541 research outputs found

    SPH simulations of the waves produced by a falling mass into a reservoir

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    The characteristics of the waves generated by the falling of a rigid mass or a landslide into a reservoir are simulated via the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) technique. Specific features are introduced to take care of the dynamic equilibrium of the rigid mass and to deal with the non-Newtonian rheology of the landslide. The validation of the SPH technique, applied to this kind of problems, is first carried out making a laboratory experiment of a circular cylinder sinking into a 2D water tank, in order to ease the boundary problem. Then a more general simulation, suitable to deal with masses with general shape, is applied to a rectangular block falling in a tank filled by two liquids with different density and viscosity. The last simulation reproduces the main characteristics of a landslide occurred in Italy in 1959

    Lactobacillus paracasei A13 and high-pressure homogenization stress response

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    Sub-lethal high-pressure homogenization treatments applied to Lactobacillus paracasei A13 demonstrated to be a useful strategy to enhance technological and functional properties without detrimental effects on the viability of this strain. Modification of membrane fatty acid composition is reported to be the main regulatory mechanisms adopted by probiotic lactobacilli to counteract high-pressure stress. This work is aimed to clarify and understand the relationship between the modification of membrane fatty acid composition and the expression of genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis in Lactobacillus paracasei A13, before and after the application of different sub-lethal hyperbaric treatments. Our results showed that Lactobacillus paracasei A13 activated a series of reactions aimed to control and stabilize membrane fluidity in response to high-pressure homogenization treatments. In fact, the production of cyclic fatty acids was counterbalanced by the unsaturation and elongation of fatty acids. The gene expression data indicate an up-regulation of the genes accA, accC, fabD, fabH and fabZ after high-pressure homogenization treatment at 150 and 200 MPa, and of fabK and fabZ after a treatment at 200 MPa suggesting this regulation of the genes involved in fatty acids biosynthesis as an immediate response mechanism adopted by Lactobacillus paracasei A13 to high-pressure homogenization treatments to balance the membrane fluidity. Although further studies should be performed to clarify the modulation of phospholipids and glycoproteins biosynthesis since they play a crucial role in the functional properties of the probiotic strains, this study represents an important step towards understanding the response mechanisms of Lactobacillus paracasei A13 to sub-lethal high-pressure homogenization treatments

    Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure on the Metabolite Profile of Striped Prawn (Melicertus kerathurus) during Chilled Storage

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    A variety of metabolites contribute to the freshness and taste characteristics of seafood. This study investigated the effects of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP; 400, 500, and 600 MPa) for 10 min) on the metabolome of striped prawn during chilled storage, in relation to microorganisms’ development. All treated samples showed lower viable counts throughout storage compared to the untreated counterparts. The limit of acceptability from a microbiological point of view was extended from 9 to as many as 35 days by 600 MPa treatment. Metabolites were quantified by 1H-NMR through a targeted-untargeted metabolomic approach. Molecules linked to nucleotides’ degradation and amines’ anabolism suggested an overall freshness improvement granted by HHP. Notably, putrescine and cadaverine were detected only in untreated prawn samples, suggesting the inactivation of degradative enzymes by HHP. The concentration of molecules that influence umami perception was significantly elevated by HHP, while in untreated samples, the concentration of molecules contributing to a sour taste gradually increased during storage. As metabolomics was applied in its untargeted form, it allowed us to follow the overall set of metabolites related to HHP processing and storage, thus providing novel insights into the freshness and taste quality of striped prawn as affected by high hydrostatic pressure

    Removal and fate of pesticides in a farm constructed wetland for agricultural drainage water treatment under Mediterranean conditions (Italy)

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    A non-waterproofed surface flow constructed wetland (SFCW), treating agricultural drainage water in Northern Italy, was investigated to gain information on the potential ability for effective pesticide abatement. A mixture of insecticide imidacloprid, fungicide dimethomorph, and herbicide glyphosate was applied, by simulating a single rain event, into 470-m-long water course of the SFCW meanders. The pesticides were monitored in the wetland water and soil for about 2 months after treatment. Even though the distribution of pesticides in the wetland was not uniform, for each of them, a mean dissipation of 50% of the applied amount was already observed at ≤7 days. The dissipation trend in the water phase of the wetland fitted (r2 ≥ 0.8166) the first-order model with calculated DT50 of 20.6, 12.0, 5.8, and 36.7 days for imidacloprid, dimethomorph, glyphosate, and the glyphosate metabolite AMPA, respectively. The pesticide behavior was interpreted based on the chemical and physical characteristics of both the substances and the water-soil system. Despite the fast abatement of glyphosate, traces were detected in the water until the end of the trial. The formation of soluble 1:1 complex between glyphosate and calcium, the most representative cation in the wetland water, was highlighted by infrared analyses. Such a soluble complex was supposed to keep traces of the herbicide in solution

    Data on unveiling the occurrence of transient, multi-contaminated mafic magmas inside a rhyolitic reservoir feeding an explosive eruption (Nisyros, Greece)

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    This data article includes the description and the geochemical and mineralogical dataset of 67 pyroclastic rock samples from the Upper Pumice (UP) explosive activity of Nisyros volcano (eastern South Aegean Active Volcanic Arc). A detailed field and petrographic description of the studied outcrops and samples are reported, including representative photomicrographs and SEM images, whole-rock major and trace elements compositions of 31 representative samples and Sr-Nd isotope ratios on 22 selected samples. Analytical methods and conditions used for data acquisition are also reported. The UP eruption produced a stratigraphic sequence constituted by a basal fallout deposit, gradually substituted by pyroclastic density current (PDC) deposits; these are overlaid by a lag-breccia unit, and the sequence is closed by a grey ash flow level. The juvenile is mainly constituted by white-yellow, moderately crystalline pumice with rhyolitic composition and homogenous Sr-Nd isotope values. Variable amounts of dense, grey, crystalline juvenile lapilli clasts (CRC, Crystal-Rich Clast), with rounded shape and less evolved composition (andesite to dacite) are also present in the deposit. These mafic CRCs are peculiar due to their large variability in textures (from distinctive diktytaxitic to strongly fragmented structure without a defined fabric) and in the geochemical and isotopic composition. The data acquired were fundamental to reconstruct the complex and peculiar history of ascent, storage and differentiation/assimilation processes of these mafic melts before their intrusion into the shallow, rhyolitic magma chamber, with important implication on the possible eruption trigger during the more recent explosive phase of activity at Nisyros volcano. Moreover, the geochemical and isotopic analyses provide new original data to the general knowledge of the Aegean volcanics. All the data reported in this paper are related to the research article Braschi et al. (2022

    Quality and stability of different seafood products treated with high hydrostatic pressure (HPP) intended for raw consumption

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    The consumption of raw fish has rapidly increased in recent years, but being a highly perishable product, it is characterised by a very short microbiological shelf life. High hydrostatic pressure (HPP) processing is a non -thermal technology has emerged recently as a promising alternative to thermal processing for food pasteurization capable of maintaining fresh-like characteristics and nutritional value. However, the induced changes in product quality should be assessed carefully. The present research aimed to investigate the effect of HPP on different seafood products, namely grey mullet, tiger prawn and rose shrimp, intended for raw consumption. Three pres-sure levels (400, 500 and 600 MPa) were applied for 10 min. During refrigerated storage, microbiological quality, chemical parameters, colour and texture and fat oxidation were analysed. Results showed that the application of lower pressure was able to inactivate E. coli, pseudomonas and/or positive coagulase staphylococci; however, they were able to recover during storage. In addition, the application of 600-MPa pressure extended the microbio-logical shelf life by up to 30 days. For all samples, general whitening occurred while the texture was affected in a different way for the three considered species. Fat oxidation was only minimally affected and remained quite low during storage
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