27 research outputs found

    Towards Dilated Placement of Dynamic NoC Cores

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    Instead of mapping application task graphs in a compact manner onto reconfigurable devices using a network-on-chip for interconnecting application cores, we propose dilating the mappings as much as the available latencies on critical connections allow. In a dilated mapping, the unused resources between an application\u27s configured components can be used to provide additional flexibility when the configuration needs to change. We motivate the reasons for dilating application task graphs targeted at reconfigurable devices; derive a simulated annealing approach to dilating the placement of such graphs; and present preliminary results of applying the algorithm to synthetic test cases. The method appears to result in successful and meaningful graph dilation and could be further tuned to satisfy desired power constraints

    Distributed Control Strategy of Single-Phase Battery Systems for Compensation of Unbalanced Active Powers in a Three-Phase Four-Wire Microgrid

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    Unbalanced active powers can affect power quality and system reliability due to high penetration and uneven allocation of single-phase photovoltaic (PV) rooftop systems and load demands in a three-phase four-wire microgrid. This paper proposes a distributed control strategy to alleviate the unbalanced active powers using distributed single-phase battery storage systems. In order to balance the unbalanced active powers at the point of common coupling (PCC) in a distributed manner, the agents (households’ single-phase battery storage systems) must have information on the active powers and phases. Inspired by supervised learning, a clustering approach was developed to use labels in order to match the three-phase active powers at the PCC with the agents’ phases. This enables the agent to select the correct active power data from the three-phase active powers. Then, a distributed power balancing control strategy is applied by all agents to compensate the unbalanced active powers. Each agent calculates the average grid power based on information received from its neighbours so that all agents can then cooperatively operate in either charging or discharging modes to achieve the compensation. As an advantage, the proposed distributed control strategy offers the battery owners flexibility to participate in the strategy. Case studies comparing performance of local, centralized, and the proposed distributed strategy on a modified IEEE-13-bus test system with real household PV powers and load demands are provided