45 research outputs found

    Strategy elements of export improvement in agro-economy of Serbia

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    In forthcoming period, export organizations are going to face tougher competition, which will significantly influence on expectable export effects of their products. This factor must be counted on, and the only way to long-term neutralize the negative effects, based on insufficient competitiveness of domestic goods, is in constant efforts for competitiveness level increment of these products. That is to say, all reserves, primarily in the field of larger productivity and decreasing the production costs have to be engaged in this plan. That implies also certainly slower prices increment, as well as solutions regarding adequate export impulse and relief of export - oriented production, which would certainly help to react more efficient and faster to conditions on foreign market. Regarding comparative advantages, Serbia insufficiently uses even realistic natural possibilities for agricultural products production.agro-economy, strategy, export, cooperation


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    Today, more than ever, development of agriculture leans on science research results and their practical application. Research in the field of agriculture is conducted by large network of public institutions, institutes and universities are mostly directed toward improvement of production. Economical research, at the level of husbandry, market analysis, or analysis and estimations of economic policy is poorly developed. Profitability of agriculture and food industry should be improved and supported by adequate research and application of gained results. Experience acquired in research and education systems of post-communist countries can help these countries change their economy towards knowledge, innovations and new technologies. But, in spite of great number of research workers and successful education system inherited from the communist period, it would be difficult for countries that were part of East Block to turn these potential advantages into commercially successful innovations unless universities and research institutions cooperate closely with private sector, what implies restructuring research system towards adjustment to agro-economy needs.Agro-economy, Cooperation, Performances, Competitiveness, Agribusiness, Community/Rural/Urban Development, International Development, Labor and Human Capital,

    Telemedicine in Dentistry (Teledentistry)

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    Uloga ekološkog savetodavstva u razvoju organske proizvodnje u Srbiji

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    Modern business conditionsrequire establishing a network between economic, social and ecological criteria of resources allocation. Using the ecologicalconsulting, which respects a situational approach in the paper, can make a balance between economic efficiency, socially responsible business and organic production standards.Approaching to the EU market imposes stricter business conditions, which reflect in tougher competition and numerous regulations in the field of the environment protection, protection of producers and consumers, etc.Consequentially, this paper had an ambition to point out to the significance of ecological consulting in the organic production affirmation in Serbia.Savremeni uslovi poslovanja zahtevaju uspostavljanje veze između ekonomskih, socijalnihi ekoloških kriterijuma alokacije resursa. Pomoću ekološkog savetodavstva koje uvažava situacioni pristup u radu može se postići balans između ekonomske efikasnosti, društveno odgovornog poslovanja i standarda organske proizvodnje. Pristupanje tržištu EU nameće strožije uslove poslovanja koji se ogledaju u oštrijoj konkurenciji i brojnim propisima iz oblasti zaštite životne okoline, zaštite proizvođača i potrošača i sl. Posledično, ovaj rad je imao ambiciju da ukaže na značaj ekološkog savetodavstva u afirmaciji organske proizvodnje u Srbiji

    Agrotehnička opremljenost i skladišni kapaciteti u funkciji razvoja voćarsko-vinogradarske proizvodnje u Smederevu

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    The aim is to score agro technical equipment and the development of storage and additional processing capacity on the areas of the city of Smederevo, in order to consider the possibilities for improving fruit and wine production. Agro-technical equipment of farms is not satisfactory in terms of the existing machinery that is old and worn out. Storage and finishing facilities in Smederevo are also underdeveloped. Consequently, you need a large distribution center with a trademark and uniform packaging. At the same time, we should support the purchase of "cold flow" in which the temperature of the pedigrees of agricultural products at a level that is required for transport and export to the international market.Cilj rada je ocena agrotehničke opremljenosti i razvijenosti skladišnih i doradnih kapaciteta na područja grada Smedereva, kako bi se sagledale mogućnosti za unapređenje voćarsko-vinogradarske proizvodnje. Agrotehnička opremljenost poljoprivrednih gazdinstava nije na zavidnom nivou u pogledu postojeće mehanizacije koja je stara i dotrajala. Skladišni i doradni kapaciteti u Smederevu su takođe nedovoljno razvijeni. Shodno tome, potreban je jedan veliki distributivni centar sa zaštitnim znakom i uniformnom ambalažom. Istovremeno, treba podržati kupovinu „protočnih hladnjača” u kojima bi se temperatura poljoprivrednih proizvoda obarala na nivo koji je potreban za transport i izvoz na međunarodno tržište


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    Abstract The aim of this paper is to inform the employees of the agrarian sector in Serbia about the key elements necessary for the effective international marketing activities of the company. Namely, the previous period was dominated by a production orientation which had not respect for market requirements

    Paleolinguistics brings more light on the earliest history of the traditional Eurasian pulse crops

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    Traditional pulse crops such as pea, lentil, field bean, bitter vetch, chickpea and common vetch originate from Middle East, Mediterranean and Central Asia^1^. They were a part of human diets in hunter-gatherers communities^2^ and are one of the most ancient cultivated crops^3,4^. Europe has always been rich in languages^5^, with individual families still preserving common vocabularies related to agriculture^6,7^. The evidence on the early pulse history witnessed by the attested roots in diverse Eurasian proto-languages remains insufficiently clarified and its potential for supporting archaeobotanical findings is still non-assessed. Here we show that the paleolinguistic research may contribute to archaeobotany in understanding the role traditional Eurasian pulse crops had in the everyday life of ancient Europeans. It was found that the Proto-Indo-European language^8,9^ had the largest number of roots directly related to pulses, such as *arnk(')- (a leguminous plant), *bhabh- (field bean), *erəgw[h]- (a kernel of leguminous plant; pea), *ghArs- (a leguminous plant), *kek-, *k'ik'- (pea) and *lent- (lentil)^10,11,12^, numerous words subsequently related to pulses^13,14^ and borrowings from one branch to another^15^, confirming their essential place in the nutrition of Proto-Indo-Europeans^16,17,18^. It was also determined that pea was the most important among Proto-Uralic people^19,20,21^, while pea and lentil were the most significant in the agriculture of Proto-Altaic people^22,23,24^. Pea and bean were most common among Caucasians^25,26^, Basques^27,28^ and their hypothetical common forefathers^29^ and bean and lentil among the Afro-Asiatic ancestors of modern Maltese^30^. Our results demonstrate that pulses were common among the ancestors of present European nations and that paleolinguistics and its lexicological and etymological analysis may be useful in better understanding the earliest days of traditional Eurasian crops. We believe our results could be a basis for advanced multidisciplinary approach to the pulse crop domestication, involving plant scientists, archaeobotanists and linguists, and for reconstructing even earlier periods of pulse history

    Stripes, Vibrations and Superconductivity

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    We propose a model of a spatially modulated collective charge state of superconducting cuprates. The regions of higher carrier density (stripes) are described in terms of Luttinger liquids and the regions of lower density as a two-dimensional interacting bosonic gas of d_{x^2-y^2} hole pairs. The interactions among the elementary excitations are repulsive and the transition to the superconducting state is driven by decay processes. Vibrations of the CCS and the lattice, although not participating directly in the binding mechanism, are fundamental for superconductivity. The superfluid density and the lattice have a strong tendency to modulation implying a still unobserved dimerized stripe phase in cuprates. The phase diagram of the model has a crossover from 1D to 2D behavior and a pseudogap region where the amplitude of the order parameters are finite but phase coherence is not established. We discuss the nature of the spin fluctuations and the unusual isotope effect within the model.Comment: 51 pages, 20 figures. Post-March Meeting version: New references are added, some of the typos are corrected, and a few new discussions are include

    Analysis of Consulting Support Program for Companies in Serbia

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    The main purpose for building market economy is rise the total efficiency of trade and improvement of companies` business performances. Consulting organizations help companies to realize their aims, solve business problems, identify and use new possibilities, increase their knowledge and implement suggested changes. Purpose of consulting is often defined as professional assistance in identification, diagnosis and solving problems dealing with many areas and aspects of running companies and business

    The Role of Consultancy in Development of the Smalland Medium Firms in Serbia

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    Small and medium firms are important economic power that contribute to increse the volume of employment and flexibility of the economy by adjusting rapid market changes. Those running firms know the present-day business concepts and they must be ready to institute changes. Consultancy is one of the most important factors of effective location of company resources and improving business practice. A prosperous establishment, financing and expansing of small and medium firms calls necessarily for an appropriate consultancy service and institutional infracture