36 research outputs found

    L'amélioration génétique de la qualité technologique du blé tendre

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    wDBTF: an integrated database resource for studying wheat transcription factor families

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Transcription factors (TFs) regulate gene expression by interacting with promoters of their target genes and are classified into families based on their DNA-binding domains. Genes coding for TFs have been identified in the sequences of model plant genomes. The rice (<it>Oryza sativa </it>spp. <it>japonica</it>) genome contains 2,384 TF gene models, which represent the mRNA transcript of a locus, classed into 63 families.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have created an extensive list of wheat (<it>Triticum aestivum </it>L) TF sequences based on sequence homology with rice TFs identified and classified in the Database of Rice Transcription Factors (DRTF). We have identified 7,112 wheat sequences (contigs and singletons) from a dataset of 1,033,960 expressed sequence tag and mRNA (ET) sequences available. This number is about three times the number of TFs in rice so proportionally is very similar if allowance is made for the hexaploidy of wheat. Of these sequences 3,820 encode gene products with a DNA-binding domain and thus were confirmed as potential regulators. These 3,820 sequences were classified into 40 families and 84 subfamilies and some members defined orphan families. The results were compiled in the Database of Wheat Transcription Factor (wDBTF), an inventory available on the web <url>http://wwwappli.nantes.inra.fr:8180/wDBFT/</url>. For each accession, a link to its library source and its Affymetrix identification number is provided. The positions of Pfam (protein family database) motifs were given when known.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>wDBTF collates 3,820 wheat TF sequences validated by the presence of a DNA-binding domain out of 7,112 potential TF sequences identified from publicly available gene expression data. We also incorporated <it>in silico </it>expression data on these TFs into the database. Thus this database provides a major resource for systematic studies of TF families and their expression in wheat as illustrated here in a study of DOF family members expressed during seed development.</p

    Sur la diversité des blés tendres cultivés en France

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    International audienc

    Proteomic analysis of endosperm and peripheral layers during kernel development of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and a preliminary approach of data integration with transcriptome

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    Le blĂ© est la seconde cĂ©rĂ©ale la plus produite dans le monde. Il constitue une importante source de denrĂ©es alimentaires et de beaucoup d autres usages industriels. La comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes impliquĂ©s dans le dĂ©veloppement du grain de blĂ© est fondamentale pour dĂ©velopper des blĂ©s Ă  valeur ajoutĂ©e. La physiologie du grain de blĂ© et les mĂ©canismes molĂ©culaires impliquĂ©s dans son dĂ©veloppement nĂ©cessitent d ĂȘtre mieux connus et ces connaissances pourront ĂȘtre trĂšs utiles pour l amĂ©lioration du blĂ© mais aussi des autres cĂ©rĂ©ales. L approche protĂ©omique a Ă©tĂ© aussi utilisĂ©e dans ce contexte mais aucun travail n avait jusqu ici Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© sur la totalitĂ© des phases de dĂ©veloppement des tissus et sur des intervalles de temps trĂšs courts. La caractĂ©risation des changements d expressions protĂ©iques dans les couches pĂ©riphĂ©riques du grain et de l albumen est prĂ©sentĂ©e dans cette Ă©tude. Nous avons utilisĂ© les grains de Triticum aestivum de la variĂ©tĂ© RĂ©cital, cultivĂ©s Ă  l INRA de Clermont-Ferrand. Les grains ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©s tous les 50C jour (Cj) depuis la fĂ©condation jusqu Ă  la maturitĂ© sur 15 stades de dĂ©veloppement pour les couches pĂ©riphĂ©riques et sur 21 stades pour l albumen amylacĂ©. Pour chaque Ă©chantillon, les couches pĂ©riphĂ©riques des grains ont Ă©tĂ© dissĂ©quĂ©es et les protĂ©ines totales extraites. L analyse des protĂ©ines en Ă©lectrophorĂšse bidimensionnelle puis par spectromĂ©trie de masse MALDI-TOF a permis d identifier via l interrogation des bases de donnĂ©es, 207 protĂ©ines diffĂ©rentiellement exprimĂ©es sur 15 stades de dĂ©veloppement (0Cj-700Cj). Ces protĂ©ines ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© classĂ©es en 16 classes fonctionnelles. L analyse en cluster a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© 5 profils d expression au cours du temps. ParallĂšlement, l albumen amylacĂ© a Ă©tĂ© isolĂ© des grains et les protĂ©ines mĂ©taboliques de ce tissu extraites. AprĂšs Ă©lectrophorĂšse bidimensionnelle des protĂ©ines, 487 protĂ©ines variant significativement dans l albumen sur l ensemble des stades de dĂ©veloppement (0Cj-1006Cj) ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es par utilisation de la LC-MS. Les protĂ©ines ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©parties sur neuf profils d expression et 17 fonctions biochimiques. Le protĂ©ome des couches pĂ©riphĂ©riques a ensuite Ă©tĂ© comparĂ© au protĂ©ome de l albumen dans le but de comprendre si l Ă©volution des processus biochimiques diffĂšre dans chacun de ces tissus. Au final, nous avons optimisĂ© l intĂ©gration des donnĂ©es protĂ©omiques avec celles du transcriptome (en se focalisant sur les protĂ©ines du mĂ©tabolisme carbonĂ©). Seulement 32% des profils d expression protĂ©ome/transcriptome montrent une corrĂ©lation significative au cours du dĂ©veloppement (152Cj-700Cj). Les profils d expression des enzymes ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s sur les deux niveaux. Ils devraient permettre de distinguer les processus rĂ©gulĂ©s au niveau du transcriptome de ceux rĂ©gulĂ©s au niveau du protĂ©ome. L ensemble de ces donnĂ©es pourra ĂȘtre compilĂ© dans une base de donnĂ©es propre de la variĂ©tĂ© RĂ©cital et utilisĂ© comme rĂ©fĂ©rence dans l Ă©tude des maladies et des stress abiotiques des tissus du grain de blĂ© en dĂ©veloppement.Wheat is the second most produced cereal in the world, important for food, feed and many industrial uses. Understanding of the mechanisms involved in grain development is fundamental for developing high quality wheat. In particular, detailed knowledge of the wheat grain physiology and molecular mechanisms involved in its development would help in breeding not only of wheat but also many other cereals. A proteomic approach has been used in this context but, up to now, there had been no work on developing tissues at very short temporal distances. This thesis presents, firstly, a proteomic study to characterize protein expression changes in peripheral layers and in starchy endosperm of wheat, during kernel development. We used grains of Triticum aestivum cv RĂ©cital, cultivated at INRA, Clermont-Ferrand. Grains were harvested at each 50Cd from fertilization to maturity at fifteen stages for peripheral layers and at twenty-one stages for starchy endosperm. After grain dissection, protein extraction and 2DE- MALDI-TOF MS and data mining, we identified 207 differentially expressed proteins at fifteen stages (0Cd-700Cd) of peripheral layers during kernel development. These proteins were then classed in sixteen different functional classes. HCA revealed five different expression profiles during development. Similarly after obtaining starchy endosperm from dissected grains, we performed protein extraction specific to metabolic proteins. After 2DE, 487 proteins were identified from fertilization to grain maturity (0Cd-1006Cd), using LC-MS and data mining. Proteins were grouped in nine different expression profiles and were classed in seventeen biochemical functions. We have constructed proteome maps of these two important grain tissues during kernel development. Further, the comparison of peripheral layers and starchy endosperm proteomic data was made, with an objective to understand whether the changes in different biochemical processes differ between these tissues.Finally, we performed an integration of our proteomic data (focusing our approach on proteins involved in carbohydrate metabolism) with that of transcriptomics. Only 32% of proteome/transcriptome expression profiles showed a significant correlation during development (from 152Cd-700Cd). Comparison of enzyme expression profiles with those of proteome and transcriptome would help to distinguish the processes regulated at transcriptome level and those controlled at the proteome level. This comprehensive grain development data could further help in construction of a RĂ©cital databank, which may be used as reference for studies of diseased and stressed grain tissues during development.CLERMONT FD-Bib.Ă©lectronique (631139902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Molecular Weight Distribution of Polymeric Proteins in Wheat Grains: The Rheologically Active Polymers

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    International audienceWe characterized the molecular weight distribution of polymeric proteins (PP) of bread wheat grains using asymmetric flow field flow fractionation (A4F). The experiment, involving six environmental conditions and 130 cultivars, offered the opportunity to approach the phenotypic values of the polymer characteristics and their contribution of the rheological properties of flours and/or doughs. The contents of high-molecular-weight polymers (M W > 2 × 10 6 g‱mol −1) that can be considered as "rheologically active polymers" (RAPP) for their major contribution to dough baking strength and mixing tolerance were mainly controlled by environmental factors. Under the influence of the growing conditions, at the cellular level, the redox status of non-protein free thiol, such as glutathione, is modified and leads to the formation of polymeric protein-bound glutathione conjugates (PPSSG). The accumulation of these conjugates reduces the formation of the RAPP by limiting the intermolecular interactions between PP in the grain during desiccation. This phenomenon is, therefore, potentially responsible for decreases in the technological properties of the wheat genotypes concerned. These first results invite us to continue our investigations to fully confirm this phenomenon, with emphasis on the behavior of wheat genotypes under various growing conditions

    Wheat proteomics in the healthgrain project

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    The project HEALTHGRAIN concerns "Exploiting Bioactivity of European Cereal Grains for Improved Nutrition and Health Benefits". The proteome analysis within HEALTHGRAIN includes establishing the seed proteome reference map of the wheat cultivar Chinese Spring as well as proteome profiling of cultivars selected on the basis of properties relevant for health, nutrition and agronomical performance. The purpose of the proteome mapping is to provide data for integration with genetic analysis and for correlation of protein profiles with specific grain quality properties. In addition individual identified seed proteins will be characterized with regard to spatio-temporal occurrence and post-translational modifications. An overview of the current status of the project focusing on albumins and globulins and tissue localization will be given in addition to an outline of future plans.0info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe