1 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a Fiber-Optic Fluorescence Spectroscopy System to Assist Neurosurgical Tumor Resections

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    The highly malignant brain tumor, glioblastoma multiforme, is difficult to totally resect without aid due to its infiltrative way of growing and its morphological similarities to surrounding functioning brain under direct vision in the operating field. The need for an inexpensive and robust real-time visualizing system for resection guiding in neurosurgery has been formulated by research groups all over the world. The main goal is to develop a system that helps the neurosurgeon to make decisions during the surgical procedure. A compact fiber optic system using fluorescence spectroscopy has been developed for guiding neurosurgical resections. The system is based on a high power light emitting diode at 395 nm and a spectrometer. A fiber bundle arrangement is used to guide the excitation light and fluorescence light between the instrument and the tissue target. The system is controlled through a computer interface and software package especially developed for the application. This robust and simple instrument has been evaluated in vivo both on healthy skin but also during a neurosurgical resection procedure. Before surgery the patient received orally a low dose of 5-aminolevulinic acid, converted to the fluorescence tumor marker protoporphyrin IX in the malignant cells. Preliminary results indicate that PpIX fluorescence and brain tissue autofluorescence can be recorded with the help of the developed system intraoperatively during resection of glioblastoma multiforme