112 research outputs found

    Effects of bout duration on players internal and external loads during small-sided games in soccer

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    The evolution observed in soccer over the last years has led to an increase in the physical and metabolic demands required during a game. To prepare players for these demands, coaches must prescribe high-intensity training stimuli, which follow the modern competition's requirements. Thus, selecting the appropriate form, duration, and recovery time of exercises, with the objective of controlling training load, is regarded as a task of vital importance for the enhancement and development of capacities during the training process. Therefore, the general objective of this thesis was to identify which form, duration, and recovery time of a specific training exercise allowed male soccer players to reach and maintain higher training loads. To achieve the proposed objectives, the following sequence of work was conducted: (i) review of the literature on the proposed theme, (ii) comparison between the use of the continuous method or the fractionated method in the training load during the performance of small-sided games, and (iii) assessment of the impact of different recovery times on training load during small-sided games. The main evidence suggests that (i) exercises performed by the fractionated training method induce greater responses at the level of external load when compared to exercises performed by the continuous method; (ii) during the performance of small-sided games, the increase in the number of repetitions of the exercise (fractionated method) induces increases in the external load variables compared to the use of the continuous method; (iii) different recovery times for the same total exercise duration, induced differences in internal and external loads; iv) short recovery periods (i.e. 30 s) were sufficient to maintain high training loads compared to longer recovery periods (i.e. 1-2 min) during the performance of 5-a-side small-sided games v) the fractionated method should be used if the trainer aims to induce high training loads during 5-a-side small-sided games, since the continuous method seems to have caused a decrease in the players physical and physiological responses. This thesis also allows the development of guidelines for the prescription and monitoring of training load in soccer, using small-side games.A evolução verificada durante os últimos anos no futebol, levou ao aumento das solicitações físicas e metabólicas requeridas durante um jogo. De modo a prepararem as equipas para estas exigências, os treinadores devem prescrever estímulos de treino de alta intensidade, que acompanhem a exigência da competição. Assim, a escolha adequada da forma, duração e tempo de recuperação do exercício, com o objetivo de controlar a carga de treino, assumem-se como tarefas de vital importância para a potenciação e desenvolvimento das capacidades durante o processo de treino. Consequentemente, o objetivo geral desta tese foi identificar de que forma, a duração e o tempo de recuperação de um exercício específico de treino permitem atingir e manter cargas de treino mais elevadas em jogadores de futebol masculino. De modo atingir os objetivos propostos foi utilizada a seguinte sequência de trabalho: (i) revisão da literatura sobre o tema proposto, (ii) comparação entre a utilização do método continuo ou do método fracionado na carga de treino durante a realização de jogos reduzidos, (iii) impacto de diferentes tempos de recuperação na carga de treino durante a realização de jogos reduzidos. As principais evidências sugerem que: (i) exercícios realizados pelo método de treino fracionado induziram maiores respostas ao nível da carga externa quando comparados aos exercícios realizados pelo método contínuo; (ii) distintos tempos de recuperação para a mesma duração total do exercício, induziram diferenças nas respostas de cargas interna e externa de treino; iii) períodos curtos de recuperação (i.e., 30 s) foram suficientes para manter elevadas as cargas de treino em comparação com períodos de recuperação mais longos (i.e., 1-2 min) durante o desempenho de jogos reduzidos no formato 5 contra cinco iv) o método fracionado deve ser usado se o treinador tiver como objetivo induzir elevadas cargas de treino durante jogos reduzidos de 5 contra 5. Esta tese permite, igualmente, o desenvolvimento de diretrizes para a prescrição e monitorização da carga de treino no futebol através do uso de jogos reduzidos.La evolución observada durante los últimos años en el fútbol ha llevado a un aumento en las demandas físicas y metabólicas requeridas durante una partida. Para preparar a los equipos para estas demandas, los entrenadores deben prescribir estímulos de entrenamiento de alta intensidad, que acompañan el requisito de la competición. Así, la elección adecuada de la forma, duración y tiempo de recuperación del ejercicio, con el objetivo de controlar la carga de entrenamiento, se asume como misión de vital importancia para la potenciación y desarrollo de las capacidades durante el proceso de entrenamiento-. Así, el objetivo general de esta tesis fue identificar qué forma, duración y tiempo de recuperación de un ejercicio de entrenamiento específico permitió alcanzar y mantener cargas de entrenamiento más altas en jugadores de fútbol masculino. Para lograr los objetivos propuestos, se utilizó la siguiente secuencia de trabajo: (i) revisión de la literatura sobre el tema propuesto, (ii) comparación entre el uso del método continuo o el método fraccional en la carga de entrenamiento durante la ejecución de juegos reducidos, (iii) impacto de diferentes tiempos de recuperación en la carga de entrenamiento durante juegos reducidos. La evidencia principal sugiere que: (i) los ejercicios realizados por el método de entrenamiento fraccionado inducen mayores respuestas a nivel de carga externa en comparación con los ejercicios realizados por el método continuo; (ii) diferentes tiempos de recuperación para la misma duración total del ejercicio, indujeron diferencias en las cargas internas y externas; iii) los períodos de recuperación cortos (i.e., 30 s) fueron suficientes para mantener altas cargas de entrenamiento en comparación con los períodos de recuperación más largos (i.e., 1-2 min) durante la ejecución de juegos de 5 contra 5 en espacios reducidos iv) se debe utilizar el método fraccionado si el entrenador tiene como objetivo inducir cargas elevadas de entrenamiento durante el juego de 5 contra 5 en espacios reducidos. Esta tesis también permite el desarrollo de pautas para la prescripción y monitoreo de la carga de entrenamiento en el fútbol mediante el uso de juegos reducidos

    Características de actuação das Tropas Pára-Quedistas nas guerras de África (1961 - 1974)

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    O presente trabalho de investigação aplicada encontra-se subordinado ao tema “Características de Actuação das Tropas Pára-quedistas nas Guerras de África (1961-1974)”. Pretende-se, assim, encontrar consensos baseados na correcta interpretação dos factos históricos, pois só assim, com base numa síntese de ilações acertadas a este respeito Portugal poderá construir equilibradamente o seu futuro. O objectivo é apresentar conclusões sobre as características e as modalidades de actuação das tropas pára-quedistas durante o envolvimento português nas guerras de África com o Batalhão de Caçadores Pára-quedistas N.º 12 no período de 1968 a 1973. O método científico utilizado para a investigação foi o método histórico onde se considerou a pesquisa bibliográfica e as fontes orais, nomeadamente a interacção com os veteranos protagonistas da guerra que com os seus feitos enriquecem a nossa história por vezes distorcida. A investigação realizada permitiu concluir que as características das tropas páraquedistas se traduziram em resultados notáveis, dignos de uma reflexão para uma possibilidade de adaptação ao presente. Paralelamente, verificamos que aliadas à acção de comando de António de Spínola, que como Governador e Comandante-Chefe procurou utilizar todos os meios disponíveis para colocar um ponto final na guerra, foram preponderantes na manutenção de todo o esforço, suprimindo as dificuldades que foram surgindo.Abstract The present applied research work is entitled “Performance Characteristics of paratroopers in the Wars in Africa (1961-1974)”. We intend to find a consensus based on the correct interpretation of historical facts, because only then, based on an agreed summary of conclusions about this subject, Portugal can build his future in a balanced way. The aim is to present conclusions about the characteristics and modalities of action of paratroopers during the Portuguese involvement in the wars of Africa with the Hunter Battalion Parachute Regiment N.º 12 during the period 1968-1973. The scientific method used for the research was the historical method, and we focused on the literature and the oral sources, including the interaction of the war veterans which with their deeds enriched our history sometimes distorted. This investigation concluded that the characteristics of the paratroopers have resulted in remarkable results, worthy of consideration for a chance to adapt them to the present. In parallel, we found that combined with the action command of Antonio de Spínola, who as Governor and Commander in Chief sought to use all available means to put an end to the war, was decisive in the putting together and preserving of all the effort, by removing the difficulties which have arisen

    Pedagogical concerns in sports and physical education for child growth and health promotion

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    Participation in physical activities plays an important role in and positively influences health and well-being. However, levels of physical activity continue to present worrying levels, with an estimated 2 million people currently dying worldwide as a result of sedentary and inactive lifestyles. For these reasons, it is essential to educate the new generations with healthy habits and lifestyles that can prevail from childhood to adulthood. In fact, childhood is a moment of transformation for children. The discovery of the body and its infinite possibilities of movement, combined with the relationships established with people and the environment, enhance the connection between children and physical activity. It is expected that through this type of stimuli, during growth, a solid cognitive and motor repertoire will be developed that will enable them to overcome challenges imposed by everyday life. Even so, due to an increasingly industrialized society, children have recurrently poor rates of motor literacy and high levels of sedentary lifestyles, which translate into an abrupt increase in childhood obesity. In addition, it is currently known that the development of motor skills is directly related to the general development of children, and for these reasons, its use is essential for sustained growth and development. Physical education classes are the ideal context for promoting healthy habits and lifestyles and therefore cannot be neglected. Nowadays, children enter schools at an early age, which is why it is essential that the teachers responsible for guiding the practice of physical activity provide them with adjusted and creative pedagogical programs and with adequate motor stimulation that enables motor and cognitive development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Climate change adaptation measures in the irrigation of a super-intensive olive orchard in the south of Portugal

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    The south of Portugal is one of the regions that will be most affected by the impacts of climate change (CC), with an expected increase in water scarcity. Irrigated super-intensive olive orchards occupy a large area of the used agricultural surface in the Alentejo region, south of Portugal, making it necessary to adapt this crop to the effects of CC. This study assessed the impacts of CC and defined adaptation measures concerning irrigation management of the super-intensive olive orchard. To compute the crop irrigation requirement (CIR), the soil water balance model ISAREG was combined with climate data relative to the reference period 1971–2000 and to the representative concentration pathways RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 for the periods 2011–2040, 2041–2070, and 2071–2100. The growing degree-days (GDD) approach was used to estimate olive phenology for these CC scenarios. Unchanged irrigation management with an average CIR increase up to 16% in RCP4.5 and 31% in RCP8.5 is expected. By adopting higher levels of water deficit, water savings of up to 22% can be realized. The results showed that the anticipated CIR increase for the CC scenarios can be mitigated through regulated deficit irrigation strategiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Engagement no trabalho: a perspetiva do modelo demandas-recursos laborais

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    Cada vez mais as organizações encetam a dar valor ao funcionamento ótimo do indivíduo, uma vez que acarreta vantagens, tanto para o indivíduo, como para a própria organização. Partindo deste pressuposto, surge o engagement como o conceito em estudo na presente investigação. O objetivo desta investigação, a partir do modelo demandas-recursos laborais (Job Demand-Resources), é analisar as relações entre o empowerment psicológico e o engagement no trabalho, bem como o seu impacto sobre a satisfação no trabalho e no bem-estar dos trabalhadores. Participaram 306 sujeitos empregados de ambos os géneros, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 72 anos (M = 35.59, DP = 10.66), através de um questionário online. Os resultados indicam que o empowerment psicológico prediz significativamente o engagement, e o engagement prediz positivamente a satisfação profissional e o bemestar positivo no trabalho. Os resultados demonstram ainda, através da realização de uma path analysis que o engagement medeia a relação entre o empowerment psicológico e a satisfação profissional e o bem-estar positivo no trabalho. Constata-se assim a importância do engagement para a melhoria de qualidade de vida no trabalho. Futuras investigações deverão analisar profundamente as relações entre estas variáveis, com diferentes amostras e instituições

    Effects of applying a training program on basketball shooting in young players

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    The main aim of this study was to determine the effects of the application of a strength program in the accuracy of basketball shooting in young female players. Twenty female basketball players, (mean ± standard deviation: 12.08 ± 0.42 years; 1.55 ± 0.08 height; 44.4 ± 5.54 body mass) participated in the study. The participants were divided into two groups, the Control Group (GC) and the Experimental Group (GE), and were evaluated in 4 throwing exercises before (Pre-Test), after the application of a 6-week strength program (Post-Test), as well as after 4 weeks of detraining. The applied training program includes four exercises: i) Jump with Counter-Movement; ii) Throwing of the Medicinal Ball; iii) Sit-ups; iv) Push-ups. The results suggest that application of the 6-week training program had a positive effect on performance in two the four throwing exercises. In addiction 4 weeks of detraining, did not cause significant changes in the performance of the different throwing exercises compared to the Post-test period. It was concluded that a strength training program with a duration of 6 weeks was sufficient to obtain positive effects in the effectiveness of 2 Point throwing exercises in young female basketball players.This work is supported by national funding through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under project UID04045/2020

    Anthropometric characterization and muscle strength parameters in young female swimmers at national level: The relationship with performance in the 50m freestyle

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    The aim of this study was to characterize and compare the anthropometric characteristics and the explosive muscular strength of the upper and lower limbs in swimmers at the U-16 and U-15 level. In addition, the relationship between anthropometric characteristics, strength variables and performance in the 50 m freestyle was verified. All participants were analysed, regarding their anthropometric characteristics, their explosive muscle strength, and their performance in the 50 m freestyle swim. A total of 92 female swimmers (mean ± standard deviation: 14.08 ± 0.56 years old) participated in the study. The results showed that sub-16 swimmers had higher body mass values compared to sub-15 swimmers (p < .01). In addition, statistically significant differences were also found for upper limb strength indicators (p < .05). Finally, although no differences were found for performance in the 50 m freestyle test between the groups analysed, it was found that swimmers swam with different biomechanical patterns. It was concluded that although there were significant differences for the anthropometric indicators and explosive strength variables, the performance in the 50 m freestyle did not show any statistically significant variations, however the two groups of swimmers, swam with different biomechanical patterns.This work is supported by national funding through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under project UID04045/2020

    Effects of Different Recovery Times on Internal and External Load During Small-Sided Games in Soccer

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    Background: The ability to maintain a high intensity of exercise over several repetitions depends on recovery from previous exercises. This study aimed to identify the effects of different recovery times on internal and external load during small-sided soccer games. Hypothesis: An increase in recovery time will increase the external training load and decrease the internal exercise load, which will result in a greater physical impact of the exercise. Study design: Cross-sectional study. Level of evidence: Level 2. Methods: Twenty male semiprofessional soccer players participated in the present study. They performed the same exercise (5-a-side game format) continuously (1 × 18 minutes) and repeatedly/fractionated (3 × 6 minutes) with different recovery times (30 seconds, 1 minute, 1.5 minutes, and 2 minutes). Their internal load (ie, average heart rate (HR) and maximum HR) and external load (ie, total distance, maximum speed, and ratio meters) were measured using an HR band and an inertial device equipped with a global positioning system, respectively. Results: The manipulation of recovery times induced differences in the internal and external load. For the same total duration, the external and internal load indicators exhibited higher values during the fractionated method, particularly with short recovery periods. Conclusion: The application of small-sided soccer games with different recovery times induced varying responses in training load. To maintain high physical performance and high training load, the fractional method with short recovery periods (ie, 30 seconds) should be used. In contrast, to carefully manage players' efforts and decrease response to training load, continuous or fractional methods with longer recovery periods (ie, 1-2 minutes) should be used. Clinical relevance: The proper prescription of recovery time between exercises facilitates enhanced training efficiency and optimized performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Editorial: “Building” health through physical activity in schools

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    Engaging in physical activity during childhood and adolescence is associated with improved physical and mental health (1, 2). Research has shown that physically active students exhibit better academic performance, a reduced likelihood of obesity, enhanced social skills, and higher levels of self-esteem. However, despite the many benefits of physical activity, many students do not engage in sufficient physical activity, and studies show that the levels of physical activity among children and adolescents have also decreased over time (3). Most often, schools serve as more than just a centre for learning mandated curriculum (4). Within schools, the educators and the school communities also play a significant role in supporting the health and wellbeing of the learners, including supporting student participation in physical activity. However, in the school environment, barriers to physical activity include insufficient access to physical activity opportunities, limited time for recess, and lack of physical education, all of which can contribute to the problem of increased sedentary behaviours. In order to promote physical activity among students, it is important for schools to provide a variety of opportunities for physical activity and to make physical activity an integral part of the school day. Schools can take a proactive approach through curriculum, policies, and engagement with the school community to reverse the worsening trend of children and adolescents not meeting the recommended daily engagement of 60 min or more of moderate to vigorous physical activity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The development of basketball players: current perspectives and future directions

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    The identification and development of talent in basketball has been seen as a dynamic and complex process. Furthermore, there are numerous factors that play an important role in the evolution of the basketball player during childhood and adolescence. In this brief review, we critically analyze the main factors to be considered in the development of young basketball players. Furthermore, it focuses on the importance of key variables considered in the talent detection process and in long-term development programs. It can be concluded that the maturational status of young basketball players should be considered in the formulation of test batteries for talent detection and in long-term development programs to ensure that potential talents are not excluded due to late maturation in relation to their pairs