1,362 research outputs found

    Asset-based measurement of poverty

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    Poverty is generally defined as income or expenditure insufficiency, but the economic condition of a household also depends on its real and financial asset holdings. This paper investigates measures of poverty that rely on indicators of household net worth. We review and assess two main approaches followed in the literature: income-net worth measures and asset-poverty. We provide fresh cross-national evidence based on data from the Luxembourg Wealth Study.poverty indicators, income, wealth

    Geomorphological hazard and tourist vulnerability along Portofino Park trails (Italy)

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    International audienceThe many trails existing in the coastal area of Portofino Promontory are used by tourists for trekking or as pathways to small villages and beaches. The aim of this paper is to define geomorphological hazard and tourist vulnerability in this area, within the framework of the management and planning of hiking activities in Portofino Natural Park. In particular, processes triggered by gravity, running waters and wave motion, affecting the slopes and the cliff, are considered. The typology of the trails and trail maintenance are also taken into account in relation to weather conditions that can make the excursion routes dangerous for tourists. In conclusion, an operative model is applied for the definition of possible risk scenarios. This model is founded on an inventory and the quantification of geomorphological hazards and tourist vulnerability, in comparison with trail rescue data. The model can be applied to other environments and tourist areas

    A study on the quality of einkorn (Triticum monococcum L. ssp. monococcum) pasta

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    The continuous increase of pasta consumption is favoured by the availability of new products, manufactured from non-traditional cereals. Einkorn is a diploid relative of durum and bread wheats, appreciated for its high protein, carotenoid and tocol contents, and for its excellent organoleptic characteristics. Aim of this research was to assess its suitability for pasta production and the quality of its products. The dry einkorn pasta differed from durum wheat pasta for most of the traits, including dimensions, carotenoids content, colour and image analysis parameters. During cooking the pasta from einkorn flours was significantly less firm but had lower cooking losses, probably for a better structure of the gluten matrix. Compression-extrusion tests evidenced, at equal cooking times, significant differences between pasta samples. Among einkorns, ID331 and SAL98-32 showed firmness values similar to durum wheat pasta. Pasta manufacturing led to a significant decrease in lutein and a limited increase in heat damage, but cooking did not induce any further changes. Overall, einkorn pasta had similar technological characteristics but better nutritional value than the control durum wheat pasta

    Physico‐chemical and nutritional characteristics of einkorn flour cookies

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    Einkorn (Triticum monococcum L.) is a diploid wheat whose kernels are rich in proteins, carotenoids, tocols, phenolic acids, and trace minerals. Our research analyzed the physico\u2010chemical and nutritional characteristics of einkorn cookies prepared from refined flour of two einkorns (ID1395 and Monlis) and one common wheat (Blasco). The traits analyzed were color, size, and surface texture (Image Analysis); inner texture (Bending and Penetration tests); carotenoids and tocols content and composition; furosine, glucosylisomaltol, and hydroxymethylfurfural as heat damage indices (HPLC). Einkorn cookies were thinner, larger, slightly darker, with smoother surface, and higher breaking resistance than the control cookies. Furthermore, they had more carotenoids (5.0 vs. 2.2 mg/kg DM) and showed less heat damage (188.5 vs. 242.4 mg furosine/100 g protein) than common wheat cookies. Room\u2010temperature storage under dark in sealed plastic containers led to a decrease in lutein (8%\u201317%) and furosine (20%) and an increase in hardness, especially in einkorn cookies. Practical applications To satisfy the ever\u2010increasing interest of the consumers in foods with better nutritional characteristics, the food industry is continuously exploring new formulations. Einkorn is a very promising candidate because of the outstanding composition of its flour. However, little information is available on sweet\u2010baked goods from einkorn. Our results clearly demonstrate that this wheat is perfect, from both the technological and the composition aspects, for preparing high nutritional value cookies with better nutraceutical properties than standard bread wheat cookies. Therefore, the food industry can directly use einkorn as an input ingredient for sweet\u2010baked goods using current production methods

    Matilda’s castles, northern Apennines: geological and geomorphological constrains

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    The positioning and construction of castles in ancient times responded not only to strategic opportunity, but also to the issue of geomorphological risk. We investigated castles and strongholds built in the era of the Great Countess Matilda of Canossa in part of the northern Apennines (Italy), in order to study the relationship between their positioning and the distribution of geomorphological and geological hazards. We observe how the location of castles follows clear patterns of avoidance of potential hazards: castles are kept far from the main fault systems and stream networks, and are mainly at a safe distance from landslide- and badlands-susceptible terrains. The knowledge of Medieval communities on landscape hazards was sufficiently advanced to minimise risks, while maintaining the strategic value of fortifications

    49Cr: Towards full spectroscopy up to 4 MeV

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    The nucleus 49Cr has been studied analysing gamma-gamma coincidences in the reaction 46Ti(alpha,n)49Cr at the bombarding energy of 12 MeV. The level scheme has been greatly extended at low excitation energy and several new lifetimes have been determined by means of the Doppler Shift Attenuation Method. Shell model calculations in the full pf configuration space reproduce well negative-parity levels. Satisfactory agreement is obtained for positive parity levels by extending the configuration space to include a nucleon-hole either in the 1d3/2 or in the 2s1/2 orbitals. A nearly one-to-one correspondence is found between experimental and theoretical levels up to an excitation energy of 4 MeV. Experimental data and shell model calculations are interpreted in terms of the Nilsson diagram and the particle-rotor model, showing the strongly coupled nature of the bands in this prolate nucleus. Nine values of K(pi) are proposed for the levels observed in this experiment. As a by-result it is shown that the values of the experimental magnetic moments in 1f7/2 nuclei are well reproduced without quenching the nucleon g-factors.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Urban geomorphology of Genoa old city (Italy)

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    A multi-year geomorphological surveys of the city of Genoa allowed the creation of an original geomorphological map of the urban environment. The city of Genoa is internationally known for the importance of its port and for the presence of a historic city center recognized as an UNESCO World Heritage since 2006. The research methodology was based on the structuring and analysis of a multi-source geodatabase consisting of information acquired from scientific literature and technical reports, historical and recent photographs and maps, geological and environmental data related to land planning plans, original data from field surveys. Work phases of data elaboration included: 1) a multi-temporal cartographic comparison from the eighteenth-century to year 2016; 2) an analysis of aerial photographs in the period 1936-2016; 3) the interpretation of boreholes data; 4) both surface and underground geomorphological observations within the city centre, by means of field surveys and speleological techniques. The recognition of the former geomorphological setting on which the historical nucleus of Genoa has developed, and the interpretation of its paleogeographic, geological and tectonic conditions, are not an easy task: since the High Middle Ages of the Maritime Republic of Genoa, the superposition of multiple phases of urban sprawl has obliterated original geomorphic conditions. However, interpretation of the rich geodatabase allowed to classify landforms, processes and surficial deposits with respect to their original environment and morphogenesis, i.e due to: running waters, gravity, karst, action of the sea; but, above all, due to human activities. In fact, the entire study area has undergone continuous modifications by man through the all considered time interval, as shown by artificial land fillings at the seaside, alteration of the river network, excavations and fills on the slopes, with the highlighting of significant anthropogenic urban landforms. The geomorphological map support both a morpho-evolutionary and a functional approach to the geomorphological landscape the of Genoa old city: therefore, it can be a useful tool for land planning, also aimed at reducing the geo-hydrological risk that characterizes the urban area


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    L’ambiente naturale di alcuni particolari ambiti geografici Ăš in rapida evoluzione non solo per quanto riguarda le sue variabili, legate alle tendenze climatiche in atto, ma anche in relazione all’aumentata frequentazione turistica. La maggiore diffusione dei mezzi di risalita in montagna e di navigazione lungo le coste, rende possibile l’accesso anche a siti altrimenti difficilmente raggiungibili: ciĂČ porta ad un contatto rapido e diretto con ambienti talvolta mutevoli in tempi brevi. La crescente richiesta di una maggiore conoscenza dell’ambiente naturale, che si esplica per lo piĂč attraverso la frequentazione della rete sentieristica, implica la necessitĂ  di abbinare alle proposte di percorsi ed itinerari, note illustrative e carte tematiche di immediata lettura, che evidenzino sia i siti di interesse naturalistico - culturale sia le possibili situazioni di rischio e di difficoltĂ  di percorrenza degli itinerari stessi. Esistono infatti alcuni elementi morfologici del territorio che di per sĂ© non costituiscono una pericolositĂ  in senso stretto ma che, a seconda delle capacitĂ  del fruitore, possono essere fonte indiretta di danno, in quanto rendono difficile l’attraversamento di alcuni punti specifici o la percorrenza di particolari tratti di sentiero. Contemporaneamente la stagionalitĂ  in alcune regioni climatiche e la variabilitĂ  meteorologica possono incrementare sia la pericolositĂ  sia la vulnerabilitĂ  e di conseguenza il rischio per il frequentatore. Obiettivo del presente lavoro Ăš quello di proporre una simbologia adeguata da inserire sulle carte dei sentieri, e piĂč specificatamente su quelle geoturistiche, per una rapida e facile identificazione di specifiche situazioni riscontrabili lungo itinerari: questi simboli, che dovranno riferirsi solo alla percorribilitĂ  dell’itinerario e non alla valorizzazione naturalistica dello stesso, andranno rappresentati su base topografica separata, al fine di non appesantire la lettura dell’elaborato cartografico principale e dovranno fornire solo informazioni oggettive che saranno poi interpretate dal fruitore dell’itinerario. La simbologia e le note terranno conto sia delle caratteristiche costanti dei sentieri che degli elementi variabili, in funzione anche delle condizioni climatiche o stagionali, a seconda dei diversi ambienti interessati

    Papia civitas gloriosa: urban geomorphology for a thematic itinerary on geocultural heritage in Pavia (Central Po Plain, N Italy)

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    The interaction between geomorphological processes and anthropogenic activities produces an impressive association of geomorphological and archaeological heritage in urban contexts. We analyzed the urban geomorphology and the geo- and cultural heritage in the town of Pavia (N Italy). The city is located in a strategic position, on a series of fluvial terraces where the Romans founded a colony, probably in the place of an Iron Age Gaul settlement. In Medieval Times and the Modern Era, Pavia sprawled outside the Roman walls, creating new urban areas and modifying the landscape. Geomorphological and GIS-spatial analyses integrated with anthropic landform surveying, archaeological data and historical cartography were performed. This multi-disciplinary approach allowed an investigation into how urban development was firstly adapted and then superimposed onto fluvial landforms. As a result, a flexible geocultural itinerary is proposed for linking geoheritage with cultural heritage, and for disseminating urban geomorphology key-concepts
