by AA, resulting in Estimated Volume for Weighted Average (EVWA)  and Estimated Volume for Arithmetic Average (EVAA). The trunk biomass of the three plots determined by the direct method was 11,451 Kg. The indirect method that had the most similar to the real trunk biomass (TB) value result was the EVAA (13,142 Kg), and the one that showed the largest difference was the RVWA,which was estimated at 20,061 Kg. The t-test showed significant difference of trunk biomass for indirect methods that used the RV; and the methods that used the EV did not differ statistically.Key-words: Forest biomass; arboreal biomass; Decidual Stational Forest.ResumoEstimativa da biomassa do fuste por diferentes métodos em floresta subtropical. O trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a biomassa do fuste em um fragmento de Floresta Estacional Decidual Montana utilizando métodos diretos e indiretos. Os dados de biomassa foram obtidos de sete parcelas de 12 x 12 m, totalizando 64 árvores. A biomassa do fuste foi determinada pelo método direto e por métodos indiretos que consistiram em: 1º) Volume Rigoroso (VR) do fuste multiplicado pela Média Ponderada (MP) e Média Aritmética (MA) da massa específica básica da madeira das espécies encontradas, resultando em Volume Rigoroso para Média Ponderada (VRMP)e Volume Rigoroso para Média Aritmética (VRMA), e 2º) pelo Volume Estimado (VE) multiplicado pela MPe pela MA, resultando em Volume Estimado para Média Ponderada (VEMP) e Volume Estimado para a Média Aritmética (VEMA). O TB das três parcelas determinado diretamente foi de 11451 Kg. O método indireto que mais se aproximou da biomassa do fuste foi o VEMA (13142 Kg), e o que apresentou a maior diferença foi o VRMP que totalizou 20061 Kg. O teste t indicou diferença significativa da biomassa do fuste para os métodos indiretos que utilizam o VR; e os métodos que utilizaram o VE não diferiram estatisticamente.Palavras-chaves: Biomassa florestal; biomassa arbórea; Floresta Estacional Decidual

    Different shading nets in escarole growth

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    The aim of work was to verify the effect of different shading levels in escarole crop, during summer in the northwest of Rio Grande do Sul. The experiment was conducted at the Federal University of Santa Maria, Frederico Westphalen RS Campus, in 2015 with Escarola Lisa escarole cultivar. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with three shading levels (0%, 30%, 50%), with six replications. Growth evaluation were performed in destructive manner every seven days, from transplant to harvest point. From the information obtained, traits were determined: leaf area, leaf area index, leaf area ratio, specific leaf area, leaf weight ratio, biological productivity, absolute growth rate, relative growth rate, net assimilation rate. The data obtained were analyzed by the statistical program Genes, the Tukey test at 5% of error probability. The shading level 30% provided greater leaf area, higher biological productivity and absolute growth rate. However, the leaf area ratio was higher when shading level 50% was tested. However, it can be said that the shading levels favor growth of escarole crop

    Phenology of Aloysia hatschbachii cultivated in a subtropical region

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    Aloysia hatschbachii is an endangered species that occurs endemically in Paraná and has potential for essential oil production. Expanding research on threatened species could serve as a tool to ensure their conservation, management and reproduction. In this study, we sought to evaluate phenological phases (phenophases) for species Aloysia hatschbachii in the years 2018 and 2019 by conducting monthly checks of a plant population consisting of 5 individuals, identifying the phenological events  of budding, mature leaves, flowering, fruiting, leaf senescence and leaf fall, using the percent index of intensity as well as the index of activity in the sampled individuals regarding the occurrence of such phenomena, and then correlating phenological data with meteorological variables. The phenological phases showed synchrony in activity throughout most of the assessed period, but were not always synchronous in intensity. Budding occurred between July and April, and mature leaves were present all year round. The patterns of leaf senescence and leaf fall revealed that the species has nondeciduous characteristics. These phenophases were influenced by relative air humidity. Flowering occurred between November and April, while fruiting lasted from December to May, with the reproductive stage being influenced by air temperature and by incident solar radiation.A espécie Aloysia hatschbachii, com potencial de produção de óleo essencial, ocorre de forma endêmica no estado do Paraná. Pesquisas envolvendo espécies que se encontram em risco de extinção, servem de ferramenta para sua conservação, manejo e reprodução. Desta forma,  buscou-se avaliar as fases fenológicas da espécie Aloysia hatschbachii, nos anos de 2018 e 2019, através da avaliação mensal da população de plantas (5 indivíduos), identificando as fases fenológicas (fenofases) de brotamento, folhas maduras, floração, frutificação, folhas senescentes e queda foliar, através do percentual de intensidade e índice de atividade fenológica dos indivíduos e correlacionando a fenologia com as variáveis meteorológicas. As fases fenológicas apresentaram sincronismo de atividade na maior parte do período avaliado, porém a intensidade em muitos casos foi baixa. O brotamento ocorre entre os meses de julho a abril, além disso as folhas maduras estão presentes durante todo o ano. Pela senescência e a queda foliar se constatou que a espécie não apresenta característica decídua. Estas fenofases são influenciadas pela umidade relativa do ar. A floração ocorre entre os meses de novembro a abril e a frutificação de dezembro a maio, sendo o período reprodutivo influenciado pela temperatura do ar e pela radiação solar incidente


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the growth, the solar radiation use efficiency, and the gross protein of sorghum forage under different cutting management. A unifactorial design in random blocks (cutting management) was used, varying from no-cut treatment to four cuts. The first cut occurred 44 days after sowing, the second one after 23 days of regrowth, the third one after 25 days of regrowth, and the last one after 40 days of regrowth. The efficiency of the sorghum forage’s solar radiation use reduces as the number of cuts increases. The sorghum forage’s gross protein increases with cutting management. Therefore, for a sorghum forage crop, it is recommended to restrain the cutting management up to three times during the crop cycle, since it has the biomass potential production, and the cuts should be made at every 25 days, depending on the increase of dry mass. After that, the cutting management should not be done, mainly due to the low radiation use efficiency, reduced dry mass accumulation, and low material quality. Keywords: forage; grazing; tillering