1,066 research outputs found

    Use of inedible wheat residues from the KSC-CELSS breadboard facility for production of fungal cellulase

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    Cellulose and xylan (a hemicellulose) comprise 50 percent of inedible wheat residue (which is 60 percent of total wheat biomass) produced in the Kennedy Space Center Closed Ecological Life Support System (CELSS) Breadboard Biomass Production Chamber (BPC). These polysaccharides can be converted by enzymatic hydrolysis into useful monosaccharides, thus maximizing the use of BPC volume and energy, and minimizing waste material to be treated. The evaluation of CELSS-derived wheat residues for production for cellulase enzyme complex by Trichoderma reesei and supplemental beta-glucosidase by Aspergillus phoenicis is in progress. Results to date are given

    Neurocognitive Development of Risk Aversion from Early Childhood to Adulthood

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    Human adults tend to avoid risk. In behavioral economic studies, risk aversion is manifest as a preference for sure gains over uncertain gains. However, children tend to be less averse to risk than adults. Given that many of the brain regions supporting decision-making under risk do not reach maturity until late adolescence or beyond it is possible that mature risk-averse behavior may emerge from the development of decision-making circuitry. To explore this hypothesis, we tested 5- to 8-year-old children, 14- to 16-year-old adolescents, and young adults in a risky-decision task during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data acquisition. To our knowledge, this is the youngest sample of children in an fMRI decision-making task. We found a number of decision-related brain regions to increase in activation with age during decision-making, including areas associated with contextual memory retrieval and the incorporation of prior outcomes into the current decision-making strategy, e.g., insula, hippocampus, and amygdala. Further, children who were more risk-averse showed increased activation during decision-making in ventromedial prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum. Our findings indicate that the emergence of adult levels of risk aversion co-occurs with the recruitment of regions supporting decision-making under risk, including the integration of prior outcomes into current decision-making behavior. This pattern of results suggests that individual differences in the development of risk aversion may reflect differences in the maturation of these neural processes

    Estudio de la temperatura del suelo en Puerto Rico.

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    Soil temperature measurements from a climate monitoring network in Puerto Rico were evaluated and the difference between mean summer and mean winter soil temperature, known as isotivity value, was calculated. Air and soil temperature was collected from five weather stations of the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service from sea level to 1,019 m above sea level and from different soil moisture regimes. Isotivity values ranged from 1.2 to 3.9° C with an average of 2.6° C. The 750-m elevation was identified as the limit between the isohyperthermic and isothermic soil temperature regimes in the perudic soil moisture regime in Puerto Rico. The greatest differences between mean annual soil temperature and mean annual air temperature were observed at Guánica, Combate and Guilarte (2.1 ° C) stations. The smallest differences were observed at Maricao (0.8° C) and Isabela (1.8° C) stations. The study also indicated that the mean annual soil temperature in Puerto Rico can be estimated by adding 1.8° C to the mean annual air temperature or by the equation y = -0.007x + 28.0° C. The equation indicates that 97 percent of the time the behavior of the mean annual soil temperature is a function of elevation. According to the updated soil temperature regime boundaries, eight soil series were established in the Soil Survey of San Germán Area. In an area under the isothermic soil temperature regime, four soil series were classified as Oxisols (Haploperox), two soil series as Inceptisols (Eutrudepts) and two soil series as Mollisols (Argiudolls). This is the first field recognition of the Haploperox soil great group in the United States and its territories.Se evaluaron mediciones de temperatura del suelo de la red de monitoreo de clima en Puerto Rico y se calculó la diferencia entre la temperatura promedio del suelo de verano y de invierno, conocida como valor de isotividad. Se tomaron datos de temperatura del aire y del suelo de cinco estaciones climatológicas del Servicio de Conservación de Recursos Naturales del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos desde el nivel del mar hasta 1,019 m de elevación sobre el nivel del mar y a diferentes regímenes de humedad del suelo. Los valores de isotividad oscilaron entre 1.2 y 3.9° C con una media de 2.6° C. El límite entre el régimen de temperatura de suelo isohipertérmico e isotérmico en el régimen de humedad perúdico en Puerto Rico fue identificado a una elevación de 750 m. En las estaciones de Guánica, Combate y Guilarte se observaron las mayores diferencias entre la media anual de la temperatura del suelo y la media anual de la temperatura del aire (2.1° C). En las estaciones de Maricao (0.8° C) e Isabela (1.8° C) se observaron las menores diferencias. El estudio también indica que la media anual de la temperatura del suelo en Puerto Rico puede ser estimada añadiéndole 1.8° C a la media anual de la temperatura del aire o por la ecuación y = -0.007x + 28.0° C. La ecuación indica que el 97 por ciento del tiempo el comportamiento de la media anual de la temperatura del suelo es una función de la elevación. De acuerdo con la actualización de los límites de los regímenes de temperatura de suelo, se establecieron ocho series de suelo en el Catastro de Suelos del Área de San Germán. Cuatro series de suelo clasificaron como Oxisoles (Haploperox), dos series de suelos como Inceptisoles (Eutrudepts) y dos series de suelos como Molisoles (Argiudolls) en el área bajo régimen de temperatura isotérmico. Este es el primer reconocimiento en el campo del gran grupo de suelos Haploperox en los Estados Unidos de América y sus territorios

    Quantitative Membrane Loading of Polymer Vesicles

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    We utilize a series of structurally homologous, multi-porphyrin-based, fluorophores (PBFs) in order to explore the capacity of polymer vesicles (polymersomes) to stably incorporate large hydrophobic molecules, non-covalently within their thick lamellar membranes. Through aqueous hydration of dry, uniform thin-films of amphiphilic polymer and PBF species deposited on Teflon, self-assembled polymersomes are readily generated incorporating the hydrophobic fluorophores in prescribed molar ratios within their membranes. The size-dependent spectral properties of the PBFs allow for ready optical verification (via steady-state absorption and emission spectroscopy) of the extent of vesicle membrane loading and enable delineation of intermembranous molecular interactions. The resultant effects of PBF membrane-loading on polymersome thermodynamic and mechanical stability are further assessed by cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) and micropipet aspiration, respectively. We demonstrate that polymersomes can be loaded at up to 10 mol/wt% concentrations, with hydrophobic molecules that possess sizes comparable to those of large pharmaceutical conjugates (e.g. ranging 1.4–5.4 nm in length and Mw = 0.7–5.4 kg mol–1), without significantly compromising the robust thermodynamic and mechanical stabilities of these synthetic vesicle assemblies. Due to membrane incorporation, hydrophobic encapsulants are effectively prevented from self-aggregation, able to be highly concentrated in aqueous solution, and successfully shielded from deleterious environmental interactions. Together, these studies present a generalized paradigm for the generation of complex multi-functional materials that combine both hydrophilic and hydrophobic agents, in mesoscopic dimensions, through cooperative self-assembly

    A test of the automaticity assumption of compliance tactics: discouraging undergraduate binge drinking by appealing to consistency and reciprocity

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    The mindfulness of compliance with requests making use of the commitment/consistency or the reciprocity principle was investigated. Participants (N = 129) received a foot-in-the-door (FITD) request (commitment/consistency application), a door-in-the-face (DITF) request (reciprocity application), or no request. Next, participants read either a weak or neutral message about the importance of moderate alcohol consumption then reported the likelihood of not drinking excessively for one week (target request). When accompanied by a weak message, the target request elicited less compliance if preceded by the DITF or FITD requests than by no initial request, suggesting compliance tactics sometimes increase thoughtfulness

    Embodiment and the origin of interval timing: kinematic and electromyographic data

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    Recent evidence suggests that interval timing (the judgment of durations lasting from approximately 500 ms. to a few minutes) is closely coupled to the action control system. We used surface electromyography (EMG) and motion capture technology to explore the emergence of this coupling in 4-, 6-, and 8-month-olds. We engaged infants in an active and socially relevant arm-raising task with 7 cycles and response period. In one condition cycles were slow (every 4 seconds) in another they were fast (every 2 seconds). In the slow condition, we found evidence of time locked sub-threshold EMG activity even in the absence of any observed overt motor responses at all 3 ages. This study shows that EMGs can be a more sensitive measure of interval timing in early development than overt behavior

    Designing a fashion driving forces website as an educational resource

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    Electronic educational resources support search activities and manipulate information effectively in learning environments, thus enhancing education. This paper discusses the development of an electronic timeline database that classifies design and fashion details; technological developments; socio-economical influences; availability and popularity within fashion trends; marketing and distribution; and influential people including designers, in a manner that facilitates ease of cross referencing events at the same point in time for a rich analysis of fashion. The study focuses on the driving forces of fashion during the 1920s as a starting point for a much larger database. The data is presented in the form of a website allowing students to better understand fashion trends with macro-environmental and marketing strategies. The electronic resource is a useful tool for fashion, textile and marketing students as an educational interface providing design, production and marketing data for fashion-related products particularly useful for the analysis of fashion trends