292 research outputs found

    Quantifying Privacy: A Novel Entropy-Based Measure of Disclosure Risk

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    It is well recognised that data mining and statistical analysis pose a serious treat to privacy. This is true for financial, medical, criminal and marketing research. Numerous techniques have been proposed to protect privacy, including restriction and data modification. Recently proposed privacy models such as differential privacy and k-anonymity received a lot of attention and for the latter there are now several improvements of the original scheme, each removing some security shortcomings of the previous one. However, the challenge lies in evaluating and comparing privacy provided by various techniques. In this paper we propose a novel entropy based security measure that can be applied to any generalisation, restriction or data modification technique. We use our measure to empirically evaluate and compare a few popular methods, namely query restriction, sampling and noise addition.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Heart – Kidney Interactions and Their Temporal Relationships

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    This thesis describes heart–kidney inter¬actions in patients with acquired heart disease, and was guided by four main objectives. First, to per¬form a critical appraisal of dynamic prediction modeling and interac¬tion testing in clinical studies. Second, to investigate how temporal trajectories of various kidney markers (glomerular: plasma creatinine and cystatin C; and tubular markers: urinary NAG and KIM-1, and plasma and urinary NGAL) relate to clinical prognosis in patients with chronic heart failure (HF). Moreover, in this context we explored the predictive utility of 29 new emerging HF biomarkers measured repeatedly during long-term (years) progression of HF. Third, to examine the dynamics of renal functioning during and just after acute coronary syndrome (ACS), as well as their predictive value for clinical prognosis. Kidney markers, cystatin C and NGAL, were also related to the coronary atherosclerotic burden in ACS patients by performing intravas-cular ultrasound (IVUS) virtual histology imaging of the patients’ non-culprit coronary vessels, and were related to clinical prognosis as well. Fourth, to evaluate the relationships between guideline-recommended HF medication adjustments and specific biomarker profiles, NYHA functional status and adverse clinical outcomes of patients with chronic HF during their long-term outpatient follow-up. In patients undergoing heart transplantation, we examined the relationship between preoperative right heart hemodynamic parameters and postoperative acute kidney injury. Finally, we used our 23-year long registry data of patients admitted for acute HF to assess the temporal trends of short- and long-term patient survival in relation to the presence of renal dysfunction and anemia

    Environmental study of some metals on several aquatic macrophytes

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    Aquatic macrophytes can be used in the study of quality of water ecosystems and in monitoring of metals and other pollutants. This study was focused on assessment of metals accumulation in certain aquatic macrophytes (biomonitors), in comparison with water and sediment (abiotic monitors) of the lake. Concentrations of Fe, Mn, Cu and Pb were measured in water, sediment and plant samples, namely in stems and leaves of Bidens tripartitus L., Polygonum amphibium L., Lycopus europaeus L. and in roots, stems and leaves of two aquatic plants, Typha angustifolia L. and Typha latifolia L. The concentrations of all investigated metals were higher in sediment than in water. The mean concentrations of metals in macrophytes were sequenced: Fe > Mn > Cu > Pb. This study exhibited different metals concentration in aquatic plants, depending on the plant organ. The highest concentrations of Fe and Pb were recorded in root of T.latifolia L. As means of Mn and Cu, their concentrations were higher in stems and leaves of different investigated species. The application of macrophytes can be possible in finding of solutions for problems of protection, sanation and revitalization of different aquatic ecosystems.Key words: Aquatic macrophytes, metals (Fe, Mn, Cu and Pb), lake contamination

    A novel kcna2 variant in a patient with non-progressive congenital ataxia and epilepsy: Functional characterization and sensitivity to 4-aminopyridine

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    Kv1.2 channels, encoded by the KCNA2 gene, are localized in the central and peripheral nervous system, where they regulate neuronal excitability. Recently, heterozygous mutations in KCNA2 have been associated with a spectrum of symptoms extending from epileptic encephalopathy, intellectual disability, and cerebellar ataxia. Patients are treated with a combination of antiepileptic drugs and 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) has been recently trialed in specific cases. We identified a novel variant in KCNA2, E236K, in a Serbian proband with non-progressive congenital ataxia and early onset epilepsy, treated with sodium valproate. To ascertain the pathogenicity of E236K mutation and to verify its sensitivity to 4-AP, we transfected HEK 293 cells with Kv1.2 WT or E236K cDNAs and recorded potassium currents through the whole-cell patchclamp. In silico analysis supported the electrophysiological data. E236K channels showed voltagedependent activation shifted towards negative potentials and slower kinetics of deactivation and activation compared with Kv1.2 WT. Heteromeric Kv1.2 WT+E236K channels, resembling the condition of the heterozygous patient, confirmed a mixed gain-and loss-of-function (GoF/LoF) biophysical phenotype. 4-AP inhibited both Kv1.2 and E236K channels with similar potency. Homology modeling studies of mutant channels suggested a reduced interaction between the residue K236 in the S2 segment and the gating charges at S4. Overall, the biophysical phenotype of E236K channels correlates with the mild end of the clinical spectrum reported in patients with GoF/LoF defects. The response to 4-AP corroborates existing evidence that KCNA2-disorders could benefit from variant-tailored therapeutic approaches, based on functional studies

    Can Water-Injected Turbomachines Provide Cost-Effective Emissions and Maintenance Reductions?

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    An investigation has been performed to evaluate the effect of water injection on the performance of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB)) experimental trapped vortex combustor (TVC) over a range of fuel-to-air and water-to-fuel ratios. Performance is characterized by combustor exit quantities: temperature and emissions measurements using rakes, and overall pressure drop, from upstream plenum to combustor exit. Combustor visualization is performed using gray-scale and color still photographs and high-frame-rate videos. A parallel investigation evaluated the performance of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool for the prediction of the reacting flow in a liquid fueled combustor (e.g., TVC) that uses water injection for control of pollutant emissions and turbine inlet temperature. Generally, reasonable agreement is found between data and NO(x) computations. Based on a study assessing the feasibility and performance impact of using water injection on a Boeing 747-400 aircraft to reduce NO(x) emissions during takeoff, retrofitting does not appear to be cost effective; however, an operator of a newly designed engine and airframe might be able to save up to 1.0 percent in operating costs. Other challenges of water injection will be discussed

    Uticaj godine na prinos i kvalitet zrna ozimih sorti pšenice

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    The small-scale trials over two years (2009/10th and 2010/11th), examined the six varieties of winter wheat (Vizija, Takovčanka, Kg 56 S, Kruna, Aleksandra and Planeta). Studied grain yield (t ha-1), weight of 1000 grains (g) and test weight (kg hl-1). Estimates were statistically significant differences for grain yield between varieties and years. Cultivars Vizija, Kg 56 S, Takovčanka and the Kruna have conducted surveys have shown a high degree of adaptability conditions of production of wheat and had a satisfactory yield in the examined vegetation seasons.U mikroogledima tokom dve godine (2009/10.-2010/11.), ispitivano je šest sorti ozime pšenice (Vizija, Takovčanka, Kg 56 S, Kruna, Aleksandra i Planeta). Istraživan je prinos zrna (t ha-1), masa 1000 zrna (gr) i hektolitarska masa (kg hl-1). Procenjene su statistički signifikantne razlike za prinos zrna između sorti i godina. Sorte Vizija, Kg 56 S, Takovčanka i Kruna su u sprovedenim ispitivanjima pokazale visok stepen adaptabilnosti uslovima proizvodnje pšenice i imale su zadovoljavajući prinos u ispitivanim godinama

    República: Año III Número 387 - (14/11/33)

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of 26 inflammatory biomarkers (acute phase proteins, cytokines, chemokines) and renal markers with coronary lipid core burden index (LCBI) assessed by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) imaging, as well as the association of these biomarkers with long-term cardiovascular outcome. RECENT FINDINGS: NIRS-derived LCBI has recently been shown to be an independent predictor of major adverse cardiac events (MACE). However, studies on the association between circulating biomarkers and NIRS-derived characteristics have not yet been performed. Between 2008 and 2011, 581 patients underwent diagnostic coronary angiography or percutaneous coronary intervention for stable angina pectoris or acute coronary syndrome (ACS). NIRS of a non-culprit vessel was performed in a subset of 203 patients. In multivariable analyses, TNF-alpha tended to be associated with higher LCBI (beta 0.088 ln (pg/ml) increase per unit LCBI; 95% CI 0.000-0.177, p = 0.05) after adjustment for clinical characteristics. However, this association did not persist after Bonferroni correction (statistical threshold 0.0019). Major adverse cardiac events (MACE) were registered in 581 patients during a median follow-up time of 4.7 years (IQR: [4.2-5.6] years). After adjustment for clinical characteristics and Bonferroni correction, IL-8 (HR 1.60; 95% CI [1.18-2.17] per ln (pg/ml), p = 0.002) was borderline associated with MACE and significantly associated with all-cause mortality or ACS (HR 1.75; 95% CI [1.24-2.48] per ln (pg/ml), p = 0.0015). In conclusion, we found that IL-8 was independently associated with clinical outcome, but altogether, the multiplex panel we investigated here did not render a useful blood biomarker of high LCBI

    Uticaj sezone i genotipa na prinos i kvalitet zrna kod ozimih sorti pšenice

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    The small-scale trials over two years (2011/12th and 2012/13th), examined the six varieties of winter wheat (Vizija, Takovčanka, Planeta, Kruna and Perfekta). Studied grain yield (t ha-1), weight of 1000 grains (g) and test weight (kg hl-1). Estimates were statistically significant differences for grain yield between varieties and years. Cultivars Vizija, Takovčanka and the Planeta have conducted surveys have shown a high degree of adaptability conditions of production of wheat and had a satisfactory yield in the examined vegetation seasons.U mikroogledima tokom dve godine (2011/12.-2012/13.), ispitivano je šest sorti ozime pšenice (Vizija, Takovčanka, Planeta, Kruna i Perfekta). Istraživan je prinos zrna (t ha-1), masa 1000 zrna (gr) i hektolitarska masa (kg hl-1). Procenjene su statistički signifikantne razlike za prinos zrna između sorti i godina. Sorte Vizija, Takovčanka i Planeta su u sprovedenim ispitivanjima pokazale visok stepen adaptabilnosti uslovima proizvodnje pšenice i imale su zadovoljavajući prinos u ispitivanim godinama

    Uticaj mineralne ishrane na prinos ozime pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Investigations were carried out during the 2006/2007 year on stationary field trial, the Center for Small Grains in Kragujevac. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of mineral nutrition on the yield of winter wheat varieties (Lazarica, Takovčanka, Kg 56S, Kg 100 i Ana Morava). For these investigations were conducted two experiments (N1-80 kg ha-1 and N2-120 kg ha-1). Analysis of variance indicates very significant effects of cultivar on the grain yield, 1000-grain weight and test weight. Analysis of variance for the impact of nitrogen rates (N1 and N2) on investigated traits was found that doses of nitrogen in combination with NPK fertilizers significantly affected only on grain yield.Istraživanja su izvedena tokom 2006/2007. godine na stacionarnom poljskom ogledu, Centra za strna žita u Kragujevcu. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj mineralne ishrane na prinos ozime pšenice sorte (Lazarica, Takovčanka, Kg 56S, Kg 100 i Ana Morava). Za ova istraživanja su izvedena dva ogleda (N1-80 kg ha-1 i N2-120 kg ha-1). Analizaom varijanse je utvrđen vrlo visoko značajan uticaj sorte na prinos, masu 1000 zrna i hektolitarsku masu. Analizom varijanse za uticaj doze azota (N1 i N2) na ispitivane osobine utvrđeno je da su doze azota u kombinaciji sa NPK đubrivima značajno uticale samo na prinos zrna